Feral Confessions – Adrianna And The Alpha

Chapter 98 - There, You Are Done!

Ed looked at Howard and said, "I had an urgent errand to run. Sorry about that. But here I am, and I heard that you are getting married today?" He looked at Dmitri and continued, "This is all too fast. What's the hurry?" 

"It was necessary," replied Dmitri shamelessly. 

Ed and Howard broke into laughter. 

"Dmitri, how are you baby?" said Adrianna as she petted her pet's head who snuggled into her as if complaining about her leaving him. 

"Adrianna, you cannot call him Dmitri," protested Dmitri. 

"Dmitri, my baby," Adrianna hugged her bear tightly, giving a side-glance to her alpha. 

Dmitri gritted his teeth. Her pet was about to become a huge issue in the future - he just knew it. 

They all chatted for a while until the servants took them to the guesthouse. Howard and Ed were accompanied by five wizards who had been sent by Isidoros to monitor and protect Adrianna. They had rarely visited outside their kingdom and were surprised to see the sorts of things the lower regions of the forest had. 

When they saw Adrianna, they were a little surprised to see her dash out to meet her grandfather. She was fast! They were asked to keep a low profile and they were introduced to Dmitri as Ed's guests on an important mission. Even though they were all asked to rest, they were always on high alert. 

When they had gone, Adrianna got up and carried her pet upstairs. But not before Cora commented, "You better change his name." 

Adrianna frowned and left feeling sad. She loved both of her Dmitris. 

While Adrianna went to the bedroom, Dmitri went out to check in with Nate and Liam. When they met, both of them shouted at him for having neglected everything. "I can't help it. I have to be with Adrianna, otherwise she will feel lonely," came Dmitri's smug response. 

They stared at him, but Dmitri just shrugged. "You guys will understand once you guys get married. Plus, I can't afford to make her mad now." Having said that, he returned to his room, leaving the two of them cursing. He cursed them back mentally in a way that they could hear him. However, the problem was that everybody in the pack could hear him! 

As the evening fell, Adrianna woke up to get dressed. 

Kayla came around 3:30PM. As soon as she entered the palace, she saw a strange man standing in front of her. He stared at her breasts that were hidden by her hair. She thought he was attracted to her, so she flipped her hair back to reveal them more. Before she could take another step, she blacked out. 

Moments later, when she woke up, the man was nowhere to be seen and she found herself being hauled by some servants.

Confused, she said that she was fine and went to Adrianna's room. She saw that Adrianna's door was slightly open. She pushed it open to see that the servants were all surrounding Adrianna. They were getting her ready for the evening. 

Adrianna was taken inside and the servants helped her take a bath. When she came out, she saw that Dmitri was staring at her. "Go and get dressed Dmitri. I won't marry someone who doesn't show in his wedding attire."

Dmitri sighed and got up from his chair. Nate and Liam had been mentally harassing him to go to the adjacent room where his wedding attire was being kept. He left the room after blowing a kiss to Adrianna. While exiting the room, he passed by Kayla. He glared hard at her with a warning in his eyes. Kayla flinched. She was already nervous about the deed she was going to do and Dmitri's glare made her rethink about it. However, now was not the time to back out of it. 

If she wanted to be the queen of this palace, she had to eliminate Adrianna, and this thought strengthened her determination. She thought that after marrying Dmitri, she could use all of her charm and love to make him fall for her. 

She adorned a sweet smile and headed in to greet Adrianna who was happy to see Kayla. Adrianna was happy to see Kayla's change of heart – something she had longed for forever. Being accepted by Kayla was like a dream come true. Perhaps after Kayla, her father and brothers would also start liking her. She extended her arms and hugged Kayla. 

Adrianna's wedding dress was a typical dress that any werewolf bride would wear. It consisted of a long skirt with a side slit open till the middle of the thigh, and a bustier that was strapped across her chest, both made from rare leather. She wore ornaments made from beads of different colors.

Kayla was so mesmerized by Adrianna's beauty that she stared at her for a long time. Adrianna smiled when she saw Kayla looking at her. She coughed a little to break Kayla's reverie. Kayla's trance broke and she remembered what she had to do. "Adrianna, would you like to have some tea?" 

Adrianna said, "Sure," and looked at a servant to fetch it for them. But Kayla stopped the servant and said with a smile, "I will go and get it for you." 

Adrianna grinned and said, "Okay." 

In the kitchen, she poured two cups of tea and discreetly took out the pill from her bra. She opened it and mixed the powder into Adrianna's cup. Kayla came back with tea in a few minutes. She offered it to Adrianna. It was the first time her sister had ever made tea for her willingly and Adrianna was feeling extremely happy. She placed the tea on the table and picked up her headgear. She asked Kayla, "Would you like the honor of putting it on my head?" 

Kayla placed her teacup on the side and went to put the headgear in place. Consisting of numerous rare feathers, it was a beautiful crown-like headgear. After adjusting it properly on her head, Adrianna handed Kayla the phoenix feather. Carefully, Kayla inserted it into the crown. That feather could only adorn the crown of the luna of a pack. 

"There, you are done," said Kayla. 

Adrianna hugged her sister tightly and they giggled. The servants were asked to leave. Adrianna sat down and picked her teacup. As Adrianna was about to have a sip, Dmitri entered in his wedding outfit that consisted of a skirt till mid thigh, lots of beads across his chest, and a crown with various large and beautifully hued feathers. 

He looked at his bride and was filled with warmth. He took her into his arms and kissed her. "You will be mine from today on," he whispered in her ear. 

Kayla coughed. She giggled and said, "Adri, have your tea." 

Adrianna was all smiles. So many things were going right. She picked up her tea and took a sip, but before she could finish it, Dmitri took it from her and drank the second half of it.Kayla watched Adrianna with interest and madness in eyes. However, as soon as Dmitri had the rest of it, she broke into a cold sweat. She had never anticipated that. She clenched her dress and her mind went blank, thinking about the possible outcomes of this fiasco. Feeling very nervous and scared, she said, "I have to go and change for the evening. I will leave you two lovebirds to be together."

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