Fictional Chat Group - All Girls Only Edition
Chapter 27 - Yasaka Want To Know More About Yuri
"Hm… so the king of that another world already died, huh. The one who causing that changes in that girl's world is him after all. He doesn't know how dangerous it is the magic circle used to create monsters and it can't be stopped by mortal."
The being scratch its head when reading the report that its subordinate made after finished the task given to them. The being can be classified as male in this lifetime since he decided to be like that, although he's genderless and can change to any gender or s.e.x, but maybe this one fits him better.
The report given to him are from his angel subordinate that already eliminating the source of problem in another world. The world is known as Byd Arall and the cause of monster showing up in Eleonora's world is from there, it causing some random teleportation portal popping out in the entire world and it's hard to predict where they could find some portal.
At least for human or mortal it is.
But it's different for gods and goddesses. They could find the coordinate of each portal easily and very accurate with just a single blink. The moment they opened their eyes, the coordinate will be showed in their minds. It's like they have mini-map function like those people who becomes Gamer or using System in many novels.
Although it's frustrating, gods and goddesses has many limitation regarding the world they supervise. All of them couldn't interfere directly on mortal world, if they do that, they would likely lose all of their divinity and powers, causing them to become the same as mortal. Some of them becomes normal human and forced to adapted into the mortal world.
As he finished reading the whole report, he threw the file to the table and grab a game console and decided to continue what he currently playing.
"Well, the problem already has solved and I pray for his wife and daughter to have some good ending after fleeing from him and ended up in my favorite heroine's world. I just hope they run to each other and they becomes her harem."
He grinned since Eleonora is his favorite heroine and mortal. That girl is definitely doesn't have any difficulty in her entire life and always full of happiness. He already knew that and most people would find it unfair and cheating to have such life, but that can't be helped since she's blessed and gifted to be like that.
"But seriously, what kind of god I am to hoping that they became her harem member? Insane or crazy god maybe? Wait, am I god or goddess? Hm… screw that, I am genderless and can be whatever I want. I'm not bound by gender or anything like that. I am like Ophis from High School DxD who doesn't have a gender and Rimuru from That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, but not gonna lie… Ophis is cute as hell."
He said that while flushed and grinned stupidly. But for a moment, he remembered something and snaps his finger.
"Oh right. Her father is currently in bad condition, isn't it? Should I give her a help? Nah… she could find it out by herself and she literally in divine level already, even though her physical body is still human and mortal. I mean it's because I accidentally give her a divine and perfect body, not to mention her mana reserve is infinite and couldn't easily run out. Maybe it's my fault to give her [Heaven's Feel] and [Kaleidoscope] on a whim… but nah, screw that. I don't like zero to hero that much since the progress is always slow as f.u.c.k."
He said that nonchalantly with easy going tone as if he doesn't care a bit about it. He kept saying that while paying attention to the game he played. It's Trails of Cold Steel series, one of the series that was developed by Nihon Falcom and published by XSEED Games and others. It's medieval version of Persona and he quite like it.
"Though Rean is suck as hell since he portrayed as dense protagonist that doesn't notice romantical love that much if he got an harem. Well, I like his route with Fie, but honestly there's no girls of Class VII that I don't like. Fie is my number one and Sara is number two along with Towa number three, the rest is the least favorite girl of my taste."
But while he focused playing the game, he remembered something again.
"Ah crap. I forgot to add the feature of uploading picture/image and chat through voice in the chat group in the beginning. Well, I already told Neptune that feature will be added when they got their first experience travelling in another world using the magic I planted and honestly… traveled to another world just by clicking URL site?"
He laughed out loud when thingking about that again. A dumb and silly idea that he can think of. He little bit guilty by not adding the feature at the beginning and laughed at his own idea that came through his head when lazing around.
"That's really hilarious of me. But Neptune already built the machine when I send her the design, yet that heroine had the power to travel through multiverse by using [Kaleidoscope]. I lock and hide that for a while and maybe have an idea to implement [Kaleidoscope] to the dimension traveling machine. Not everyone could use or learn [Kaleidscope] that easily except someone abnormal like her."
He only shake his head in disbelievement. That girl is beyond common sense since her fate already settled and no matter what choiches she choose, the destiny always led to happy one instead bad. She really someone that could easily bend reality even without trying or aware of it.
He sighed tiredly.
"She really like Suzumiya Haruhi from The Melancholy of Suzuimya Haruhi without her troublesome personality. But I hope someone could taught her to control that monstrous ability of her. Seriously, she really give me a headache. Before becoming god or divine being, I have to go through many trials, hardship, and hard work unlike her. I am a bit jealous but I can't do anything about it."
