Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 234 - Second Stage Of The Competition (3)

Raz sharpened some arrows and tied a strong flexible branch across to make a good bow. He pulled the string in order to see its strength. He smiled at his success and looked at Adrianna, who was also making a bow. When she had made it, both of them laughed mildly at each other. 

"Let's go," Raz said. They left their backpacks in the shelter and walked towards the place Raz had mentioned. It was higher up and they had tough time going there. It was noon and Adrianna couldn't help but think that she had to find the inn. 

It took them twenty minutes to reach the spot. 

"There's nothing here," exclaimed Adrianna feeling that she had wasted her time. 

Suddenly Raz gestured her to stay quiet. He pulled her behind a pine tree. They saw a herd of deer walking magestically in that snow. There were no more than seven of them but they looked beautiful against the backdrop of snow. Raz put his arrow on the bow and pulled it making a twang sound. 

"I'd hate to see them die," whispered Adrianna with a sad expression. 

Then she looked towards Raz. He had pointed his arrow at her. "How about you die?" 

Adrianna stared at him. Raz's eyes were blazing. They looked like that of a maniac. He licked his lips and said, "We've been trying to eliminate you from such a long time, but you have some survival skills."

"You are insane," Said Adrianna as she started to walk backwards. 

"No, I am just another assassin in his army."

"Whose army's?"

Raz laughed. "Army of the person who would rule the wizard kingdom."

Raz pointed his arrow at her and pulled the string. "Finally I get the chance to kill you, bitch! Imagine the glory I will achieve."

Adrianna started running away from him. 

"Run, bitch, run!" Raz pulled the arrow and shot in her direction after allowing her to run a few meters away.

Adrianna ducked as she saw it coming in her direction. "Raz stop it," she shouted as the arrow missed her. But Raz had pulled another one. Adrianna was extremely angry. She growled menacingly at him. 

Instead of of running away from him, she started running towards him and shape shifted as she leapt in air and landed right on him. She pinned him to the ground with her paws. Raz was horrified as he looked into the golden yellow eyes of Adrianna. Everything happened in a matter of few seconds. Raz didn't get a chance to understand what had happened. Adrianna growled at him. All of a sudden she saw that he had taken out a knife from his belt and was about to attack her. Adrianna had just pinned him only to scare him, but he was on a spree to kill her. As he tried to raise his hand, Adrianna caught it in her jaws and squashed it. 

"Ahhhhh" he cried as blood started pouring out and his bones cracked. 

Adrianna lifted his body with her jaws and threw him high in air. Raz landed on soft snow all bloodied. He was shouting and crying in pain.

Adrianna shape shifted and looked at him in anger. "Who sent you?" She asked him again.

But Raz was in so much pain that he howled, "Ahhhh you bitch, you have killed me!" 

Adriannashook her head. "If you won't tell me here, I will come hunting for you and then you won't find a place to hide." She took out her flare and fired it in air. Immediately a portal opened. A professor stepped out. Without asking anything, he took Raz away, which Adrianna found strange. 

Adrianna felt very sad for being betrayed by Raz. She walked back to the shelter. Who could be the person behind it? She wondered. When she reached the shelter, she found Lile and two of her friends from the potion class eating the cake from Raz's bag. 

Sensing movement, Lile and others stood up with their knives. Adrianna emerged from behind the shelter. She smiled at them but when they looked at her, they were horrified. Her hand was covered in blood. Like forgot everything about their fight and she ran to Adrianna. "What happened Adrianna?"


"Why is there blood on your hands?"

"It's nothing," Adrianna dismissed as she looked around for water to wash her hands. 

"Use snow for now. We will go to wash your hand in a small stream I saw down the slope," said one of the boys.

Adrianna looked at him with wide eyes. "Where's the stream?"

"It's a mile from here, I think," he said as he pointed in that direction. "I think there's a waterfall somewhere around...

Adrianna picked her backpack quickly. She dashed out of the shelter. 

"Where are you going?" Shouted Lile from behind.

Adrianna didn't answer. She headed for the cave entrance.

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