Fictional Chat Group - All Girls Only Edition
Chapter 28 - Meeting with the Firefly
After having s.e.x for a few rounds, Eleonora and Sakura then stopped for a while as it's already evening and everyone in the Kagamihara's family about to have dinner. Both couple seems satisfied with their intense and pleasureable s.e.x, as they looks like still want to have s.e.x more if they decided to ignore dinner and locked up in Sakura's room all day but they can't do that; they can continue it again later.
Sakura seemed satisfied right now as she and Eleonora taking a bath together including with Nadeshiko. All three of them taking it together and of course both couple cannot do any s.e.x.u.a.l activity with Nadeshiko joined it. But they at least can control their libido and l.u.s.t as they know the word about 'holding back'.
Having a nice bath is good for them. One of the reason is to wash off their body and giving them a fresh feeling after the steamy and hot s.e.x they already commit, although Eleonora can replenish their stamina and wash themselves with magic instantly but Eleonora decide it's not necessary; she would do that if they're lazy and don't want to take a bath.
A few minutes later, approximately 45 minutes, Eleonora with Sakura and Nadeshiko already finished their bath. Nadeshiko showed a fresh and happy smile as she got out from the bathroom, she looks like someone that just have a lot of fatigue acc.u.mulated onto her, while Eleonora and Sakura just there behind her; it's undeniable that they also enjoyed the bath since it's warm bath, although it's not an onsen but there still a feeling of joy included in there.
When they out of the bathroom, Kagamihara's family welcomed Eleonora and always has been since they knew Eleonora well enough, to invite her enjoying their dinner and even letting her to live in their house whenever she want it; since they already acknowledge the young chairman as the part of their family and have no problem with it.
"Mhm! This is delicious."
Eleonora said as she eating the food for the dinner that already been prepared. Shuuichirou and Nadeshiko currently busy wolfing down their food while Shizuka smiled in satisfication when hearing Eleonora's compliment toward her food and Sakura eating quietly and elegantly, but she also smiled happily when heard her mother's food being praised by her soon-to-be wife.
"Is that so? Thank you, Nora-chan and I bet Sakura's cooking would be even better than mine. She would be your future wife after all."
Shizuka said that with playful tone and successfully made Sakura choked when about to chew her food as she blushed in embarrassment. Eleonora just sweatdrop and smile awkwardly as she could sees the smile from Shuuichirou, Shizuka, and Nadeshiko; they wore the same expression on their face right now.
"I'll teach Onee-san cooking if she need my help! Don't worry about it, Leo-neechan."
Eleonora could only give Nadeshiko's head a soft and gentle pat when heard that from the pink-haired energetic girl who seemed trying to ensure her sister and sister-in-law that if they're in trouble of cooking, she would gladly help them.
Nadeshiko face become mellowed as she wears adorable smile.
"Thank you, Nadeshiko-chan. I'm counting on you."
"Mhm! Leave it to Nadeshiko the Outclub Red!"
All of them except Sakura letting out hearty laugh at Nadeshiko statement, leaving Sakura shake her head at her little sister behavior. She's so childish despite older than Eleonora and Eleonora who is mature enough despite she younger than her little sister Nadeshiko, she almost cannot believe it herself but decided to ignore it for now since it will hurt her head and giving her headache.
"Oh that's right. Otou-san, Okaa-san… I want to ask about something."
"Is that about the marriage with Sakura, Eleonora?"
Eleonora blinked in surprise and nodded at Shuuichirou and Shizuka who smiled at each other as Shizuka spoke.
"Don't worry about it. I know it's a bit sad when we heard from Sakura that she want to quit her job and dedicated herself to become your wife. Maybe she's so eager and cannot wait it anymore to be living with you together."
"Eeeeh?! Onee-chan quit her job…?! Is that true?!"
Sakura just respond with small nod to her little sister who are shocked by the sudden reveal of this. Nadeshiko, who still in shock with gaping mouth, had her head and mind stopped for a second then went back to normal after her older sister snapping her finger and she heard the sounds of it.
The face of that pink-haired girl went from shocked with gaping mouth to widened smile.
"Then Onee-chan can drive me to school and campsite until she's married, right?"
Saying that, Nadeshiko felt a bit pain on her head as she heard the sound of her older sister give her a bonking on her head, she getting hit on the head since Sakura are a bit annoyed by her statement. To the violet-haired glasses woman, it sounds like her little sister going back to be lazy and irresponsible again.
"Don't get your hope up. When the time I live with Leo arrived, then I can't give you any ride. You have to go by yourself, ALONE or together by your friends. Hear that, Nadeshiko?"
She emphasizing the word 'ALONE' with intimidating tone on her voice, resulting the poor pink-haired girl shiver in fear and nodded quickly at that. Her older sister looks so scary and she don't want to mess around or do anything stupid to reject it, although she seemed forget about it sometimes and led her to be doomed a few times.
