Adrianna was motivated with the way Professor Ziu was encouraging her. She smiled at Professor Ziu and said, "Okay, I will participate. Teach me all that you can for the competition." 

Even more than Professor Ziu, it was Professor Gregory who was jumping for joy. "Ho ho, my dear child. I will teach you the most intricate skills and spells of the wizard world." Having said that, he went back to the desk and opened a thick book. 

Professor Ziu grinned at Professor Gregory and then looked at Adrianna with appreciation in his deep blue eyes. 

Liam was asked to remain outside of the classroom as usual. 

The class started and Professor Gregory started teaching Adrianna some of the most powerful magic spells that were not normally taught to the students. 

"Adrianna, the death spell is not normally taught to students for obvious reasons," said Professor Gregory. "Not just anyone can be trusted with this spell; even many in the ministry don't know about this spell's existence.

"But how will you teach me then?" she asked again. "I mean, it has to be cast on someone... right?" 

"Yes." Professor Ziu snapped his fingers and pots and pots of plants appeared in front of them. "You will be practicing on these first."

Adrianna looked at the green lush plants and her heart became soft. 

"Where is your wand?" asked Professor Gregory. 

She dug inside her pockets and took her wand out with a lot of care. Her face became tender as she took it out. Ziu noticed her face and said, "Every wizard and witches' wand is the most dear pet animal they have ever been connected with. That is why, right from the beginning, wizards and witches are encouraged to keep pets. It is very important that you have an emotional connection with your wand in order to maximize the effect of your magic. Don't ever let your wand break. Think of it as your extended arm; that way, whatever magic you cast will then have best results."

Adrianna nodded. She looked at her wand, exhaled, and said, "I am ready." 

Professor Gregory smiled and said, "I will start with a less dangerous spell for now. It will make the plants dry completely."

He moved his wand in the air, making a cross sign in the air, as he spoke, "Menzaphlis!" As soon as those words left his mouth, a greyish black light emitted from the wand and surrounded the plants. When the light cleared, the plants were all dried up. Adrianna was shocked. She felt so bad that she pointed at all of them and they all became green again. "Professor Gregory, that spell is cruel!" she said.

Instead of listening to her, Professor Gregory was wondering how she could bring something back to life after it had already died. He had never seen this kind of magic. He turned from Adrianna to look at Ziu who seemed equally as stunned. 

"How did you do that?" Professor Gregory asked. 

"What?" she asked. 

"Bring them back to life."

"I just thought about it and pointed my finger..." 

Professor Gregory was enthusiastic; he couldn't wait to teach her all of the spells he knew. She was truly gifted and it was important that no one should find out about her capabilities before she was crowned. 

For the next hour, she was taught various variations of the same spell and practiced them. Adrianna would revive everything back to life whenever something died, much to Professor Gregory and Professor Ziu's amazement. Professor Gregory would applaud her every time she brought them back to life. He was eagerly waiting for her to learn the death spell and see whether she could revive a dead man. 

By the end of the day, they were all exhausted and were packing up their things when Professor Ziu turned to professor Gregory and said, "Quick!" 

To Adrianna's disbelief, professor Gregory disappeared, instantly leaving no trace of the man and all the things that he had piled in the classroom. Before she could ask what was happening, Ilsa entered the room with Liam following her. 

"Professor Ziu, what are you doing in this room? Don't you know that this room has long since been locked after that incident?" Ilsa shouted. 

Professor Ziu very calmly said, "I know ma'am, but I wanted to bring Adrianna here because I wanted to teach her spells without any disturbances. In the class below, I am regularly disturbed with so many students repeatedly peeping in the classroom." 

Ilsa looked at him and pursed her lips. "Who asked you to show your true self?" Having said that, she turned around and headed out, "You have to find another room; this won't work. Professor Gregory is dead and we wouldn't want to disturb his soul. This room shall remain closed."

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