He shake his head in frustration and going back to pay his attention to the game he playing. She really the source of major confusion of him right now. He just want to live in peace and spend his quality time alone without getting disturbed.
It's already been a few days since the funeral and Yasaka felt happy and relieved from the stress she got, but nonetheless she felt a bit empty and trying to find someone who can fill it again, like what Hyoudou Issei did to her even though he didn't do anything and instantly capture her heart in a moment. But she already knew that Issei isn't the ideal partner for me and Kunou, that's why she has to find another one and by asking in the chat group, she decided to pursue the way of yuri; a love between girl or female. It's an entire new world that was opened for her and she already enter that paradise.
It's not the members of that chat group fault for suggest her to bend to the new side, they only suggest her and didn't forcing her to changed her s.e.x.u.a.l preference. By listening to that, she willingly to change her s.e.x.u.a.l prefence to lesbian and not becoming straight again; she already decided it after seeing many yuri stories and she found that yuri is the purest form of love. Even if one of them is futanari, she still sees them as pure and didn't find it weird or disgusting, and surprisingly it made her aroused.
Never in her entire life she feels like this.
Her cheeks blushed and her breathes became heavy. She panting as she unconsciously playing with her b.r.e.a.s.ts and masturbating when seeing many yuri in the internet that she found. Just like Shiba Miyuki, she also interested in yuri and order some of those goods as she trying to collect some. But she also knew that back in historical era, something like yuri is normal and always happened and it became questioned when reached modern era. But humanity, most of them, didn't know about that fact and find it weird because they believe that heteros.e.x.u.a.l is the true s.e.x.u.a.l preference.
She fully disagree after discovering something amazing like lesbian or yuri.
'I find it odd that people is forced to like their opposite s.e.x. I believe it's their own choice to choose whose people they like that would be their partner or lover, even if they're from the same s.e.x, it's the rights of them.'
She sighed at that. People or community when they have the biggest influence, would won anything by the power of numbers and Yasaka believe that was the source of everyone believe of heteros.e.x.u.a.l is the true s.e.x.u.a.lity or s.e.x.u.a.l preference that should exist only in the world. It's not like she hate heteros.e.x.u.a.l, it just… that she prefer yuri more than that.
"Hm… maybe I should let Kunou to know about the awesomeness of yuri?"
She thought of loud that while trying to opened the chat group and join whatever conversation in the group. The chat group always lively and there's many things they always talked about, but some of them are just trivial things and she mostly pay attention to the important or interesting one.
Although she remembered something.
"That's right! I haven't active on the chat group. I hope no one worried about me… I don't want them to be like that and bother them."
Saying that, she began checking the chat group.
The Nightmare: "Everyone, is any of you noticed that @Golden Fox of Kyoto hasn't online for a few days? I'm worried if anything bad happened to her. @Demon Mommy Is she send you a private message or something?"
Demon Mommy: "Unfortunately, she's not, @The Nightmare-san. There's no strange sign yet, but I hope she's okay. I'm sure when she want it, she would comment in here. We can only waiting and if there's no news about her for too long then we have to do something."
The Nightmare: "Is that so…? Then we have to wait, it seems."
Hajime True Soulmate: "It's suck that we can't know the details of our friends in here, except @The Nightmare and @Strongest Ice Queen who currently live with each other. I just hope our dimension traveling schedule would be moved faster than before."
Pudding Lover: "Well… it's not fair for our new member if we do that, you know? I mean, she's literally level 1 while most of us already somewhat over level 50 or something. I mean, I am goddess and already in max level, although maybe I can evolve again and gain new power! That's why we gave her the time to do some grinding and get many EXP for her to level up!"
Strongest Ice Queen: "What @Pudding Lover said is true. We have, at very least, give her some preparation before going to somewhere that has the potential to be dangerous. Are your home world dangerous, @Hajime True Soulmate?"
Hajime True Soulmate: "Yeah. There's a lot of monster outside of the town or cities, there also some legendary dungeon that is the nest of powerful and dangerous monster. Hajime and I already conquered some dungeon and obtain some rewards from it. That's why there is need to built Adventurer Guild and hire adventurer to subjugate the monsters if they threaten someone."
Pudding Lover: "There! That's why @Queen of Sweets need a training arc! She need to hone her skill so she can survive enough in the dangerous and wild zone that might causing her some harm. We don't want our friend be in trouble, aren't we?"
King of Knight: "Indeed! If we engage into a battle without experiment or preparation, it will resulting serious injury or lead them to death. Those who do that sometimes a fool. They recklessly going to a battle that is impossible for them."
