Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 495 - The Sacrifice (1)

Lenny closed the door as soon as the servant left. She rushed to open her suitcase in order to bring her brother out. Only ten minutes remained and if she didn't help her brother back to consciousness, he would die. As she was opening the suitcase, a knock on the door disturbed her. Her eyes became so wide that the white inside them showed around the entire iris. She zipped the bag quickly with shaky hands cursing the person under breath who knocked on the door. Lenny nearly ran to the door and opened it in anger. To her utter surprise she saw Adrianna standing there. Her eyes became fixated on her. She wondered if Adrianna had somehow discovered about her schemes.

"H- Hi Adrianna," she stammered. 

"Is everything okay?" Adrianna asked, her brows forming a crease. 

"Oh yes!" Lenny replied with a nervous tone. Her hands were so clammy that they were slipping on the handle of the door. 

"You look as if you have seen a ghost!" Adrianna remarked. Lenny was looking so ashen faced that Adrianna thought for a moment that she would faint.

"It's nothing. I think I need a shower. It had been a busy day with mother and Kenai," replied Lenny waving her hand and letting out a tense chuckle. 

"Okay," Adrianna said with a smile. "I came to check upon you. If you need any help, you can tell the servants here. See you soon for the function." 

Lenny bobbed her head vigorously. "Yeah! See you soon."

Adrianna left and Lenny closed the door quietly. Once again she rushed to the suitcase, unzipped it and took the rabbit out. She removed all the layers of clothing around it, placed it on the bed and brought her wand forward to bring Kenai back to his original form. The wand emitted black smoke and covered the rabbit on all sides. It swirled around it and soon Kenai was up on the bed coughing and choking. He sucked in lots of air in his lungs and wheezed. 

Lenny sat on the edge of the bed with relaxed muscles. There was lightness in her chest as she left her arms loose. She reclined on her arms with closed eyes. "Phew! That was close," she said remembering that she had only five minutes to bring him back to life.

"What took you so long?" Kenai scolded her after settling down. 

"I did whatever I could as soon as possible. Adrianna was there on the door moments ago and we were this close to being exposed," Lenny retorted. 

"That bitch!" Kenai clenched his jaws. "After today, I will make sure that she dies." 

"Kenai, do what you have to do fast. We don't have much time left. The function will start in two hours from now and I need to be present there. I don't want her to be suspicious about me. So take all the werewolves you can from here and get out!" 

"What do you mean? Won't you join us for the sacrificial ceremony?" Kenai's eyes narrowed. 

"I will, once you give me the signal," she said. How could she miss the sacrifice? With three werewolves at stake, the master would resurrect. 

Kenai gave a half-smile and got sucked in a vortex. He appeared on the rear side of the garden where the cooks were preparing meals for the feast. 

"Hazio!" he hissed casting the spell on himself as he brushed his hands from from top to bottom. He converted into one of the cooks and joined the group. A large area on the rear of the mansion was converted into a makeshift kitchen. There were many werewolves working. The place was a buzz of activity. 

"Who are you?" asked the head cook seeing him for the first time. 

"I am Kena," he replied in a low voice. He pointed to a werewolf who had stopped working and looking in their direction. "He brought me for additional work," said Kenai as he cast the stupefy spell on him by sending a wave of energy towards him. 

The head cook looked at the direction in which he was pointing and asked that cook, "Did you bring him here?" 

That cook blinked his eyes idiotically under the effect of the spell.

The head cook didn't have the time to say much so he simply said, "Okay go outside the Manor and get all the meat inside. We are pretty late now. The butcher is standing with his truck for a long time." 

"Sure," Kenai replied and headed outside. He met the butcher and one by one helped him in getting the bags of meat inside. As he did that he marked three werewolves who could be easily trapped. He asked them to help him to bring the bags inside. 

While two of them agreed, one denied and went back to his work. Kenai gritted his teeth. Once the last few bags were left and the two werewolves were unloading it, Kenai shoved them inside the truck casting the "Nescius!" spell. The two of them immediately fainted. Kenai went to the butcher asking him to help take them to the healer as soon as possible without creating any rucus. 

Knowing that it was a function for the Alpha and his Luna, the butcher agreed and he started the truck to take them. Kenai hopped in the passenger seat.

As soon as the truck left the main area and sped towards the border of the pack, which was pitch dark, Kenai attacked the butcher with a sharp knife piercing it in his neck. The werewolf slumped.

The truck swiveled but Kenai managed to control it and bring it to a halt. He picked up the body of the butcher with the help of his wand and brought it to the back where the remaining two were present. 

He wanted to create a portal and take them through it but that could create attention. So he held their hands in his, created a vortex and was about to suck out of it, when something hit the truck with a loud thud. The jolt was forceful and one of the hands slipped. Kenai got sucked in the vortex with two werewolves. The third one remained in the truck. He cursed whatever hit them so violently. 

He appeared with them outside the cottage where the sacrifices were supposed to take place. All the cult members were waiting for him eagerly. 

"Where's the third one?" asked one of the cult members. 

Kenai's nostril flared when he related the incident. He so wanted to finish this sacrifice ceremony today and all his efforts were wasted. 

"Let's take them inside," said the member without another word. 

As the others lifted the two werewolves and took them inside, he turned to Kenai and said, "If you would have brought three werewolves, our Master would have resurrected. However, with three werewolves sacrificed, the Master's soul will come very near to us. And if we are able to provide him a vessel, the fourth werewolf, at the time of sacrificing these, the Master would be able to possess the fourth one." He paused. 

"So you mean that the Master can still come back in someone's else's body?"


Kenai's mind raced and he said, "Okay, I need to inform Lenny about the ceremony. I will be back soon." 

The man nodded and walked inside. 

Kenai walked through the portal right into Lenny's room. "I could take only two werewolves, he said with a twisted mouth. "You have to bring one more with you. The ceremony will start soon."

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