
Rubbing his nose, Shao Yunan muttered, "Brother Jing must have missed me. Well, Brother Qing and Nizi must have thought so too." He quickly picked the fresh leaves from the ancient Dahongpao tea tree with both hands.


Under the tree, Brother Hu urged him, and Shao Yun reassured him: "Wait a minute, it's not over yet, time is waiting for no one, take advantage of the good weather today, and we need to harvest more.


In the distance, Jiang Moxi came back riding on Dai Jin's back, holding a bag in his arms, he didn't know anything, it was quite heavy. Shao Yunan said: "Uncle An is still busy, do you want to go back or wait 'outside'?"



Jiang Moxi was brought over by Da Jin. Dajin lay down, Jiang Moxi got off the back of the tiger and dumped the contents of his pocket on the ground. Shao Yunan looked down and was shocked: "Brother Xi, where did you get it?"

Jiang Moxi looked up: "Ebony."

Shao Yunan stopped picking tea, and hurriedly got down from the tree: "Where did you get it? How did you know it was ebony?"

Shao Yunan's scalp was numb: "You cut it with an axe yourself?!"

Jiang Moxi nodded, Shao Yunan swept his eyes, and sure enough, there was an ax tied to Xiaojin's back. Shao Yunan hurriedly took Jiang Moxi's hand to check: "This ebony is very hard! What if you cut yourself!"


Shao Yunan's movements stopped, the boy's hands were dirty, but there was no wound. He does know how to use spiritual spring water to clean wounds, right? Sure enough, the other side of gifted children is problem children.

Jiang Moxi asked: "Ebony, uncle."

"how long?"

"Long." Jiang Moxi pointed to the place where he was standing, and also pointed to the position of an ancient Dahongpao tree. Shao Yunan checked it visually, and it was at least 20 meters long. My darling, I posted it, I found something valuable. But Shao Yunan wondered again: "Everything you catch is buried in the soil or in the river. How did you find it?"

"On the ground."

"This is on the ground?"


Shao Yunan thought for a while, and said, "Uncle An will pick tea first, and go look after picking it." He picked up the small branch and fork that Jiang Moxi brought back, looked at it, and touched it: "It looks like it, then wait for An Uncle is done first."


"You can't pick tea quickly, you have to be patient. Why don't you go to the space?"


Shao Yunan sent Jiang Moxi and Xiaojin into the space, and quickly climbed up the tree. In his "last life", he had a long ebony tea table, which his eldest brother spent over seven million to buy for him. It was his most extravagant tea table. In his space, he was reluctant to use it once. collect. This kid directly found one for him. In modern times, just a piece of wood is worth hundreds of millions, not to mention making it into furniture or handicrafts. And it can't be privately owned.

Despite the temptation of ebony, Shao Yunan finished picking the tea first. The sun is about to set, so he has finished his work today, and he will come back tomorrow - he will be able to finish all the picking, and then he will make it.

After taking the tea leaves to dry in the space, Shao Yunan rode Brother Hu and followed Xiaojin to see the location of Ebony. This is deep in the jungle, and there is no road at all. If you don't ride a tiger, you can only walk on two legs. I don't know how long.

Even so, it was completely dark when they came to the place where Da Xiaojin and Jiang Moxi found Ebony. Shao Yunan took out two emergency lights and handed one to Jiang Moxi. The biggest advantage of having three tigers by his side was revealed at this moment. No matter if it is dark or deep in the jungle, he is absolutely not afraid of danger.

After taking two steps, Shao Yunan saw the "giant tree". Seeing this ebony tree that was half lying on the ground and half in the water, Shao Yunan's mouth was grinning to the base of his ears. Not to mention how long the tree was, but it was two meters in diameter.

"I made it, I definitely made it."

Shao Yunan happily touched the ebony tree and kept talking about it. Of course, he didn't really want to sell for money, but he actually had such a whole ebony tree, which is hard to find. This is not what it is.

"Uncle." Jiang Moxi teased Shao Yunan, "The boat."

Shao Yunan recovered and looked down at him: "You want to build a boat with ebony?"

Jiang Moxi nodded.

Shao Yun'an's first reaction: "Luxury!" After clearing his throat, he touched Jiang Moxi's head, "Ebony is very hard, you can make some decorations and furniture, and use it to build ships, one is too wasteful, the other you want to find How many ebony trees can make a boat? You have read the book, you should know how ebony is formed, it is luck to find one, and it is a fairy to find the second one."