Titania The Empress: "I'm agreed with what @King of Knight said. I don't want to see our new member in that condition. But we also have the role to support her whenever she need it later. We also do that to each of you! That's what friend for."
Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "Fufu… that's right. @Titania The Empress is right."
Sword Princess: "+1."
Demon Sword Muramasa: "+1."
The Florist Succubus: "Then all we can do right now is wait and pray that @Queen of Sweets training goes well. Since she's genius like my Onee-chan, then I think she would already prepared and well enough to engage in a battle in short time. I mean, we only gave her a month to train herself."
Yasaka smiled happily when seeing her friends that they're care about her and not only her, but caring for each members of the chat group. That's why she decided to join the conversation with them since they're worried and it would be bad to leave them like that with no answer.
Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Hello everyone, sorry for make you all worried. My condition is fine, for now at least and I'm grateful for all of you for worrying about me."
Demon Mommy: "@Golden Fox of Kyoto-san! Welcome back, it's no problem and of course we are care about you. You are our friend."
Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "Uhm. You don't have to worried about that. It's okay to now show yourself in the group if you have a problem or something important outside of this chat group. We can't stayed at chat group all day and neglecting our real world after all."
King of Knight: "Exactly. What she said is right. Both outside and here is important, you don't have to worried if you do not shows yourself in the chat group for the time being. I prefer if you focused on important thing rather than not."
The Nightmare: "There's a lot of things we need to care in the real world after all. Isn't that right, @Strongest Ice Queen-san?"
Strongest Ice Queen: "Obviously. Although I recently get absorbed into something called "Video Games" and with @The Nightmare help, I can doing a work, like… what is that called, sidejob?"
The Nightmare: "Part-time work or sidejob. Yes, although it's a bit hassle to faking the identity since @Strongest Ice Queen isn't recorded in this world, there's no data about her actually exist in my world. But fortunately, I did some 'work' and finally get her an identity card."
Pudding Lover: "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! @Strongest Ice Queen REALLY?! YOU LIKE VIDEO GAMES? Oh! Oh oh… what kind of games you like? And what kind of console you currently use? Also, how many hours or days you play it?! If that game is amazing and bombastic, I'd like to visit you and play together! You know, co-op, co-cop!"
Hajime True Soulmate: "Calm your mouth, bitch! Look @Pudding Lover, save your weird talk for later and don't made her uncomfortable. Also, nice for seeing you back, @Golden Fox of Kyoto. Is there anything happen currently in your home world?"
Demon Sword Muramasa: "I am also curious but… is it okay?"
Sword Princess: "It's rude if @Golden Fox of Kyoto not allows us to know it, but if she allows us, then it's okay I think."
Strongest Ice Queen: "Umm… I think the game name is, Resident Evil 2? And the console I play is PlayStation 4. Oh, it's a game about some people who fought some scary and ugly creature named zombie as they're locked on the city they currently live because it's swarmed with a lot of zombie."
Pudding Lover: "That was great game! Zombie, huh… and Resident Evil, the name really sounds scary~. I may have to play it whenever I got the chance to go to your current world right now, @Strongest Ice Queen! We could become game buddy too!"
Yasaka could only chuckled in amus.e.m.e.nt when she read the messages in the chat group.
'Pudding Lover-san really gamer enthusiasm isn't it?'
Seeing those question, Yasaka then reply their messages.
Golden Fox of Kyoto: "I experience a bit loss. Someone so precious to me recently… had to passed away and that's why I'm not active in the chat group for a few days. Sorry for make you all worried about me, everyone. But I am okay right now, so don't worry and thank you for care about me."
Hajime True Soulmate: "I'm sorry for your loss… I hope you're going to be okay and don't dwell too much about it."
Demon Mommy: "That's right. I feel sorry and hope your precious person go to heaven or at least happy."
Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "Please accept my condolences… but don't let it get to yourself or it would affect you so bad. You have to let it go."
King of Knight: "That's right. Death is inevitable. Nobody could easily pass or ignore that. All mortal or beings will experienced that. We have to learn to let it go and move forward to face the possible future."
Demon Sword Muramasa: "+1."
Sword Princess: "+1."
Strongest Ice Queen: "@King of Knight Unless there is a way to revive the dead, then something like death can be ignored easily for the second chance or a way to make someone true immortal. But I also feel sorry for your loss, hope you can be strong in case that happened again."
Titania The Empress: "I'm disagree with @Strongest Ice Queen statement, because there's no such thing as true immortal but I can agree to revive the dead. There is still the possibility of that, but I don't know that much about your world, so forgive me for that and you can accept my condolences."
