Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 496 - The Sacrifice (2)

Lenny looked at her brother incredulously. "What? How could you do that? Do you realize that this is once in a lifetime opportunity? I have been working on it from such a long time and all you say is that you could get only two werewolves?" She rasped with fists closed so tight in anger that her nails dug in her palm. Sometimes she really wondered if Kenai was a moron. 

He narrated her the entire incident that took place near the border of the Blue Moon Pack. Lenny remarked with anger, "You are always so careless. You just don't think of your plan before executing it." 

Mad at her statement, Kenai glided to her on the floor and caught her neck in his right hand. "If you think you are so intelligent Lenny, why don't you prove it by bringing another werewolf for the ceremony," Kenai retorted. He was already in a foul mood. "Just because you managed to get a job in the ministry doesn't mean that you can deride me so easily."

Lenny's face became red for the want of air as she tried to pull away his hand from her neck. "Leave me," she wheezed. 

Kenai left her and she coughed heavily. "I am leaving," he said with a scorn. "Get another werewolf or else I will kill you with my own hands and burn you at the stake myself." He paused. He turned to leave but stopped. "The high priest said that if we can get the fourth werewolf while the sacrifice is going on, the Master will be able to possess it. So even if he is not resurrected, he will have an entity. Once the Master is here, we can easily get another werewolf for sacrifice and rouse him from the dead." Saying that Kenai got sucked in the vortex. 

Lenny was shaking uncontrollably after he had gone. Tears ran out of her eyes and she clutched her chest. She stumbled back to sit on the edge of bed. She held her hair in her hands and pulled them. She couldn't believe that Kenai had become such a vicious and repulsive character. She could understand if he was purely ambitious, but lately his ambition had taken a backseat. He was converting into an abominable wizard who was using his mother and sister for his villainy. She bit her lip as a tear trickled down over it. 

She had to soon find a way to get the fourth werewolf and if what Kenai said was true, then it was important that she got up to hunt for it as soon as possible. And who would be best for the Master to possess? A thin smile appeared on her face and she wiped her tears. She blew out all the air from her lungs. She was excited. All she had to do was form a plan to take down her target and she had to do it quickly. 

She went to the bathroom to wash her face. She came out and unzipped her suitcase. She picked the grey dress that she had bought with Adrianna in the Wizard Mall. It was a very simple dress with white pearls decorating its neckline and hem. It wasn't something that she had liked, but bought it only because Adrianna liked it. She chose to wear that dress. After wearing it, she propped her hair in a bun and applied a little makeup. The function was supposed to take place an hour later. 

Lenny stepped out, all dressed up. She walked to the garden to assess the situation. She saw that Nefasky was present there. She was instructing Adrianna's personal security to be stationed at all the crucial places. 

"That's a lot of instructions," Lenny chuckled from behind catching Nefasky's attention. 

Nefasky grinned. "Yes, I have become apprehensive ever since I am in charge of her personal security. I find every other person suspicious." 

"Even me?" Lenny mocked. 

"Yes, even you!" said Nefasky as a joke and the two of them laughed. "You have got ready so fast?" she asked looking at Lenny. 

Lenny let out another chuckle. "I couldn't help it. There was nothing to do, so I decided to take a look around." 

"You are lucky," Nefasky stated with a droopy expression. 

Lenny's eyes wandered around to check where all the wizards were placed. She observed that there were some werewolves who were roaming around and questioning every person who stepped inside the manor. "Who are they?" she asked pointing at them with her index finger that was stuck close to her chest.

Nefasky saw in the direction she was pointing. "Those are the guards for the Manor and its residents."

Lenny nodded carelessly. "I am going and taking a walk." 

"Okay, see you," Nefasky waved her goodbye and walked to a wizard. 

Lenny sauntered her way to the gardens trying to look casual. She spotted a small lake in the center and walked towards it. The evening air was filled with the fragrance of lavender. Workers were giving last touches to all the lights and decorations. All the chairs were neatly placed around several round tables. Lenny crossed all of them and walked right to the lake aware of the fact that Nefasky was looking in her direction every now and then. 

So in order to look carefree, she stepped closer to the lake and crouched down. The surface was blue and she could see the plants and life below the water. There was a large cluster of Japanese Koi. They were big and numerous. The lily pads were blooming in abundance, their petals fluttering gently in the breeze. 

On the inside she was hoping to get out of this situation as soon as possible. She turned back to look at Nefasky and when she found her immersed in some conversation with four other people she sneaked out. Her next stop was the backyard where cooking was taking place. Over there she didn't do anything but simply walked on the border of the makeshift kitchen and then made her way back to where Nefasky was standing in the front garden. This time she had a nervous expression on her face. She is called Nefasky. 

"Nefasky, could we have some private conversation?" she said, trying to sound as full of suspicion as possible. 

Nefasky became worried with the way she asked. "Sure, what is it?" she asked, hurrying towards her. 

When Nefasky reached her, Lenny caught her hand and took her next to a small bush that was lit with yellow lights. Lenny looked around and then whispered, "Nefasky, I just walked back from the backyard where they are cooking meals for the guests and I heard something really out of the line."

"What is it?" asked Nefasky in a strained voice. 

Lenny put on a frown. She answered, "They were talking about two werewolves missing for a long time. The Head Cook was angry at their absence and even shouted to find them as quickly as possible. I heard him saying not to mention about their absence to anyone."

Nefasky stared at Lenny. She wasn't sure if this was of any importance. Two cooks missing wasn't a very big thing. "I don't think there is anything to consider about it. They must have wandered off somewhere. Don't worry."

"No, that isn't possible because I heard them also saying that they found the dead body of the butcher on the pack's periphery," Lenny almost squeezed her hand. 

"Let's go and meet—," Nefasky said.

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