Adrianna was embarrassed at her sister's question that reeked of greediness. She didn't answer. 

Kayla came to her senses and said, "Sorry sister. This is a beautiful room. That's what I meant to say." 

"What do want?" asked Dmitri straight away. 

"I have come to meet Adrianna," she answered sweetly. 

Dmitri frowned as he glared at her. He remembered the way Kayla had sabotaged Adrianna's dress. 

"Speak," he spat out. 

Kayla flinched, but she gathered up her courage and spoke softly, "Adrianna, I am sorry about what I did to you in the past. Please, will you forgive your sister?"

Adrianna gaped at her sister as Dmitri scorned. 

"I know I have made a lot of mistakes, but I want to correct them now. As a token of my love, would you let me help you dress you in the evening?" she asked, lowering her head and making a sad face so that she would look genuine. 

Adrianna was about to say yes when Dmitri interjected. "No thanks. We have plenty of servants who will help her out. You may go and only come back in the evening for dinner." 

Adrianna felt guilty for the way Dmitri treated Kayla so rudely. "Oh hush Dmitri!" she scolded. 

Then, she turned to Kayla and said with a smile, "Of course you can. I look forward to you putting the bridal feather of the Phoenix in my crown Kayla." 

Kayla returned a sweet smile and said, "Thank you Adrianna," and left. 

As soon as Kayla closed the door behind her, she put her hand on her chest and sighed a breath of relief. "That was close," she thought, hurriedly walking away. 

On her way back, she met Cora and nodded. A smile spread on Cora's face. She went to Keisha and said, "Be ready. Our plan starts today." 


Adrianna chided Dmitri, "Why were you so rude to Kayla?"

"Stay away from her. She is bad company," he warned her. 

"But she came to rectify her mistakes. I should give her a chance," she replied with an angry pout. 

"Why did she come today? She had never offered to help to you in the past." 

"I don't want to argue about Kayla," snapped Adrianna, taking out her books from her bag. 

Dmitri laughed and said, "Adri, instead of books, you should check out your wedding dress for the night." 

She didn't respond. 

"Okay, I am sorry! You can call Kuro, Kayla, and those jerk brothers of yours and ask them all to dress you up! But talk to me."

Adrianna bit her lower lip. She smiled and said, "Sorry, I didn't want to be rude to you."

Adrianna got up and held his hand. "Show me the dress," she said with a grin. 

Dmitri took her to the cupboard where the dress was hanging. Adrianna gasped. It was beautiful. "I can't wait to wear it," she said, touching it. 

All of a sudden, activity could be heard outside the palace gates. Dmitri looked through the bedroom's glass window and saw that Ed had come demanding entrance. He held a baby bear in his lap and was surrounded by five men, one of them being Howard. 

Dmitri called Adrianna over to the window and pointed at the entrance. Adrianna squealed and ran out of the room, down the stairs, and to the gate. She jumped over the gate with such agility that it seemed as though it was just a small boulder. She ran so fast that she was there within three seconds, much to the surprise of the other werewolves. No werewolf was this fast. 

"Grandfather!" shouted Adrianna, hugging Ed tightly. In her excitement, she squashed her pet bear, who then screamed. 

Ed broke into a loud laughter. He patted Adrianna and said, "My child. How have you been?"

The gates were immediately opened. Ed entered along with Howard and the others. Adrianna noticed Howard and was startled. She greeted him like a good obedient student. "Good afternoon sir."

Howard greeted her back. "Adrianna, many congratulations! How will you study after this? Also, you never invited me to your wedding, so Ed had to invite me. These five were there when he did and wanted to tag along." 

Adrianna laughed. "Sorry sir. Please come in." 

By the time they reached the limestone walkway, Dmitri had come downstairs. He greeted the entire group and took them inside. Cora and Keisha were sitting inside the main hall. They didn't even get up to greet the visitors. Although Adrianna felt awkward, she didn't say anything. She just looked at Dmitri who remained quiet.

Howard's eyes met Cora and he could feel the danger. He wanted to delve into her mind to scan her, but he decided against it. It was a happy occasion and he could do it later. 

"Grandfather, why didn't you come yesterday? I missed you!" complained Adrianna, picking up her pet who started licking her with his rough tongue. Dmitri watched it with murderous glint.

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