Adrianna eyes became wide with horror when she came to know that Professor Gregory was dead. Goosebumps lined her skin when she heard the news. She looked at Professor Ziu for explanation, but he was as cold as stone. She didn't know how to even react. When Ilsa left, Adrianna stuttered, "D- dead? A dead professor was here teaching me death spells? Professor Ziu, what is going on?"

Adrianna was spooked. In her entire life, she had never ever interacted with the dead. 

Ziu inhaled deeply. "Adrianna, Professor Gregory was the best wizard in the kingdom. He was very learned and a wise professor. He invented many types of deadly spells as well as protection spells. Unfortunately, while inventing one of his spells, it backfired and he died. With so much knowledge, he was able to keep his spirit attached to this world. He died long before you were born, but when he died, he heard a prophecy that only one person in this world could ever revive him." 

"So you brought me here, not to learn about those deadly spells, but because you want me to revive Professor Gregory? All of this was for your own personal agenda and not because you wanted to help me to prepare for the competition?" asked Adrianna, becoming furious at his selfish reasons. 

''Adrianna, the competition is not easy. Learning how to cast and deflect death spells is essential because you never know which student or adversary may throw something similar towards you! And no one would know better than Professor Gregory how to teach you these skills."

Ziu stopped, took a deep breath again, and, with an exasperated face, said, "Why is it that I have to explain everything to you? Can you just trust me for once?" 

Adrianna sighed. The days ahead were only becoming more and more complicated. "Adrianna…" she heard Professor Gregory's voice. She turned around sharply to face him and found him sitting on his table. 

"Ho ho. Don't be scared of me. For now, I just want to teach you all those spells. Only after I do so will I get my salvation."

"Salvation?" she asked. Now what?

"Your mother, Shira, is my granddaughter… and the best disciple I have ever had the honor of teaching…"

"What?" This came as another shock to Adrianna, making her head reel. 

Professor Gregory smiled as he got down from the desk. "Yes, dear child… she knew all of the spells... I will let you know all the details some other time." He moved closer to Adrianna and stroked her hair, but all she could feel was coldness above her head. She couldn't feel his hand. "You are very precious. All I want is for you to take care of yourself. I don't want to stay all that long in this world. My only wish was to see you. Once I impart all of my knowledge to you, I will leave."

Adrianna looked at her great-grandfather. "What a strange day," she thought. She had finally found one blood relative, only to find that he was also dead. If she could, she wanted to bring him back to life. The sudden rush of emotions made her eyes well up. What rotten luck she had when it came to who her blood relatives were.

She looked up at him, but he had faded into the air. She looked at Professor Ziu who was watching her intently. 

"Let's do it Professor Ziu," she said, holding her head high with determination.

Ziu smiled and they exited the room.

"How are we going to come back to this place if Ilsa has ordered for it to remain shut?" she asked Ziu.

"I wish we could do this at the royal palace, but that would only attract attention…" 

"I know of a place," said Liam. 

Both of them turned to look at him with bewilderment. How could Liam know of things in this world?

"Fleur and I meet there sometimes... It is very secluded place in the academy," he said proudly. 

"You have time to meet Fleur? I thought you were supposed to guard me exclusively!" said Adrianna with a smirk. 

"It's not my fault! Fleur just... holds my hand, and we get sucked into some vortex. We always end up in a room where... where…" 

"Where, what?" asked Adrianna with a raised eyebrow even though she knew the answer fully well. 

Liam turned red. Ziu laughed at him as Adrianna shook her head. 

"I think I have imprinted on her," said Liam while scratching the back of his head like a small child who had been caught stealing. 

"Where is this place?" asked Ziu. He knew each and every nook and corner of the academy. What could this place be?

"I will have to ask Fleur, but it is a room with black floors and lots of enigmatic woodwork. It is beautiful, like a modern hotel room in the human realm." 

"Oh!" Professor Ziu exclaimed. "That is the guest house for royal children. Only royals can enter that place... How did you two enter?" asked Ziu suspiciously. 

Liam became nervous upon realizing that he had given away Fleur's secret. "Please don't say anything to Fleur. Please…" he pleaded Ziu, almost begging him. 

"Then tell me how you guys enter." 

"She uses the royal seal that she took from the royal palace..." he replied with guilt in his voice.

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