"Uncle, fairy."

Shao Yunan coughed, and sure enough, to make up a lie requires countless lies to make up for it!

"Uncle An is an immortal in the sky, but he is a mortal when he descends to earth. And the most important point is that ebony is very heavy, and a boat made of ebony will sink when you enter the water. What about sailing?"

Jiang Moxi looked at Uncle An, and after a few seconds, his shoulders slumped, obviously disappointed. Shao Yunan couldn't bear his disappointment, and encouraged: "You can check the information in the space. Uncle An doesn't know what kind of wood is the most suitable for building a boat. Uncle An and Uncle Jing will find all kinds of wood for you to experiment with."

Jiang Moxi nodded.

"Uncle An put this wood into the space, can you go in first?"

Jiang Moxi nodded.

Shao Yunan sent Jiang Moxi and Xiaojin in. He put his hands on the ebony, closed his eyes, and concentrated. This ebony is so big, it's not good to just throw it in and smash flowers and plants.

Under the same sky, different places. The two sat in the humble general tent, their faces were filled with excitement and self-blame that had not yet faded away. Jiang Kangchen, who was tired all the way, was just put back into the camp by Dai Mingrong and Dai Zhanxiao. If it weren't for Jiang Kangchen's exhaustion, he couldn't keep his eyes open, the two generals would have pulled him to ask this question.

"Father." Dai Zhanxiao shouted, but he didn't know what to say, and he couldn't calm down.

Dai Mingrong's fist tightened and loosened, and he didn't know what to say. There is a lot to say, but when the words come to my mouth, they become empty.


"What do you want to say?"

Dai Zhanxiao said, "No, admit it."

Dai Mingrong glared at him: "Your father, I won't be too old to recognize your brother!"

Dai Zhanxiao expressed the doubts he had always had in his heart: "My younger brother was taken away by the thieves at the age of five. Even if he lives in Shaojia Village in Yongxiu County, he will not suddenly be able to make wine and tea, and you know so much that you don't know. It's not that I don't want to find my brother back, I am, I'm afraid of the end or disappointment. "

Dai Mingrong clenched his fists: "I'm afraid too."


"But this is really the first time Dad has seen someone so similar to your little grandfather. He is of the right age and adopted. When you were young, your grandfather often said that your younger brother looked the most like you. Little grandpa. Dad also thinks it is the most similar. When I saw the painting that Jiang Kangchen drew, there was a voice in my heart that kept saying, it is Zhan An, and that person is your brother."

Dai Zhanxiao was silent for a while, and said, "Dad, why don't I go to Xiushui Village - secretly."

Dai Mingrong: "No! You are a general, so how can you leave the camp at will."

Dai Zhanxiao: "The princes of the Huhar Kingdom are busy fighting for the throne now, and there will be no more wars at the border for at least half a year. I am riding a horse alone, and I can reach Yongxiu County in as fast as 20 days. I will go and see for myself. Look."

Dai Mingrong: "No!" But he said, "I will send a letter to your little father, telling him to go to Xiushui Village."

Dai Zhanxiao, who was still disappointed at first, was not disappointed immediately, and said, "If Yun An is really a younger brother, I will not let go of Shaojia Village!"

Dai Mingrong frowned: "Jiang Kangchen said that they adopted Yun An in a wrong way. No matter if Yun An is your younger brother or not, you can't spare the Shao family lightly."

Dai Zhanxiao also frowned: "If it is really a younger brother, the Shao family forces him to marry Wang Shijing, and he should also be punished! And the Wang family! Don't be lighthearted!"

Dai Mingrong sighed.

Dai Zhanxiao: "Father, if it is really a younger brother, he and Wang Shijing... Wang Shijing is a man, but he is my soldier. If it is my brother, he is not worthy of my younger brother."

Dai Mingrong: "First find out if it's a war."

===================================================== ============================== The things that are collected in the space usually fall in a fixed place, and they will be collected unless they concentrate The designated location, but it will consume a lot of physical and energy. The ebony is so big, if you put it into the space, it will not only crush the flowers and plants, but also damage the Lingquan Pool. Shao Yunan put the ebony into the corner at the edge of the space, and he collapsed from exhaustion. He drank a cup of spiritual spring water mixed with spiritual milk before he recovered. Brother Tiger is very dissatisfied with this, he wants to drink!