Shizuka chuckle while Shuuichirou snorted at their daughters.
Clasping her hands, Shizuka then gain everyone attention and spoke as she wears smile on her face right now.
"Okay, let's eat our dinner or it will get cold soon if we don't eat it. Come on, everyone."
"She's right. Here, Nadeshiko. Eat a lot and always healthy like me, okay?"
"Yes, Otou-san! I will eat a lot of delicious food! Okaa-san's food always delicious and I want to eat it forever."
"Don't eat too much or you would get chubby again like before and I will surely make you lose that weight if that happened."
"Sakura-nee, don't be too harsh to Nadeshiko-chan. Give her some mercy."
All of them then laughing and continue their warm and loving dinner. The dinner was fun and Eleonora always enjoys it a lot to the point she feels comfortable and not consider herself as an outsider of Kagamihara's family. At first she feels like that but over the time goes on, she overcome that and not feeling outcasted.
She really enjoy it.
Dinner is over and Eleonora currently has some business to do, one of those is calling someone who seems in need of her presence or help. It's one of her girlfriend, a girl younger than her. She's currently moved from Tokyo to a small village due to her father's work transfer and already live in there for a month.
Taking out her phone, Eleonora then trying to call her. After a few second, her call is picked up and she heard a familiar voice that made her sighed in relief a bit.
"Hello? Leo, is this you…?"
"Yes Hotarun, it's me, who else would call you when you can see the caller name?"
Eleonora said that jokingly to her girlfriend.
"Leooooo…..! Please don't joke around like that. You always do that to me."
"Why not for my cute girlfriend?"
"…C-Cute, geez! Don't tease me! You're older than me, Leo. So please behave like that."
The long bluish-haired girl just laugh heartily when hearing the mad tone of Hotaru like that and nods her head, although they're currently talking through phone, it's as if Hotaru know what kind of expression or gesture that Eleonora have right now.
After finished laughing, Eleonora then coughing and stopped laugh, so she can hear what the collarbone-length black-haired young girl said carefully so she don't miss anything or she can give her some advice, suggestion, or tips that can help her; the young chairman felt Hotaru have some kind of trouble but don't want to make Eleonora worried, that is one of the things from her black-haired girlfriend that find it worrying.
"Ahem. Sorry for that. So, what's wrong, Hotaru?"
The moment Eleonora not using her pet name, Hotaru know that her girlfriend is serious, judging from the tone of voice that was used by the long bluish-haired young girl through the phone. Knowing that, Hotaru then inhaling and exhaling, trying to make herself calm as possible.
And she continue to spoke.
"Leo, this… monster somewhat appeared in Asahigaoka. No, not just monster… I've also seen a strange building. It's like a cave or sort, the villager don't dare to enter and confirm it since the cave entrance seemed guarded by some scary-looking monster."
This make Eleonora a bit tensed. Hearing that happened near the place where she live was made her frightened. She about to losing her composure but trying to keep it cool or she would regret it. Being rash would do no good for her and if doing action without thinking also can be worse, it will lead to death.
"Yes, monster. Also, I think the monster came from the strange-looking cave. So far, anyone cannot confirm the inside of the cave because of the safety or lack of the people who capable to dealing with that."
"Then, how about 'Awakened'? I think you or anyone in the village should contact the government or anyone from 'Awakened Guild'. They can send some people to investigate or eliminate the cave and monsters."
"…'Awakened'. Okay, I will inform everyone in the village to make a contact to the government or 'Awakened Guild'. I hope they could solve the problem we have in Asahigaoka, but I also hope you're fine in there, Leo."
"Don't worry about it. If you want it, I could visit Asahigaoka when I'm free and take a look at the village for a while. How's that? Ah, but next month I have a schedule, maybe I couldn't do it next month."
"That's okay! Whenever you are free, you could give me a visit. I just… felt not safe with the current situation in Asahigaoka and with you far from me, I think it made me miss you. I know that you're always busy with work and I couldn't do anything about that since a good girlfriend is the one who support her partner's decision. But… could I be a bit selfish and want you to visit my family?"
Hotaru said the last part with low and sweet tone as if she hoping that Eleonora would come to visit her. Hearing that, Eleonora take a breath and shake her head with small smile adorning her beautiful and elegant face.
"If it not Saturday or Sunday, then I'm free since I currently take days off from my work because my parents insist that I must have fun and spending my precious time with my lovers or anything while my father currently the one who temporarily manage my company."
"Really?! I cannot wait when you're decided to visit us. Ah, how about Tuesday or Wednesday? I am a bit sad that you can't stay for long but it can't be helped since you're workaholic."
Hotaru said that with huff through the phone, Eleonora just laugh awkwardly when her girlfriend really knew about her that well.
"Aha… ahahaha… sorry, but maybe Wednesday I will arrived at Asahigaoka. You can give me your current address so I won't get lose when arrived at the village. I think the village you're currently live in is something like secluded?"