The Florist Succubus: "Hm… well, I felt sorry for you because you loss someone important and I couldn't express my feeling that well since I… don't know the person you loss. I'm sorry for that! Please don't hate me for saying such thing!"
Pudding Lover: "I'm with @The Florist Succubus. I couldn't express my feeling that well since I don't know about the person you loss, but what I can do is… please move on and steel yourself. Even someone like me couldn't revive a person."
Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Thank you everyone, thank you for that and don't worry about that, @The Florist Succubus-san and @Pudding Lover-san, I don't hate you at all since I know that very well, also @Pudding Lover-san you're in your HDD mode again? Since you're seems different for a second."
Pudding Lover: "Ahh… sorry for that."
Golden Fox of Kyoto: "It's no problem, I'm just merely curious about that.
The fox widow merely flashed small smile. She really has a good friends, even though they're not around her and separated by really far distance since they're in different dimension. The advice they gave her is to move on, to not dwell too much about it and embark a new future; she already did that but that's really sweet of them to caring about her that much.
"Alright, then let me enjoy my yuri collection for now."
She said that while opened her laptop and find the files she already saved in the storage. She gonna enjoying her yuri quality time all day because today is holiday and she don't have that much work left anyway. Being a leader of Kyoto Youkai is tough and not an easy work that anyone can do, to manage many youkai in one place is super tough for her.
That's why she cherish this chance. She cannot miss it. It's rare chance for her to be free from work, just like Eleonora who always busy with works, mainly Yasaka do paperwork since it's rare for her to be in the field or directly jump on the field of work.
Most leader doesn't directly involve to the field and always work from behind to make sure everything is goes well according to what is it supposed to be. Although they are work from behind and only in office, they have some charisma that allows them to lead so many people under them. They are considered strong and worthy enough to leading that many people under their command.
And honestly, Youkai and devil isn't on that great term, she also unsure whenever trying to form an alliance with them since devil is literally an evil creature; they are an evil being, that's why they're named d-evil. Some people also called them demon, but devil is the most used phrase.
Yasaka, as a leader of Kyoto Youkai, welcoming devil to her territory just because of Gremory's name. It's one of the famous devil noble house that has many influence after all. Originally, if the devil isn't someone from any famous clan or group, she won't let them easily wander around her territory.
She didn't hate them, but she has a hard time to trust them. Devil always smart at scheming, lying, and others after all. They're trick many people without the person they tricked know about it. The simple example is Rias Gremory; she has to let Hyoudou Issei die first to make him her servant that willingly do anything for her.
Rias Gremory also has many bad rumors, like how she didn't unleash the full potential of her peerage, how she refuse to marry Rise Phenex, how she always rebellious even though she already have everything, how her older brother always spoils her so much, etc.
She got that because of her connection and position as leader of Kyoto Youkai.
'It's important to knowing what kind of person my future alliance is. Although I'm still have a doubt about Gremory family. I don't want make an alliance with people who has the potential to be threat to Youkai of Kyoto and my family.'
She thought of that and sighed while reading one of the yuri that she already saved on the computer she had. A smile appears on her face when doing that and small blush also can be seen from her cheeks. She feeling a bit embarrassed when reading the yuri manga; either it's ero or not, but mostly she become like that because the ero one.
She already have a daughter but behaving like a v.i.r.g.i.n, maybe because she was never knew about yuri since she's always be heteros.e.x.u.a.l before knowing the world of yuri. Some people are like that and It's not wrong for them to behaving like that, all they have to do is just have to be used to yuri and they will not be nervous or anything when encountering yuri again.
"This yuri also good, but lack the depth of romance yet the… s.e.x scene is amazing."
She mumbling that in embarrassment.
She really have to be used to this kind of thing before advanced to the next step of yuri world or she has to brace herself whenever she has the chance to meet Eleonora, because that girl seems can bend someone s.e.x.u.a.l orientation or their s.e.x.u.a.l preference; luckily there's no upload image picture yet in the chat group or the entire chat group would be converted to become lesbian if Eleonora somehow uploaded her picture in there.
Yasaka just humming happily when reading each page of the ero yuri manga she currently read, even if she flushed in embarrassment each time reading that and her reaction is quite priceless and cute too. She's really innocent and pure in the yuri world.
If she kept doing this, she can't going back. There's no turning back for her. She already trapped in a hell and paradise named yuri, that will make her addictive every time she sees it. A forbidden fruit and way that give her a new kind of pleasure that will changed her s.e.x.u.a.l orientation for sure.