The fairy grass is still sleeping with curled leaves under the spirit milk stone. Shao Yunan placed the small piece of ebony that Jiang Moxi cut down beside the grass. There is a folk saying that a house with half a square of ebony is better than a treasure chest. Ebony is the mummy of the plant world, the spirit of all woods, and the honor of spirit wood. Ebony and Immortal Grass are the most suitable neighbors, but the Lingru Stone Cave is too small, so I can only put such a piece of Immortal Grass to accompany it.

After grabbing Jiang Moxi and getting up to take a bath, Shao Yunan simply made fried rice with vegetables and ham, and cooked a tomato and egg soup. Jiang Moxi ate a big plate full of fried rice and drank two big bowls of soup.

It has been five days since he came out, and Shao Yunan still misses Wang Shijing. This is the first time that he and Wang Shijing have been separated for so long since their marriage. Lying on the bed, Shao Yunan was still thinking about the ebony. He paid attention to his surroundings. There were many fallen trees, and the ground was a mess. Could it be that on the day they picked the fairy grass, an earthquake occurred in the forest, and this ebony tree buried in the ground or underwater was shaken out?

What happened that day, I still have lingering fears when I think about it now, if Brother Hu's speed was slower. He could only drag Brother Hu to the space, so he didn't know how long he would be trapped in the space.


Shao Yunan turned his head: "You haven't slept yet?"

Jiang Moxi turned his head, his handsome eyes were not sleepy, he opened his mouth: "Nizi."

"Miss Nizi?"


Shao Yunan smiled and deliberately teased him: "Then you don't want Brother Qing? You don't want Uncle Jing, your uncle and your little father?"

"Think." Then, "Nizi."

"Hehe, do you miss Nizi the most?"


Shao Yunan raised his hand and touched Jiang Moxi's head, and asked very openly, "Does Brother Xi like Nizi?"


"Is it your love for your sister, or your love for your daughter-in-law?"

"Sister, daughter-in-law." Both sister and daughter-in-law.

These ancient children are as precocious as modern children. But think about it, people here are engaged and married at the age of thirteen or fourteen, and if they are not engaged at the age of sixteen or seventeen, they are left with males and females.

Shao Yunan said irresponsibly, "Brother Xi, you have to work hard. Nizi is a little beauty in our family, and many men will definitely pursue him in the future."

Jiang Moxi: "Daughter-in-law!"

"Haha." Shao Yunan rubbed the head of Jiang Moxi's head, "Brother Xi of our family has the attitude of a domineering president. Yes, it is necessary to maintain such self-confidence. Come, Uncle An will teach you some secrets to chasing girls. Also, how to defeat a rival in love."

Jiang Moxi was only 10 years old, and Shao Yunan began to teach others how to chase after his wife. If Nizi knew what her little father and her brother Xi were talking about, she would be shy.

In the palace of Xiushui Village, Nizi lay on her father's body and refused to sleep. After Shao Yunan took Jiang Moxi up the mountain, Nizi didn't want to sleep in her room. Ever since Xiao Nizi was petted by her little father, she has become more withdrawn.

"Nizi, it's time for you to sleep."

Poor Wang Shijing not only had to keep the empty room alone, but also coaxed his daughter. Fortunately, Wang Qing is old and sensible, so there is no need for him to coax him. Nizi sniffed: "Dad, I miss my little dad, I want to eat my little dad's food, my little dad's bread. I also miss brother Xi."

"Dad misses your little father too. In the future, father will never let your little father go out alone. This time, father did not think carefully. When the work is over, father will build a bamboo building on the mountain, and when the tea is picked again, we will The family just lives in the mountains, and they are not afraid of suspicion from others.”

"When will Daddy come back?"

"It should be soon. Go to sleep. Your little father said that girls should sleep more, otherwise they will not be beautiful."

Nizi became coquettish, and Wang Shijing became more talkative at home. If it was before, how could he coax his daughter like this. Under the influence of her little father, Nizi wanted to be a beautiful little lady.

"Dad, I miss Daddy."

"Well, Dad also thinks, go to sleep."

Nizi closed her eyes. Wang Shijing put his daughter on the bed, patted it, and sighed inwardly. He couldn't sleep either, thinking about his daughter-in-law.

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