"Yeah, there's not many modern thing in Asahigaoka and the biggest mall is quite far from here. The biggest mall in here is actually small compared to Tokyo. The land is still untouched by modern thing like Tokyo, so it's your humble village… I think."
Eleonora smiled.
"That's fine. If I spending my time with you in there, I think it would be interesting and lovely. I'd never get bored if you're with me."
Hotaru who heard it blushing madly in embarrassment as her girlfriend said something like that to her through phone. Although right now they can't see each other, Eleonora could clearly imagine what kind of expression her black-haired girlfriend who is in her fifth as she currently study in Asahigaoka Branch School.
"G-Geez… you're always throw off some sweet words to me."
"Ahahaha, sorry. It just… I can't resist since you're just too cute, Hotaru. And I always flirt or spoil my girlfriends since I love them, including you. My Hotaru is adorable and cute, also beautiful and always will be in the future; I bet you would be a great wife and mother in the future."
Hotaru's face completely red and can be mistaken as tomato if anyone can see it after hearing what Eleonora has said to her. Even though they're couple and dating each other, Hotaru still not going to used to hearing that from Eleonora directly. It's sounds embarrassing if she admit and like it, but she isn't tsundere who acting tough or dislike it, she just angry adorably at her.
"Geez, if you're said that too much… I… I will get angry at you, you know…"
"No problem. Angry at me all you want, but I will still said you're cute, adorable, and beautiful since it's a fact. There's no way I'm saying that to anyone and lying to them, I always said the fact to people whenever I meet them."
"Thank you then, Leo, for being a good girlfriend and always taking care of me. Although we only dating for a year despite we knew each other for a long time, you are always precious to me and always do anything for me to make sure I'm happy."
Eleonora scratch her cheek and flushed in embarrassment when hearing the honest words coming out of Hotaru's mouth right now. Although they just talking through phone, it felt like they're talking to each other in the same place, even though they currently far from each other.
"Me too. The time we spend as couple and friends is something I couldn't forget. I mean, I would make sure to not forget and remember it forever. All of them are precious to me, since other than bring us closer to the point that made us couple, it also the reason why I could meet and know about you."
"Exactly. You're always good to me and will become my precious person, aside from my parents of course. Whenever I'm think about you, my chest felt warm and my heart became impatient to the point it can't wait to be with you again. I want to meet you and hold our hands together again."
"Me too, Hotarun. I also want that and that's why in Wednesday, I will coming to see you."
Both said that as they lift up their heads and looking at the moon that shine in the evening today.
Kayaba Akihiko is genius, but he knew that he's nothing compared to her boss, which is Eleonora Pendragon. That young girl is an existence that beyond his reach and he already knew the fact that himself couldn't even surpass her no matter how many years knowledge he learn. She is superhuman or inhuman, but Kayaba already knew that and that's why he tried to create a world of his own, where he is the one who control everything and let people coming to his own world.
The bridge to it are VRMMO. By creating an MMO that lift up his idea, he can realize that kind of dream, moreover with the recent discovery of magic and monsters, he 100% sure that his world is nothing impossible to make. The realism would go even further, he could use magic to broaden the horizon of his own world. He want to make a bridge or gate to another world, the world of his own creation.
Although he grateful and amazed by Eleonora, he also afraid of her. Afraid that she can see through his plan to bring a lot of people and trapped them into the game he would create. That's why he will spend this five years until the game is fully developed and released to the public, along with the console to make it happen, to forming a lot of plan and maybe backups for it.
His act can be considered rebellion, but he also selfish person and since human is greedy also selfish, he think it's normal for him to be like that. He even has the plan to trap Eleonora into the game too since it would prevent her to interfere with his plan. He's not that confident with his plan and the backups, since he knew how frightening the brain of Eleonora based on how he always observe how Eleonora act and forming a plan.
It's beyond his expectation. But he can't let that get him and made him give up, this game is his dream since he's child and he going to make it happen. Taking a risk sounds stupid and he knew it's reckless move, but he cannot do anything if he's not act. Better doing something even if he going to regret it later.
"Looks like I have to be in extra careful or my plan would get discovered easily by her."
He scratch his head and continue doing the work that was given to him.
Although he create the game for his own selfish desire, he also want to give any gamers the best experience of MMO through virtual reality and let them having fun in virtual reality since it's currently booming in this era and year, also a lot of people love video game and he think it's an easy way to make people love it, letting them have an easy access to it without knowing what will happened to them later.
Kayaba Akihiko is kind of evil if you think on the other perspective. He's not just a simple guy.
After spending her time in Kagamihara's family, Eleonora then think it's time to visit Asahigaoka and meet with Hotaru. It's has been two days since she call her and she has to fulfill that promise she mad or Hotaru would be mad at her. Although the Kagamihara's seems feels sad knowing Eleonora about to leave, Sakura told them.
