Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 235 - Second Stage Of The Competition (4)

"Adrianna, stop. Where are you going?" shouted Lile from behind as she also ran after her. Lile managed to catch up with Adrianna soon since the ice was too soft in the area and walking in it was problematic. 

"Adrianna, first clean your hands," Lile insisted as she held Adrianna's backpack to stop her. 

"Lile, leave me, will you? I am in a great hurry!" 

"Hurry for what? There are so many activities that need to be finished and if we do them together, we will be able to finish them fast," insisted Lile. 

"I will come back later to you all, but right now I have to go, so don't come after me!" Adrianna yelled at Lile. She was finding her irritating. 

Lile crossed her hands across her chest and said, "Fine, off you go, but first clean your hands." Lile picked some snow and put it around Adrianna's hands so that the blood is soaked. 

"Ouch!" Adrianna cried feeling ticklish. "Are you trying to kill me?" 

"Just keep still, you fool!" chided Lile as Adrianna tried to smile at her friend in between feeling chilly on her hands. 

Although most of it was cleaned, some traces were still left. Satisfied, Lile let go of Adrianna. "There, you are done. Now go. By the way, when will you come back? And how will you come back? There is so much wilderness all around here that it is easy to lose your way…"

Adrianna smiled yet again at her friend. "Sorry for being mean yesterday."

Lile laughed and replied, "It's okay. Just don't forget your way." 

Adrianna nodded and then asked, "Which direction did you guys see the stream?"

"It is down the slope, less than a mile away. But why is so important to you?"

Adrianna shook her head and left her without answering the question. Lile saw her going down the slope and narrowed her eyes. She turned to go towards the shelter, as cold breeze started blowing. Soon light snow started to fall – soft, white crystals. It looked lovely. 

Adrianna walked down the slope slowly in order to avoid accidents as the snow fell around her. She looked up at the sky and prayed to the wolf spirits that the snowfall end soon. However, the snowfall only became thicker and soon it turned into a blizzard. Adrianna walked backwards into the blizzard, turning to check her path once in a while. She felt the ice pellets bouncing from her fur jacket. 

The path in front was becoming unclear by the minute and she stood there for a minute. The soft snow crystals that were bouncing off her jacket now found their way inside in every possible way. They gathered around her neck and between the fabric that flapped at the front. As a werewolf, she didn't feel so cold, but she was getting hindered by the strong blizzard. Somehow she managed to keep walking.

She had to survive and reach the cave entrance. She must have walked down the slope for over an hour, but there was no sign of the stream. The blizzard had stopped thankfully and Adrianna was extremely tired. There was not much time left for the night to fall, only a few hours. Did Lile tell her the right way? Perhaps she heard them wrong… So many possibilities were going through her mind. Surely, Lile couldn't have given her wrong directions… Adrianna smacked her forehead for thinking stupid. But then where was the waterfall they were talking about? She felt helpless and confused. It was turning out to be some adventure for her. 

Tired, she stopped and looked all around her. There were only snow covered mountains – not a soul could be seen… She felt lonely… If she were to die, no one would even help her, as she had used the flare gun she had on Raz. 

Adrianna cleared the ice that had settled on her neck and then started walking further down. Suddenly she spotted a beast coming towards her. Its brown skin against the white backdrop appeared like a speck from far away. Adrianna took out her knife, as she kept standing there rooted to her place. It was stupid to move anywhere else since the beast would have more advantage compared to her in its home. 

Minutes later the beast came closer looking larger than a speck, and Adrianna noticed that it was running at a high speed in this deep snow. She took her knife out, ready to attack it. She watched it with keen eyes. 

In the next few minutes, as Adrianna waited for the beast, she saw that it had reduced it speed and was now walking towards her. 

"Mun!" Adrianna shouted as she realized that the beast was none other than Mun, Ed's pet. "What are you doing here Mun?" asked Adrianna as Mun came near her and leaned his face into her hands.

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