Jiang Kangchen was woken up by the sound of the morning exercise. When he woke up, he was dazed for a while and couldn't tell where he was. He didn't wake up until there was obvious pain in his body. The bed was very hard, and because of the rush all the way, I finally reached the end, the whole person - relaxed, tired, and the whole body was in pain. He got out of bed with his stiff waist, Jiang Kangchen moved to the table like a grandfather in his 70s or 80s, picked up the teapot on the table and opened his mouth to pour it.

After quenching his thirst, Jiang Kangchen felt a little cold. He quickly put on his clothes, found out his Gu Yuanyu and ate two spoonfuls, and his stomach felt less uncomfortable immediately.

After flexing his stiff muscles and bones, Jiang Kangchen left the tent. Senior generals such as Dai Mingrong and Dai Zhanxiao have their own mansions in Huxingguan. Although they cannot be compared with those in the capital, they are much more comfortable than the tents. But they all chose to live in tents and share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers.

As soon as Jiang Kangchen came out, someone came over immediately: "Jiang Neiguan, Xiao Cao Dong, the general sent Xiao Xiao to send you. You are hungry, Xiao Xiao will bring you something to eat."

Jiang Kangchen stopped him: "I'm not busy. I want a pot of hot water. I have food with me. I want to cook some porridge to drink."

"Okay, little one is ready now."

It was very cold at Huxingguan in the morning, Jiang Kangchen rubbed his arms and went back to the camp. There was no more heat in the tent, so he added a few pieces of charcoal to the charcoal brazier that had been extinguished and lit it. At this moment, he misses the house with warm walls in Xiushui Village.

Cao Dong came over quickly and brought two people with him. Although Jiang Kangchen said it was no longer needed, Cao Dong still brought some dry food, a small stove, and tableware. Jiang Kangchen drank some hot water, washed his hands and face, and the charcoal fire also started, so he felt better. Instead of letting Cao Dong serve him in the tent, Jiang Kangchen cooked the porridge by himself. This white rice was still the polished rice that Shao Yunan had packed for him when he returned to Beijing. It was the best rice bought in the grain store and polished again, and the grains were crystal clear. There was only one bag, because he was not well, Shao Yunan asked him to cook porridge. After returning to Beijing, he was so busy that he never had time to eat, so he brought it with him when he left the capital.

When the aroma of rice porridge wafted out, Jiang Kangzhan licked his mouth. Next time, he would ask Yun Anduo for some of this rice. It smelled really fragrant, even more fragrant than the rice he ate in Fuli. How could he know that re-grinding is just a pretense, this rice is a good rice from space. Jiang Kangchen had a serious stomach problem, so Shao Yunan gave him a bag of such rice to nourish his stomach.

"Is Jiang Neiguan up?"

Jiang Kangchen stood up: "I got up now,"

The curtain was opened, and Dai Zhanxiao walked in hot, with a cloth bag in his hand. Seeing Jiang Kangchen cooking porridge, he frowned: "How does Jiang's internal official cook porridge by himself? Where's Cao Dong? Didn't you come?"

"Cao Dong is here, because he wants to cook some porridge to drink. Anyway, there is nothing to do here. Cooking porridge by myself is warmer. Can you eat this little general? This rice was given to me by Ishii and Yunan. I have never cared to eat it. , I brought it with me when I came out this time."

As soon as he heard that it was given by his younger brother, he automatically ignored Wang Shijing - Dai Zhanxiao said: "Then I'm welcome, and Jiang's internal officials don't need to be so polite, you can just call me by my name."

"How can you do that? You are the general Wuwei ordered by the emperor, and you are just a minister."

"But you are my brother's brother. Speaking of which, I should call you brother too. My grandfather and Grandpa Weng are close friends. I remember that Grandpa Weng seems to be your adoptive father, right?"

Jiang Kangchen replied: "Weng Bo recognized his younger brother Kang Ning as his adopted son, but in his heart, he is also his other father."

Dai Zhanxiao: "Then I should call you Brother Kangchen. Just call me Zhanxiao."

Jiang Kangchen thought about it for a while, but did not refuse, and said: "What you said is also true. Weng Bo and the old general have a deep friendship. "

"That's good!"

Weng Lao and Dai Lao General have a close relationship, but because almost all the men of the Dai family are at the border, they cannot go back to the capital once in a few years, and they are not very familiar with the people in the capital. Dai Zhanxiao has not even seen Jiang Kangchen and Jiang Kangning. Even Dai Mingrong only knew their father's generation.

The porridge was also cooked, Jiang Kangchen scooped two bowls of porridge and matched it with the cornmeal wowo sent by Cao Dong. It's not the golden millet nest in modern society. In ancient times, the white flour was black. Because of technical reasons, the wheat was not ground very finely, and there was a lot of wheat bran mixed with it. In addition, since this is a border crossing, it is a problem to be able to eat enough, and the food will not be so delicate. The millet noodles were hard and dark, but they were already enough dry food. Even though Dai Zhanxiao is a fourth-rank general, his food is also very average. At most, he will hunt some game to satisfy his cravings. He was hungry looking at the steaming rice porridge that night.