"Hey, Leo has many people she want to visit, not just us. It can't be helped."
Nadeshiko was the one who felt sad, she literally crying and don't want to let her arms that wrapped Eleonora's waist as she kept crying and hugging her tightly. Eleonora who saw it just felt a bit sad but there's no choice, she can always visit them whenever she want and faster than before with the teleportation spell she already have.
"Nadeshiko, you have to let Nora-chan go. Look, you bothering her if you keep like that."
"Weeeeeh…!! I don't want Leo-neechan to go!"
"Hey Nadeshiko, don't be such dramatic like that. Eleonora is busy and she can't always be there for you. Maybe next time we could visit her when we have the chance. We are family after all and if you keep being like that, Otou-san will not give you any extra allowance."
Hearing this, Nadeshiko suddenly went quit and zip her mouth as she letting go Eleonora's waist and freeing the young chairman from Nadeshiko's hug. Sakura just shake her head in disbelievement and sighing tiredly seeing her little sister.
"Ahem. Then Leo, are you already packing anything? Nothing is left out?"
"I already checked it a few times, so no. Everything already packed and I also store it in here."
Eleonora said as she opened and shows them her [Inventory]. The entire Kagamihara's still felt amazed by how miraculous magic that they thought is unreal to become real. Especially Shizuka and Nadeshiko, they're the one who enthralled by it since they always carry many things; like groceries or snacks.
Sakura nodded at Eleonora and getting closer to her as she give a peck to Eleonora's cheeks and smiled lovingly.
"Then I don't have to worry about you. Instead I have to worry about this brat."
Sakura said with a bit annoyed as she pointing her finger to Nadeshiko who sobbing and trying to wipe her nose. Eleonora just laughing awkwardly when Sakura mentioned that.
"Hey, this is still morning and you two already being so affectionate."
Shuuichi said that with hearty laugh followed by his wife giggling and nodded in agreement with her husband. Nadeshiko just went to pout when seeing that, but then have an idea that made her smiled as she spoke to Eleonora.
"Leo-neechan, can you get down a little?"
"Hm? Okay, what is—"
As she said that, Eleonora felt something touched her right cheek and noticed it was Nadeshiko who kissed her. This make Eleonora widened in surprise as she didn't expect that, Nadeshiko's parents and sister also surprised by the sudden and unexpected act she did.
The kiss lasted for a few second before Nadeshiko broke it and smiled widely at the long bluish-haired girl.
"Hehe, I got to kiss Leo-neechan! It's unfair if it only Onee-chan who always kiss you, you know."
She said that as she puffed out her chest and pout on her cheeks. Eleonora just laugh heartily followed by Shuuichi who did the same while Shizuka and Sakura just hold their laugh which made the pink-haired girl huffed.
Eleonora then place her right hand to Nadeshiko's hair and stroke it gently.
"Thank you for that, Nadeshiko-chan. I'm happy if you doing it again and I'll do the same. Is that okay, Sakura-nee?"
Sakura sighing and simply nodded.
"I think so. But…"
Sakura didn't continue what she said as she looked straight at Eleonora. Seeing that, Eleonora understand what she mean and just send her awkward laugh. The possibility of that can be happened since Sakura knew what kind of person Eleonora is and the young girl also known that fact.
Nadeshiko just tilted her head in confusion as she doesn't understand what they mean while her parents know what they mean as they decided to quiet about it and send them smiles.
"It's already too late to stop it, I think…"
Sakura said it in a low tone.
"Leo, don't forget about your safety, okay?"
Eleonora went agape when heard what Sakura said with serious face and tone. She nodded at her.
"I will, don't worry about it. Alright, I have to go now."
"When you're going back, please send our greetings to your parents, Nora-chan! And give them the souvenirs!"
"Yeah, I bet your dad would like the souvenirs we bought for him. But I think it's still nowhere compared to the wine or alcohol he own. I'm quite jealous of that and wish had something like that."
Shuuichirou went in laugh when saying that and seeing her husband, Shizuka nudged his stomach with her elbow causing the husband noticed that and giving Shizuka a sorry smile. Eleonora and Sakura just felt weird seeing them like that.
But hearing her father-in-law wish, she then spoke.
"Okay, Otou-san. If you want it, I'll buy you any wine or alcohol like Dad. He always okay with sharing his hobby or things with the people who share the same preferences. So don't worry about it."
"Haha. Is that so? Thank you then, I'll be waiting."
Sakura and Shizuka just shaking their heads and sighing at his behavior.
"I hope next time we can spend our time as family even more, Nora-chan. Like girls night! Oops, I mean woman night…? Yep, something like that. Oh, but if we did that, then you and Sakura won't have the time for the lovey-dovey session. Forgive me for that."