It will be worse if she meet Eleonora though. She doesn't know about it yet.
The being scratch its head when reading the report that its subordinate made after finished the task given to them. The being can be classified as male in this lifetime since he decided to be like that, although he's genderless and can change to any gender or s.e.x, but maybe this one fits him better.
The report given to him are from his angel subordinate that already eliminating the source of problem in another world. The world is known as Byd Arall and the cause of monster showing up in Eleonora's world is from there, it causing some random teleportation portal popping out in the entire world and it's hard to predict where they could find some portal.
At least for human or mortal it is.
But it's different for gods and goddesses. They could find the coordinate of each portal easily and very accurate with just a single blink. The moment they opened their eyes, the coordinate will be showed in their minds. It's like they have mini-map function like those people who becomes Gamer or using System in many novels.
Although it's frustrating, gods and goddesses has many limitation regarding the world they supervise. All of them couldn't interfere directly on mortal world, if they do that, they would likely lose all of their divinity and powers, causing them to become the same as mortal. Some of them becomes normal human and forced to adapted into the mortal world.
As he finished reading the whole report, he threw the file to the table and grab a game console and decided to continue what he currently playing.
"Well, the problem already has solved and I pray for his wife and daughter to have some good ending after fleeing from him and ended up in my favorite heroine's world. I just hope they run to each other and they becomes her harem."
He grinned since Eleonora is his favorite heroine and mortal. That girl is definitely doesn't have any difficulty in her entire life and always full of happiness. He already knew that and most people would find it unfair and cheating to have such life, but that can't be helped since she's blessed and gifted to be like that.
"But seriously, what kind of god I am to hoping that they became her harem member? Insane or crazy god maybe? Wait, am I god or goddess? Hm… screw that, I am genderless and can be whatever I want. I'm not bound by gender or anything like that. I am like Ophis from High School DxD who doesn't have a gender and Rimuru from That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, but not gonna lie… Ophis is cute as hell."
He said that while flushed and grinned stupidly. But for a moment, he remembered something and snaps his finger.
"Oh right. Her father is currently in bad condition, isn't it? Should I give her a help? Nah… she could find it out by herself and she literally in divine level already, even though her physical body is still human and mortal. I mean it's because I accidentally give her a divine and perfect body, not to mention her mana reserve is infinite and couldn't easily run out. Maybe it's my fault to give her [Heaven's Feel] and [Kaleidoscope] on a whim… but nah, screw that. I don't like zero to hero that much since the progress is always slow as f.u.c.k."
He said that nonchalantly with easy going tone as if he doesn't care a bit about it. He kept saying that while paying attention to the game he played. It's Trails of Cold Steel series, one of the series that was developed by Nihon Falcom and published by XSEED Games and others. It's medieval version of Persona and he quite like it.
"Though Rean is suck as hell since he portrayed as dense protagonist that doesn't notice romantical love that much if he got an harem. Well, I like his route with Fie, but honestly there's no girls of Class VII that I don't like. Fie is my number one and Sara is number two along with Towa number three, the rest is the least favorite girl of my taste."
But while he focused playing the game, he remembered something again.
"Ah crap. I forgot to add the feature of uploading picture/image and chat through voice in the chat group in the beginning. Well, I already told Neptune that feature will be added when they got their first experience travelling in another world using the magic I planted and honestly… traveled to another world just by clicking URL site?"
He laughed out loud when thingking about that again. A dumb and silly idea that he can think of. He little bit guilty by not adding the feature at the beginning and laughed at his own idea that came through his head when lazing around.
"That's really hilarious of me. But Neptune already built the machine when I send her the design, yet that heroine had the power to travel through multiverse by using [Kaleidoscope]. I lock and hide that for a while and maybe have an idea to implement [Kaleidoscope] to the dimension traveling machine. Not everyone could use or learn [Kaleidscope] that easily except someone abnormal like her."
He only shake his head in disbelievement. That girl is beyond common sense since her fate already settled and no matter what choiches she choose, the destiny always led to happy one instead bad. She really someone that could easily bend reality even without trying or aware of it.
He sighed tiredly.
"She really like Suzumiya Haruhi from The Melancholy of Suzuimya Haruhi without her troublesome personality. But I hope someone could taught her to control that monstrous ability of her. Seriously, she really give me a headache. Before becoming god or divine being, I have to go through many trials, hardship, and hard work unlike her. I am a bit jealous but I can't do anything about it."
He shake his head in frustration and going back to pay his attention to the game he playing. She really the source of major confusion of him right now. He just want to live in peace and spend his quality time alone without getting disturbed.