Dai Zhanxiao was not polite, scooped up a spoonful of blowing, and it was not too hot, so he drank it in one sip.

"Huh! It's delicious!"

Seeing this, Jiang Kangchen said: "Yun An said that you can't eat too hot, or your neck will get sick."

Dai Zhanxiao raised his head, Jiang Kangchen took out two pickles from a clay pot he brought, and cut them into pieces with scissors: "This is pickles, especially in the supplies brought to the commander, also made by Yunan."

Dai Zhanxiao: "Brother Kang Chen, tell me more about Yun'an. My father said that he is the younger brother, but I am most worried and disappointed."

Jiang Kangchen said: "Even if it's just a misunderstanding in the end, it's a good thing for Zhan Xiao to have a friend like Yun An. Yun An treats me as my elder brother, but I treat him as my benefactor."

"how do I say this?"

"Let's talk while we eat."


===================================================== =====================================================

It was almost noon when Dai Zhanxiao came out of Jiang Kangchen's tent. His expression was not as relaxed as when he came, neither heavy nor joyous, he went to the general tent to find his father, and met his lieutenants Shi Zhuang and Shi Qiang on the way.

Shi Qiang said excitedly: "General, my subordinates have bought all the sheep that can be bought in the market, there are sixty-three! The subordinates also told the sheep sellers and told them to get more sheep. We want as much as we want, as well as leather and other items. The subordinates also bought 30 shi of noodles and asked the brothers to make noodles together."

Shi Zhuang was a little worried: "General, it's not good for our vanguard army to eat alone. Many people have already asked questions on the way back. Some people said that the high officials from the capital gave us a lot of silver taels, and everyone was talking about it. There are many. General Li also sent someone to ask. Also, do we really have that much money to buy? What if we can’t get the money when someone comes to collect it?”

Dai Zhanxiao-Pai said calmly: "When someone asks, you all say you don't know, just say that I asked you to buy it. As for the silver, don't worry."

Shi Zhuang: "We didn't know, since the young marshal said enough, then the subordinates don't have to worry. It's just that this is eating alone..."

Early in the morning, he was ordered by the general to collect sheep, hides, and forage, and said how much to collect, but he was also confused.

"I have my own reasons." Dai Zhanxiao lifted his foot and stopped going to his father's camp. He went to the vanguard's martial arts training ground: "The order goes on, the vanguard army rests today, and all go to the training ground to kill and eat sheep. !"

"General! I'm afraid it is!"

Shi Zhuang was even more worried, and his younger brother Shi Qiang was even happier.

"Go. I'll explain when I eat the sheep. By the way," Dai Zhanxiao turned around, "Leave twenty sheep to roast, you can go to my father's tent to find the sauce he wants for the roast, and ask me for some more. Pickles and goat milk."



"You are not allowed to come and see me."

Leaving a problem for his lieutenant, Dai Zhanxiao left. Shi Qiang kidnapped his brother: "Brother, go to the commander to ask for the sauce. What is that kimchi rent goat milk wine?"

"Just know to eat! You go by yourself!"

Shi Zhuang walked away angrily, and went to the commander's tent to ask for "barbecue" sauce and wine. Isn't that courting death! Their young marshals won't be so greedy that they don't know what they're doing!

Shi Qiang, who was reprimanded by his eldest brother, was also angry, and shouted at his eldest brother's back: "I will go! You don't eat! Humph!"

The Hussar General, the Huxingguan Commander Dai Mingrong, only lit a brazier in the tent, which was only a drop in the bucket for such a huge tent, and could not achieve the effect of keeping warm at all. Just finished - Dai Mingrong, who is part of the military, is writing a letter. His knuckles are thick and the back of his hand is dry and peeling.

"Big guy!"


Dai Mingrong didn't lift his head. The curtain was lifted by the guards standing guard, and Dai Mao, the general of the left wing of the Yihu Army, strode in. - With a beard on his face, he came in and shouted: "Master, Zhan Xiao sent someone to buy dozens of sheep, and also bought a lot of Shibai noodles. At the end of the day, I heard that it was Empress Qiansui who gave a sum of money, what is this? What's going on? When will our Yihu Army be able to eat alone? Can this Qiansui only give Zhan Xiao silver? We have so many brothers who can only watch!"

Dai Mingrong raised his head and said slowly, "The person from the capital is Jiang Kangchen and Jiang's internal official. He is Qiansui's personal internal official, a fourth-grade official, and the brother of Jiang Kangning, the righteous son of Weng Lao."

When Dai Mao heard this, his eyes widened: "Qiantui really gave Zhan Xiao a piece of money? Didn't the rest of us share?!"