She said with jokingly and success make Sakura blushing in embarassment because of what her mother said. And with that, Eleonora bid a farewell to Kagamihara's family as she going to Asahigaoka and meet with Hotaru, one of them is she miss her and the other one is to see for herself the condition of Asahigaoka's village since Hotaru inform her about that.
Sakura seemed satisfied right now as she and Eleonora taking a bath together including with Nadeshiko. All three of them taking it together and of course both couple cannot do any s.e.x.u.a.l activity with Nadeshiko joined it. But they at least can control their libido and l.u.s.t as they know the word about 'holding back'.
Having a nice bath is good for them. One of the reason is to wash off their body and giving them a fresh feeling after the steamy and hot s.e.x they already commit, although Eleonora can replenish their stamina and wash themselves with magic instantly but Eleonora decide it's not necessary; she would do that if they're lazy and don't want to take a bath.
A few minutes later, approximately 45 minutes, Eleonora with Sakura and Nadeshiko already finished their bath. Nadeshiko showed a fresh and happy smile as she got out from the bathroom, she looks like someone that just have a lot of fatigue acc.u.mulated onto her, while Eleonora and Sakura just there behind her; it's undeniable that they also enjoyed the bath since it's warm bath, although it's not an onsen but there still a feeling of joy included in there.
When they out of the bathroom, Kagamihara's family welcomed Eleonora and always has been since they knew Eleonora well enough, to invite her enjoying their dinner and even letting her to live in their house whenever she want it; since they already acknowledge the young chairman as the part of their family and have no problem with it.
"Mhm! This is delicious."
Eleonora said as she eating the food for the dinner that already been prepared. Shuuichirou and Nadeshiko currently busy wolfing down their food while Shizuka smiled in satisfication when hearing Eleonora's compliment toward her food and Sakura eating quietly and elegantly, but she also smiled happily when heard her mother's food being praised by her soon-to-be wife.
"Is that so? Thank you, Nora-chan and I bet Sakura's cooking would be even better than mine. She would be your future wife after all."
Shizuka said that with playful tone and successfully made Sakura choked when about to chew her food as she blushed in embarrassment. Eleonora just sweatdrop and smile awkwardly as she could sees the smile from Shuuichirou, Shizuka, and Nadeshiko; they wore the same expression on their face right now.
"I'll teach Onee-san cooking if she need my help! Don't worry about it, Leo-neechan."
Eleonora could only give Nadeshiko's head a soft and gentle pat when heard that from the pink-haired energetic girl who seemed trying to ensure her sister and sister-in-law that if they're in trouble of cooking, she would gladly help them.
Nadeshiko face become mellowed as she wears adorable smile.
"Thank you, Nadeshiko-chan. I'm counting on you."
"Mhm! Leave it to Nadeshiko the Outclub Red!"
All of them except Sakura letting out hearty laugh at Nadeshiko statement, leaving Sakura shake her head at her little sister behavior. She's so childish despite older than Eleonora and Eleonora who is mature enough despite she younger than her little sister Nadeshiko, she almost cannot believe it herself but decided to ignore it for now since it will hurt her head and giving her headache.
"Oh that's right. Otou-san, Okaa-san… I want to ask about something."
"Is that about the marriage with Sakura, Eleonora?"
Eleonora blinked in surprise and nodded at Shuuichirou and Shizuka who smiled at each other as Shizuka spoke.
"Don't worry about it. I know it's a bit sad when we heard from Sakura that she want to quit her job and dedicated herself to become your wife. Maybe she's so eager and cannot wait it anymore to be living with you together."
"Eeeeh?! Onee-chan quit her job…?! Is that true?!"
Sakura just respond with small nod to her little sister who are shocked by the sudden reveal of this. Nadeshiko, who still in shock with gaping mouth, had her head and mind stopped for a second then went back to normal after her older sister snapping her finger and she heard the sounds of it.
The face of that pink-haired girl went from shocked with gaping mouth to widened smile.
"Then Onee-chan can drive me to school and campsite until she's married, right?"
Saying that, Nadeshiko felt a bit pain on her head as she heard the sound of her older sister give her a bonking on her head, she getting hit on the head since Sakura are a bit annoyed by her statement. To the violet-haired glasses woman, it sounds like her little sister going back to be lazy and irresponsible again.
"Don't get your hope up. When the time I live with Leo arrived, then I can't give you any ride. You have to go by yourself, ALONE or together by your friends. Hear that, Nadeshiko?"
She emphasizing the word 'ALONE' with intimidating tone on her voice, resulting the poor pink-haired girl shiver in fear and nodded quickly at that. Her older sister looks so scary and she don't want to mess around or do anything stupid to reject it, although she seemed forget about it sometimes and led her to be doomed a few times.
Shizuka chuckle while Shuuichirou snorted at their daughters.
Clasping her hands, Shizuka then gain everyone attention and spoke as she wears smile on her face right now.