It's already been a few days since the funeral and Yasaka felt happy and relieved from the stress she got, but nonetheless she felt a bit empty and trying to find someone who can fill it again, like what Hyoudou Issei did to her even though he didn't do anything and instantly capture her heart in a moment. But she already knew that Issei isn't the ideal partner for me and Kunou, that's why she has to find another one and by asking in the chat group, she decided to pursue the way of yuri; a love between girl or female. It's an entire new world that was opened for her and she already enter that paradise.
It's not the members of that chat group fault for suggest her to bend to the new side, they only suggest her and didn't forcing her to changed her s.e.x.u.a.l preference. By listening to that, she willingly to change her s.e.x.u.a.l prefence to lesbian and not becoming straight again; she already decided it after seeing many yuri stories and she found that yuri is the purest form of love. Even if one of them is futanari, she still sees them as pure and didn't find it weird or disgusting, and surprisingly it made her aroused.
Never in her entire life she feels like this.
Her cheeks blushed and her breathes became heavy. She panting as she unconsciously playing with her b.r.e.a.s.ts and masturbating when seeing many yuri in the internet that she found. Just like Shiba Miyuki, she also interested in yuri and order some of those goods as she trying to collect some. But she also knew that back in historical era, something like yuri is normal and always happened and it became questioned when reached modern era. But humanity, most of them, didn't know about that fact and find it weird because they believe that heteros.e.x.u.a.l is the true s.e.x.u.a.l preference.
She fully disagree after discovering something amazing like lesbian or yuri.
'I find it odd that people is forced to like their opposite s.e.x. I believe it's their own choice to choose whose people they like that would be their partner or lover, even if they're from the same s.e.x, it's the rights of them.'
She sighed at that. People or community when they have the biggest influence, would won anything by the power of numbers and Yasaka believe that was the source of everyone believe of heteros.e.x.u.a.l is the true s.e.x.u.a.lity or s.e.x.u.a.l preference that should exist only in the world. It's not like she hate heteros.e.x.u.a.l, it just… that she prefer yuri more than that.
"Hm… maybe I should let Kunou to know about the awesomeness of yuri?"
She thought of loud that while trying to opened the chat group and join whatever conversation in the group. The chat group always lively and there's many things they always talked about, but some of them are just trivial things and she mostly pay attention to the important or interesting one.
Although she remembered something.
"That's right! I haven't active on the chat group. I hope no one worried about me… I don't want them to be like that and bother them."
Saying that, she began checking the chat group.
The Nightmare: "Everyone, is any of you noticed that @Golden Fox of Kyoto hasn't online for a few days? I'm worried if anything bad happened to her. @Demon Mommy Is she send you a private message or something?"
Demon Mommy: "Unfortunately, she's not, @The Nightmare-san. There's no strange sign yet, but I hope she's okay. I'm sure when she want it, she would comment in here. We can only waiting and if there's no news about her for too long then we have to do something."
The Nightmare: "Is that so…? Then we have to wait, it seems."
Hajime True Soulmate: "It's suck that we can't know the details of our friends in here, except @The Nightmare and @Strongest Ice Queen who currently live with each other. I just hope our dimension traveling schedule would be moved faster than before."
Pudding Lover: "Well… it's not fair for our new member if we do that, you know? I mean, she's literally level 1 while most of us already somewhat over level 50 or something. I mean, I am goddess and already in max level, although maybe I can evolve again and gain new power! That's why we gave her the time to do some grinding and get many EXP for her to level up!"
Strongest Ice Queen: "What @Pudding Lover said is true. We have, at very least, give her some preparation before going to somewhere that has the potential to be dangerous. Are your home world dangerous, @Hajime True Soulmate?"
Hajime True Soulmate: "Yeah. There's a lot of monster outside of the town or cities, there also some legendary dungeon that is the nest of powerful and dangerous monster. Hajime and I already conquered some dungeon and obtain some rewards from it. That's why there is need to built Adventurer Guild and hire adventurer to subjugate the monsters if they threaten someone."
Pudding Lover: "There! That's why @Queen of Sweets need a training arc! She need to hone her skill so she can survive enough in the dangerous and wild zone that might causing her some harm. We don't want our friend be in trouble, aren't we?"
King of Knight: "Indeed! If we engage into a battle without experiment or preparation, it will resulting serious injury or lead them to death. Those who do that sometimes a fool. They recklessly going to a battle that is impossible for them."
Titania The Empress: "I'm agreed with what @King of Knight said. I don't want to see our new member in that condition. But we also have the role to support her whenever she need it later. We also do that to each of you! That's what friend for."
Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "Fufu… that's right. @Titania The Empress is right."
Sword Princess: "+1."
Demon Sword Muramasa: "+1."
The Florist Succubus: "Then all we can do right now is wait and pray that @Queen of Sweets training goes well. Since she's genius like my Onee-chan, then I think she would already prepared and well enough to engage in a battle in short time. I mean, we only gave her a month to train herself."
Yasaka smiled happily when seeing her friends that they're care about her and not only her, but caring for each members of the chat group. That's why she decided to join the conversation with them since they're worried and it would be bad to leave them like that with no answer.
Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Hello everyone, sorry for make you all worried. My condition is fine, for now at least and I'm grateful for all of you for worrying about me."
Demon Mommy: "@Golden Fox of Kyoto-san! Welcome back, it's no problem and of course we are care about you. You are our friend."
Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "Uhm. You don't have to worried about that. It's okay to now show yourself in the group if you have a problem or something important outside of this chat group. We can't stayed at chat group all day and neglecting our real world after all."
King of Knight: "Exactly. What she said is right. Both outside and here is important, you don't have to worried if you do not shows yourself in the chat group for the time being. I prefer if you focused on important thing rather than not."
The Nightmare: "There's a lot of things we need to care in the real world after all. Isn't that right, @Strongest Ice Queen-san?"
Strongest Ice Queen: "Obviously. Although I recently get absorbed into something called "Video Games" and with @The Nightmare help, I can doing a work, like… what is that called, sidejob?"
The Nightmare: "Part-time work or sidejob. Yes, although it's a bit hassle to faking the identity since @Strongest Ice Queen isn't recorded in this world, there's no data about her actually exist in my world. But fortunately, I did some 'work' and finally get her an identity card."
Pudding Lover: "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! @Strongest Ice Queen REALLY?! YOU LIKE VIDEO GAMES? Oh! Oh oh… what kind of games you like? And what kind of console you currently use? Also, how many hours or days you play it?! If that game is amazing and bombastic, I'd like to visit you and play together! You know, co-op, co-cop!"
Hajime True Soulmate: "Calm your mouth, bitch! Look @Pudding Lover, save your weird talk for later and don't made her uncomfortable. Also, nice for seeing you back, @Golden Fox of Kyoto. Is there anything happen currently in your home world?"
Demon Sword Muramasa: "I am also curious but… is it okay?"
Sword Princess: "It's rude if @Golden Fox of Kyoto not allows us to know it, but if she allows us, then it's okay I think."
Strongest Ice Queen: "Umm… I think the game name is, Resident Evil 2? And the console I play is PlayStation 4. Oh, it's a game about some people who fought some scary and ugly creature named zombie as they're locked on the city they currently live because it's swarmed with a lot of zombie."
Pudding Lover: "That was great game! Zombie, huh… and Resident Evil, the name really sounds scary~. I may have to play it whenever I got the chance to go to your current world right now, @Strongest Ice Queen! We could become game buddy too!"
Yasaka could only chuckled in amus.e.m.e.nt when she read the messages in the chat group.
'Pudding Lover-san really gamer enthusiasm isn't it?'
Seeing those question, Yasaka then reply their messages.
Golden Fox of Kyoto: "I experience a bit loss. Someone so precious to me recently… had to passed away and that's why I'm not active in the chat group for a few days. Sorry for make you all worried about me, everyone. But I am okay right now, so don't worry and thank you for care about me."
Hajime True Soulmate: "I'm sorry for your loss… I hope you're going to be okay and don't dwell too much about it."
Demon Mommy: "That's right. I feel sorry and hope your precious person go to heaven or at least happy."
Bloodsucker Black Serpent: "Please accept my condolences… but don't let it get to yourself or it would affect you so bad. You have to let it go."
King of Knight: "That's right. Death is inevitable. Nobody could easily pass or ignore that. All mortal or beings will experienced that. We have to learn to let it go and move forward to face the possible future."
Demon Sword Muramasa: "+1."
Sword Princess: "+1."
Strongest Ice Queen: "@King of Knight Unless there is a way to revive the dead, then something like death can be ignored easily for the second chance or a way to make someone true immortal. But I also feel sorry for your loss, hope you can be strong in case that happened again."
Titania The Empress: "I'm disagree with @Strongest Ice Queen statement, because there's no such thing as true immortal but I can agree to revive the dead. There is still the possibility of that, but I don't know that much about your world, so forgive me for that and you can accept my condolences."