Dai Mingrong: "Why not. The truckload of grain and supplies brought by Jiang Neiguan was given to our Yihu Army by Qiansui, and half of the Eagle Army." He raised his chin and pointed to the boxes and bottles in the tent. Bottle Can Can, "Those were given to our generals by Chitose, and I'll find someone to share them later. They're all good things that have recently emerged in the capital. Those grains and supplies were not pulled by the household, but from the 'relief fund' by Chitose. The taels of silver that were given out provided food and supplies for the soldiers of the Yihu Army and the Eagle Army, which is Chitose's sympathy for us, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

Dai Mao was dumbfounded: "Yes, but Zhan Xiao bought dozens of sheep, only their vanguard, other soldiers may have complaints."

Dai Mingrong said leisurely: "The money that Zhanxiao bought the sheep was earned by the soldiers under his command and donated to the vanguard. If others want to eat, they should ask their soldiers to donate the money."

"Ah?! Why donate money?"

Dai Mingrong was about to explain when he heard from outside: "Report—"


Shi Qiang opened the curtain and came in. Seeing that General Dai Mao was there, he suddenly felt a little guilty. Salute: "Shi Qiang, deputy general of the Pioneer Army, has seen the commander and General Dai!"

Dai Mingrong: "What's the matter?"

Shi Qiang didn't dare to look at the commander, he hesitated: "Uh, then, um, it's the young commander, um, the last commander, looking for you, the commander, want, um, want..."

Dai Mao kicked over: "What uh uh uh! Let's talk about it! A big man is a bitch! What the **** are you trying to marry and be a husband and wife!"

Shi Qiang immediately backed up: "Master! At the end of his life, the young master will ask him for the sauce, kimchi and goat milk wine for the barbecue!"

Dai Mingrong hadn't responded yet, but Dai Mao was stunned: "What sauce, pickles, goat milk wine?" Turning his head, "Master, do we have wine?!"

When a soldier hears wine, his eyes turn green.

Dai Mingrong finally didn't let go. He rubbed his forehead: "You young marshal already drank his share of goat milk wine last night. Those boxes and jars have seals on them. Look for them. Sauce and pickles."

"Yes!" Shi Qiang said, but he didn't move. "But the young commander said that he was not allowed to see him if he brought him back. There is also goat milk wine."

Dai Mingrong's face sank: "He drank half a jar of goat's milk wine last night, and there are only six small jars in total, and three jars are to be given to the general. You tell him, ask him to come to me to drink it!"

Shi Qiang shivered, then went looking for sauces and kimchi with a smile on his face.

Dai took the risk: "Master, what kind of goat milk wine? Why is there only so much, how can this be enough!"

The veins on Dai Mingrong's forehead were bubbling up, and he asked, "Do you know how much money this small jar of goat's milk wine will sell in the capital?"

Dai Mao obviously shook his head, and Shi Qiang, who was looking for sauces and pickles, pricked up his ears.

Dai Mingrong picked up the tea bowl from which he was drinking tea: "For such a bowl of 5 taels, how much money do you get for that small jar."

"Five taels of silver?!" As the poorest part of Dayan Country, Dai Mao's first reaction was: "It won't be a bar made from sheep's milk!"

Dai Mingrong instantly had four black lines on his forehead: "Goat milk is red sour fruit!!"

Dai Mao wiped the sweat: "I'm scared to death," then, "Red sour fruit is red sour fruit, what is it called goat milk. How can there not be this red sour fruit! When are people in this capital so rich? A wild fruit Is the wine worth so much money?!"

Dai Mingrong told himself to be calm: "You don't have to drink it."

Dai Mao first said, "..." Then, he showed an extremely flattering and disgusting smile, "Master, give me a taste of this 5 taels of silver and a tea bowl of wine."

Dai Mingrong: "No taste!"

"Big guy~~"

Dai Mingrong had goosebumps all over his body: "Go on! That brat Zhan Xiao eats sheep, you call the other generals and bring me wine and ask for meat to eat."

"Ai!" Dai Mao licked his mouth, thinking of having meat, he was greedy.

Shi Qiang, who had already found the sauce and kimchi jar, said, "Master, I'll find it at the end."


"These jars are sauces, and these jars are pickles." Shi Qiang also showed a flattering smile, "Master, what is this jam and Guyuan paste? And this Longjing tea, is it tea?"

"Let me see!" Dai Mao took a few steps over.

Dai Mingrong: "Let your young marshal take these things by himself, and he decides how he takes them back and divides them."

Dai Mao: "Master, is this all given to us by Chitose?"

Dai Mingrong's eyes were heavy: "It wasn't given by Chitose, it was donated by someone else." He looked at Shi Qiang, "You take six jars of sauce and three jars of pickles."


Shi Qiang went out to call for someone, and soon brought someone in and removed the sauce and kimchi. As soon as he left, Dai Mao chased after him and asked, "Commander, where did the money from Zhan Xiao come from?"

Dai Mingrong explained: "It was Zhan Xiao's retired soldiers who made a lot of money at home. They missed the comrades of the Vanguard Army and donated a lot of money to the soldiers of the Vanguard Army. Zhan Xiao will talk about it in detail later, let's listen to it. Say it, I can't say more."

Dai Mao: "Then go and tell them, lest this matter spread more and more, and it will not be good for Zhan Xiao."

"No, leave it to Zhan Xiao to deal with it."

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