"Okay, let's eat our dinner or it will get cold soon if we don't eat it. Come on, everyone."
"She's right. Here, Nadeshiko. Eat a lot and always healthy like me, okay?"
"Yes, Otou-san! I will eat a lot of delicious food! Okaa-san's food always delicious and I want to eat it forever."
"Don't eat too much or you would get chubby again like before and I will surely make you lose that weight if that happened."
"Sakura-nee, don't be too harsh to Nadeshiko-chan. Give her some mercy."
All of them then laughing and continue their warm and loving dinner. The dinner was fun and Eleonora always enjoys it a lot to the point she feels comfortable and not consider herself as an outsider of Kagamihara's family. At first she feels like that but over the time goes on, she overcome that and not feeling outcasted.
She really enjoy it.
Dinner is over and Eleonora currently has some business to do, one of those is calling someone who seems in need of her presence or help. It's one of her girlfriend, a girl younger than her. She's currently moved from Tokyo to a small village due to her father's work transfer and already live in there for a month.
Taking out her phone, Eleonora then trying to call her. After a few second, her call is picked up and she heard a familiar voice that made her sighed in relief a bit.
"Hello? Leo, is this you…?"
"Yes Hotarun, it's me, who else would call you when you can see the caller name?"
Eleonora said that jokingly to her girlfriend.
"Leooooo…..! Please don't joke around like that. You always do that to me."
"Why not for my cute girlfriend?"
"…C-Cute, geez! Don't tease me! You're older than me, Leo. So please behave like that."
The long bluish-haired girl just laugh heartily when hearing the mad tone of Hotaru like that and nods her head, although they're currently talking through phone, it's as if Hotaru know what kind of expression or gesture that Eleonora have right now.
After finished laughing, Eleonora then coughing and stopped laugh, so she can hear what the collarbone-length black-haired young girl said carefully so she don't miss anything or she can give her some advice, suggestion, or tips that can help her; the young chairman felt Hotaru have some kind of trouble but don't want to make Eleonora worried, that is one of the things from her black-haired girlfriend that find it worrying.
"Ahem. Sorry for that. So, what's wrong, Hotaru?"
The moment Eleonora not using her pet name, Hotaru know that her girlfriend is serious, judging from the tone of voice that was used by the long bluish-haired young girl through the phone. Knowing that, Hotaru then inhaling and exhaling, trying to make herself calm as possible.
And she continue to spoke.
"Leo, this… monster somewhat appeared in Asahigaoka. No, not just monster… I've also seen a strange building. It's like a cave or sort, the villager don't dare to enter and confirm it since the cave entrance seemed guarded by some scary-looking monster."
This make Eleonora a bit tensed. Hearing that happened near the place where she live was made her frightened. She about to losing her composure but trying to keep it cool or she would regret it. Being rash would do no good for her and if doing action without thinking also can be worse, it will lead to death.
"Yes, monster. Also, I think the monster came from the strange-looking cave. So far, anyone cannot confirm the inside of the cave because of the safety or lack of the people who capable to dealing with that."
"Then, how about 'Awakened'? I think you or anyone in the village should contact the government or anyone from 'Awakened Guild'. They can send some people to investigate or eliminate the cave and monsters."
"…'Awakened'. Okay, I will inform everyone in the village to make a contact to the government or 'Awakened Guild'. I hope they could solve the problem we have in Asahigaoka, but I also hope you're fine in there, Leo."
"Don't worry about it. If you want it, I could visit Asahigaoka when I'm free and take a look at the village for a while. How's that? Ah, but next month I have a schedule, maybe I couldn't do it next month."
"That's okay! Whenever you are free, you could give me a visit. I just… felt not safe with the current situation in Asahigaoka and with you far from me, I think it made me miss you. I know that you're always busy with work and I couldn't do anything about that since a good girlfriend is the one who support her partner's decision. But… could I be a bit selfish and want you to visit my family?"
Hotaru said the last part with low and sweet tone as if she hoping that Eleonora would come to visit her. Hearing that, Eleonora take a breath and shake her head with small smile adorning her beautiful and elegant face.
"If it not Saturday or Sunday, then I'm free since I currently take days off from my work because my parents insist that I must have fun and spending my precious time with my lovers or anything while my father currently the one who temporarily manage my company."
"Really?! I cannot wait when you're decided to visit us. Ah, how about Tuesday or Wednesday? I am a bit sad that you can't stay for long but it can't be helped since you're workaholic."
Hotaru said that with huff through the phone, Eleonora just laugh awkwardly when her girlfriend really knew about her that well.
"Aha… ahahaha… sorry, but maybe Wednesday I will arrived at Asahigaoka. You can give me your current address so I won't get lose when arrived at the village. I think the village you're currently live in is something like secluded?"
"Yeah, there's not many modern thing in Asahigaoka and the biggest mall is quite far from here. The biggest mall in here is actually small compared to Tokyo. The land is still untouched by modern thing like Tokyo, so it's your humble village… I think."