The Florist Succubus: "Hm… well, I felt sorry for you because you loss someone important and I couldn't express my feeling that well since I… don't know the person you loss. I'm sorry for that! Please don't hate me for saying such thing!"
Pudding Lover: "I'm with @The Florist Succubus. I couldn't express my feeling that well since I don't know about the person you loss, but what I can do is… please move on and steel yourself. Even someone like me couldn't revive a person."
Golden Fox of Kyoto: "Thank you everyone, thank you for that and don't worry about that, @The Florist Succubus-san and @Pudding Lover-san, I don't hate you at all since I know that very well, also @Pudding Lover-san you're in your HDD mode again? Since you're seems different for a second."
Pudding Lover: "Ahh… sorry for that."
Golden Fox of Kyoto: "It's no problem, I'm just merely curious about that.
The fox widow merely flashed small smile. She really has a good friends, even though they're not around her and separated by really far distance since they're in different dimension. The advice they gave her is to move on, to not dwell too much about it and embark a new future; she already did that but that's really sweet of them to caring about her that much.
"Alright, then let me enjoy my yuri collection for now."
She said that while opened her laptop and find the files she already saved in the storage. She gonna enjoying her yuri quality time all day because today is holiday and she don't have that much work left anyway. Being a leader of Kyoto Youkai is tough and not an easy work that anyone can do, to manage many youkai in one place is super tough for her.
That's why she cherish this chance. She cannot miss it. It's rare chance for her to be free from work, just like Eleonora who always busy with works, mainly Yasaka do paperwork since it's rare for her to be in the field or directly jump on the field of work.
Most leader doesn't directly involve to the field and always work from behind to make sure everything is goes well according to what is it supposed to be. Although they are work from behind and only in office, they have some charisma that allows them to lead so many people under them. They are considered strong and worthy enough to leading that many people under their command.
And honestly, Youkai and devil isn't on that great term, she also unsure whenever trying to form an alliance with them since devil is literally an evil creature; they are an evil being, that's why they're named d-evil. Some people also called them demon, but devil is the most used phrase.
Yasaka, as a leader of Kyoto Youkai, welcoming devil to her territory just because of Gremory's name. It's one of the famous devil noble house that has many influence after all. Originally, if the devil isn't someone from any famous clan or group, she won't let them easily wander around her territory.
She didn't hate them, but she has a hard time to trust them. Devil always smart at scheming, lying, and others after all. They're trick many people without the person they tricked know about it. The simple example is Rias Gremory; she has to let Hyoudou Issei die first to make him her servant that willingly do anything for her.
Rias Gremory also has many bad rumors, like how she didn't unleash the full potential of her peerage, how she refuse to marry Rise Phenex, how she always rebellious even though she already have everything, how her older brother always spoils her so much, etc.
She got that because of her connection and position as leader of Kyoto Youkai.
'It's important to knowing what kind of person my future alliance is. Although I'm still have a doubt about Gremory family. I don't want make an alliance with people who has the potential to be threat to Youkai of Kyoto and my family.'
She thought of that and sighed while reading one of the yuri that she already saved on the computer she had. A smile appears on her face when doing that and small blush also can be seen from her cheeks. She feeling a bit embarrassed when reading the yuri manga; either it's ero or not, but mostly she become like that because the ero one.
She already have a daughter but behaving like a v.i.r.g.i.n, maybe because she was never knew about yuri since she's always be heteros.e.x.u.a.l before knowing the world of yuri. Some people are like that and It's not wrong for them to behaving like that, all they have to do is just have to be used to yuri and they will not be nervous or anything when encountering yuri again.
"This yuri also good, but lack the depth of romance yet the… s.e.x scene is amazing."
She mumbling that in embarrassment.
She really have to be used to this kind of thing before advanced to the next step of yuri world or she has to brace herself whenever she has the chance to meet Eleonora, because that girl seems can bend someone s.e.x.u.a.l orientation or their s.e.x.u.a.l preference; luckily there's no upload image picture yet in the chat group or the entire chat group would be converted to become lesbian if Eleonora somehow uploaded her picture in there.
Yasaka just humming happily when reading each page of the ero yuri manga she currently read, even if she flushed in embarrassment each time reading that and her reaction is quite priceless and cute too. She's really innocent and pure in the yuri world.
If she kept doing this, she can't going back. There's no turning back for her. She already trapped in a hell and paradise named yuri, that will make her addictive every time she sees it. A forbidden fruit and way that give her a new kind of pleasure that will changed her s.e.x.u.a.l orientation for sure.
It will be worse if she meet Eleonora though. She doesn't know about it yet.
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