Deba's wife was able to meet the Supreme Alpha a week later. She told him about the entire situation. Dmitri called his betas to know what had transpired but they couldn't come up with any explanation. No amount of search yielded positive results. They had searched the entire forest because that was where he was seen last. No one even thought of going to the human realm. His sudden disappearance made Dmitri implement his orders all the more strictly. No one would go out of the Werewolf Realm and if they had to, it had to be for very urgent matters and that too after they had taken special permissions. 

At the same time according to what Adrianna had said, Dmitri went to meet Niiya to talk about cleaning and purifying the waters of the lake. This time he didn't go to his house but a formal meeting was arranged and that too with tight security. No one was informed about it and only four people attended the meeting—Dmitri, Nate, Niiya and a biologist who didn't know anything about the Werewolf Realm. All he knew was that he had to help the residents staying near the lake to cleanse the lake. Interestingly, even though he was a government assigned person, he demanded money, and a lot of it. 

"One million dollars only to clean the lake? That is a lot," Dmitri retorted in anger. 

"I am the top biologist in this field. If the area of the lake that you are talking about is that huge, it is going to cost you. It's not that I am going to do it alone," he replied calmly. 

Dmitri stared at him but ultimately had to agree. That was the most essential thing to do. 

The meeting got over soon. The biologist said he would send the contract within the next two days. 

When Dmitri and Nate were about to leave, Niiya said, "How is Ookashi doing?" 

"She is good?" Nate replied. 

"Mother and I wanted to meet her."

"I don't think that would be a good idea, Niiya," Nate said. 

He had told everything about the war to Ookashi and also about her father's treachery. When Ookashi heard that, she felt so ashamed of her father that for two days she was under depression. There were many in the pack who looked at her with suspicious eyes and had stopped talking to her. Women would gossip about her and her family. She had become a traitor's daughter overnight even though she hadn't done anything, even though she wasn't a part of any of the schemes. Ever since she had become pregnant with Nate's child, she had only focused on her baby and her husband. But the last few days she had confined herself to her house. And Nate was dejected to see her in this state. There was nothing he could do for his mate that would cheer her. 

Niiya lowered his head. After a pause, he said softly, "Is it possible that she meets mother? Mother has been asking me for a long time now." 

"Okay, I will ask her," Nate said. 

The two of them left. 


Inyanga had left the Wizard Kingdom after that night with Haldir. Haldir was extremely disappointed. In the end he begged her to stay back but she declined. 

Enya and Shang Kui also left for their kingdoms. Adrianna asked Enya as to what she would need as a return of the favor. Enya shook her head. "I don't need anything Adrianna. It was such a pleasure to be with you and see you all. It was a great break from my daily duties. However, I would love to visit your place again." 

"Anytime," said Adrianna and hugged her. No one could imagine this side of Enya's character. 

Before going Shang Kui said, "I am glad that four Wizard Kingdom rulers came together. At least now we know better about each other." 

Adrianna nodded with a smile. She knew she would miss all of them. 


In the Wizard Kingdom, one evening Adrianna along with Nefasky and Lenny disguised as commoners and went to the Wizard Mall in the center of the realm.

Although Nefasky walked with Adrianna casually, she was extremely cautious. She had brought the entire security along with her who was walking at a distance and was watchful. 

The entire time Lenny stayed with Adrianna and advised her on what to buy for her wardrobe. She had done her research nicely in order to impress Adrianna. Her brother had brought several magazines from the human realm on this matter. Adrianna did take her advice. They bought a lot of dresses and ordered a few, which Lenny said that she would pick them later for her. Finally, the shopping got over in three hours and Adrianna went back to the palace. She was so happy and relaxed that she spent her time like a normal person. She cherished those three hours with her friends. Those were the kind of memories she wanted to make, even if they were a rarity. 

Weekend came soon and Adrianna had to go to the Werewolf Realm for the celebrations. Her troupe consisted of her personal security guards and Lenny. Dmitri had informed her that only the werewolves were going to be present in the festivities and there was already a large circle of his guards, so it wasn't necessary for her to bring much security. She was his Luna and he would protect her with his life. But Adrianna had invited Haldir and Isidorus too out of formality. However, Haldir bowed out. He was dying to meet Inyanga and took this opportunity to go to her kingdom. 

Lenny informed Kenai about the entire program. 

"We will be leaving with Adrianna's personal bodyguards in the evening at 5PM. This is our only chance to abduct a few werewolves. We will not get this opportunity again. I hope you have something in your mind," Lenny said. 

Kenai nodded with a wide grin. "Yes Lenny, I have prepared everything. Just let me know where the portal is being created." 

"It will be created in the front gardens of the royal palace. But how will you come to the palace? It isn't easy. Also I have heard that they have become extremely strict about entry into the werewolf realm. Also the Mozias in her security team are a ferocious lot being specially picked by Haldir."

"I have an idea," said Kenai. "But once we reach there, we need to be quick." 

When the time came to go, Lenny met Adrianna in the garden. She was carrying a small suitcase in which Kenai was lying unconscious as a small rabbit wrapped in layers of clothes. Lenny had to bring him to consciousness as soon as possible else he risked dying inside. She had only thirty minutes with her. Her hands were clammy when Kenai had told her about his plan but that was the best possible way to smuggle him out. The siblings had alerted their team on the outskirts of the forest to wait for them and keep everything ready for the sacrifice ceremony. 

The portal was created and Adrianna stepped in. Others followed the Queen with Lenny being the last one to enter. A thin line of sweat trickled down her spine when she walked out of the portal. 

They all straightaway walked into the Manor's gardens. Lenny kept her distance to be as insignificant as she could be. Once they reached inside the main hall, she enquired about the washroom quietly. A servant guided her to the guest room.

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