Eleonora smiled.
"That's fine. If I spending my time with you in there, I think it would be interesting and lovely. I'd never get bored if you're with me."
Hotaru who heard it blushing madly in embarrassment as her girlfriend said something like that to her through phone. Although right now they can't see each other, Eleonora could clearly imagine what kind of expression her black-haired girlfriend who is in her fifth as she currently study in Asahigaoka Branch School.
"G-Geez… you're always throw off some sweet words to me."
"Ahahaha, sorry. It just… I can't resist since you're just too cute, Hotaru. And I always flirt or spoil my girlfriends since I love them, including you. My Hotaru is adorable and cute, also beautiful and always will be in the future; I bet you would be a great wife and mother in the future."
Hotaru's face completely red and can be mistaken as tomato if anyone can see it after hearing what Eleonora has said to her. Even though they're couple and dating each other, Hotaru still not going to used to hearing that from Eleonora directly. It's sounds embarrassing if she admit and like it, but she isn't tsundere who acting tough or dislike it, she just angry adorably at her.
"Geez, if you're said that too much… I… I will get angry at you, you know…"
"No problem. Angry at me all you want, but I will still said you're cute, adorable, and beautiful since it's a fact. There's no way I'm saying that to anyone and lying to them, I always said the fact to people whenever I meet them."
"Thank you then, Leo, for being a good girlfriend and always taking care of me. Although we only dating for a year despite we knew each other for a long time, you are always precious to me and always do anything for me to make sure I'm happy."
Eleonora scratch her cheek and flushed in embarrassment when hearing the honest words coming out of Hotaru's mouth right now. Although they just talking through phone, it felt like they're talking to each other in the same place, even though they currently far from each other.
"Me too. The time we spend as couple and friends is something I couldn't forget. I mean, I would make sure to not forget and remember it forever. All of them are precious to me, since other than bring us closer to the point that made us couple, it also the reason why I could meet and know about you."
"Exactly. You're always good to me and will become my precious person, aside from my parents of course. Whenever I'm think about you, my chest felt warm and my heart became impatient to the point it can't wait to be with you again. I want to meet you and hold our hands together again."
"Me too, Hotarun. I also want that and that's why in Wednesday, I will coming to see you."
Both said that as they lift up their heads and looking at the moon that shine in the evening today.
Kayaba Akihiko is genius, but he knew that he's nothing compared to her boss, which is Eleonora Pendragon. That young girl is an existence that beyond his reach and he already knew the fact that himself couldn't even surpass her no matter how many years knowledge he learn. She is superhuman or inhuman, but Kayaba already knew that and that's why he tried to create a world of his own, where he is the one who control everything and let people coming to his own world.
The bridge to it are VRMMO. By creating an MMO that lift up his idea, he can realize that kind of dream, moreover with the recent discovery of magic and monsters, he 100% sure that his world is nothing impossible to make. The realism would go even further, he could use magic to broaden the horizon of his own world. He want to make a bridge or gate to another world, the world of his own creation.
Although he grateful and amazed by Eleonora, he also afraid of her. Afraid that she can see through his plan to bring a lot of people and trapped them into the game he would create. That's why he will spend this five years until the game is fully developed and released to the public, along with the console to make it happen, to forming a lot of plan and maybe backups for it.
His act can be considered rebellion, but he also selfish person and since human is greedy also selfish, he think it's normal for him to be like that. He even has the plan to trap Eleonora into the game too since it would prevent her to interfere with his plan. He's not that confident with his plan and the backups, since he knew how frightening the brain of Eleonora based on how he always observe how Eleonora act and forming a plan.
It's beyond his expectation. But he can't let that get him and made him give up, this game is his dream since he's child and he going to make it happen. Taking a risk sounds stupid and he knew it's reckless move, but he cannot do anything if he's not act. Better doing something even if he going to regret it later.
"Looks like I have to be in extra careful or my plan would get discovered easily by her."
He scratch his head and continue doing the work that was given to him.
Although he create the game for his own selfish desire, he also want to give any gamers the best experience of MMO through virtual reality and let them having fun in virtual reality since it's currently booming in this era and year, also a lot of people love video game and he think it's an easy way to make people love it, letting them have an easy access to it without knowing what will happened to them later.
Kayaba Akihiko is kind of evil if you think on the other perspective. He's not just a simple guy.
After spending her time in Kagamihara's family, Eleonora then think it's time to visit Asahigaoka and meet with Hotaru. It's has been two days since she call her and she has to fulfill that promise she mad or Hotaru would be mad at her. Although the Kagamihara's seems feels sad knowing Eleonora about to leave, Sakura told them.
"Hey, Leo has many people she want to visit, not just us. It can't be helped."
Nadeshiko was the one who felt sad, she literally crying and don't want to let her arms that wrapped Eleonora's waist as she kept crying and hugging her tightly. Eleonora who saw it just felt a bit sad but there's no choice, she can always visit them whenever she want and faster than before with the teleportation spell she already have.
"Nadeshiko, you have to let Nora-chan go. Look, you bothering her if you keep like that."
"Weeeeeh…!! I don't want Leo-neechan to go!"
"Hey Nadeshiko, don't be such dramatic like that. Eleonora is busy and she can't always be there for you. Maybe next time we could visit her when we have the chance. We are family after all and if you keep being like that, Otou-san will not give you any extra allowance."
Hearing this, Nadeshiko suddenly went quit and zip her mouth as she letting go Eleonora's waist and freeing the young chairman from Nadeshiko's hug. Sakura just shake her head in disbelievement and sighing tiredly seeing her little sister.
"Ahem. Then Leo, are you already packing anything? Nothing is left out?"
"I already checked it a few times, so no. Everything already packed and I also store it in here."
Eleonora said as she opened and shows them her [Inventory]. The entire Kagamihara's still felt amazed by how miraculous magic that they thought is unreal to become real. Especially Shizuka and Nadeshiko, they're the one who enthralled by it since they always carry many things; like groceries or snacks.
Sakura nodded at Eleonora and getting closer to her as she give a peck to Eleonora's cheeks and smiled lovingly.
"Then I don't have to worry about you. Instead I have to worry about this brat."
Sakura said with a bit annoyed as she pointing her finger to Nadeshiko who sobbing and trying to wipe her nose. Eleonora just laughing awkwardly when Sakura mentioned that.
"Hey, this is still morning and you two already being so affectionate."
Shuuichi said that with hearty laugh followed by his wife giggling and nodded in agreement with her husband. Nadeshiko just went to pout when seeing that, but then have an idea that made her smiled as she spoke to Eleonora.
"Leo-neechan, can you get down a little?"
"Hm? Okay, what is—"
As she said that, Eleonora felt something touched her right cheek and noticed it was Nadeshiko who kissed her. This make Eleonora widened in surprise as she didn't expect that, Nadeshiko's parents and sister also surprised by the sudden and unexpected act she did.
The kiss lasted for a few second before Nadeshiko broke it and smiled widely at the long bluish-haired girl.
"Hehe, I got to kiss Leo-neechan! It's unfair if it only Onee-chan who always kiss you, you know."
She said that as she puffed out her chest and pout on her cheeks. Eleonora just laugh heartily followed by Shuuichi who did the same while Shizuka and Sakura just hold their laugh which made the pink-haired girl huffed.
Eleonora then place her right hand to Nadeshiko's hair and stroke it gently.
"Thank you for that, Nadeshiko-chan. I'm happy if you doing it again and I'll do the same. Is that okay, Sakura-nee?"
Sakura sighing and simply nodded.
"I think so. But…"
Sakura didn't continue what she said as she looked straight at Eleonora. Seeing that, Eleonora understand what she mean and just send her awkward laugh. The possibility of that can be happened since Sakura knew what kind of person Eleonora is and the young girl also known that fact.
Nadeshiko just tilted her head in confusion as she doesn't understand what they mean while her parents know what they mean as they decided to quiet about it and send them smiles.
"It's already too late to stop it, I think…"
Sakura said it in a low tone.
"Leo, don't forget about your safety, okay?"
Eleonora went agape when heard what Sakura said with serious face and tone. She nodded at her.
"I will, don't worry about it. Alright, I have to go now."
"When you're going back, please send our greetings to your parents, Nora-chan! And give them the souvenirs!"
"Yeah, I bet your dad would like the souvenirs we bought for him. But I think it's still nowhere compared to the wine or alcohol he own. I'm quite jealous of that and wish had something like that."
Shuuichirou went in laugh when saying that and seeing her husband, Shizuka nudged his stomach with her elbow causing the husband noticed that and giving Shizuka a sorry smile. Eleonora and Sakura just felt weird seeing them like that.
But hearing her father-in-law wish, she then spoke.
"Okay, Otou-san. If you want it, I'll buy you any wine or alcohol like Dad. He always okay with sharing his hobby or things with the people who share the same preferences. So don't worry about it."
"Haha. Is that so? Thank you then, I'll be waiting."
Sakura and Shizuka just shaking their heads and sighing at his behavior.
"I hope next time we can spend our time as family even more, Nora-chan. Like girls night! Oops, I mean woman night…? Yep, something like that. Oh, but if we did that, then you and Sakura won't have the time for the lovey-dovey session. Forgive me for that."
She said with jokingly and success make Sakura blushing in embarassment because of what her mother said. And with that, Eleonora bid a farewell to Kagamihara's family as she going to Asahigaoka and meet with Hotaru, one of them is she miss her and the other one is to see for herself the condition of Asahigaoka's village since Hotaru inform her about that.
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