Su Jin'an was the eldest son of Duke Lu. The Duke of Lu was still young and he did not ask for the title of the prince, but Su Jin's position as the prince of the Duke of Lu was a foregone conclusion, and no one would be able to shake it. Although not as good as the sons of the former Marquis Hengyuan, the sons of Lu Ping, the Duke of Lu, are not too few. But unlike the former Marquis Hengyuan, the identity of the concubines in the Duke's Mansion of Lu was very clearly distinguished, and there would never be a situation where the concubine's status surpassed that of the direct descendant. The wife of the Duke of Lu, Su Su, was not very high-born. She was the daughter of the governor of Jiangguang. Later, the governor of Jiangguang was promoted to the post of Jiangguang Salt Affairs Department, in charge of salt affairs in the Jiangguang area. She was a powerful and rich man. position. For this reason, after Lu Ping became the Duke of Lu, his wife, Su Su, took the stewardship from his mother-in-law, and was the wife of the Duke of Lu.

The Su Su clan was also a very powerful woman, with such a large population in the entire Duke Lu Mansion, such a complicated relationship. She was able to keep the Duke of Lu's manor up and down in an orderly manner. Su Su's clan was shrewd and capable. Although Duke Lu had other wives and concubines, he had great respect for his wife, and he listened to her advice on many important matters. The Su Su family gave birth to the Duke of Lu and had two sons and two daughters, the eldest son was Su Jinan. Su Jin'an has such a powerful biological mother, and he himself is not a confused person. Naturally, no one can shake his position in the manor.

At this time, Su Jinan was holding a prayer note in his hand, and the origin of this prayer note was very unexpected to him. He had just returned from the yamen, and before he had a sip of hot tea, the head of the Hou residence immediately sent this greeting card over. But from one thing the big housekeeper said, he seemed to understand the meaning of this post.

"Eldest young master, Jin Yuan is here."

"Let him in now."

Su Jinan raised her head, and soon, a young man walked in in a hurry, with a little jogging. As soon as he saw him, the other party raised a greeting card in his hand and shouted: "Big brother, cousin Yun An sent someone to send me a greeting card and invited me to go there at noon tomorrow. I wish you a small gathering!"

This young man is none other than Su Jin'an, the younger brother of his mother's compatriot, Su Jinyuan. Su Jinyuan was one year older than Shao Yunan and six years younger than Su Jinan.

Su Jinyuan was surprised and excited. The people from the Duke's Mansion of Lu didn't know how many salutations they had sent to Shao Yunan, but they were all pushed. Now Shao Yunan took the initiative to send him salutations, so how could he not be surprised and not excited.

Su Jinan raised the greeting card in her hand: "I received it too."

"Brother, did you receive it too?!"

Su Jinxuan reached out and snatched his brother's salutation post, opened it and saw that the content was exactly the same as his. At this time, Su Jinyuan's eldest girl came in again and said, "Eldest young master, young master Jinyu is here."

"Let him in."

Su Jinyu, the grandson of Su Chenyi's stepmother. Because Su Chenyi got married, the son born by his stepmother became the first-in-class son. This Su Jinyu was the eldest grandson of the second family and the only direct-grandson of the second family. Su Jinyu held the same greeting card in her hand. Seeing this, Su Jinan and Su Jinshu understood each other's intentions.

Sure enough, Su Jinyu saluted Su Jin'an and Su Jinyuan, and said a little nervously, "Brother Tang, cousin Jin, and cousin Yunan sent someone to send greetings to brother Yu, and brother Yu heard that brother Tang and cousin Jin also accepted it. It's here." Because Su Jin'an was the eldest grandson of the eldest house, and indeed the eldest son of the Duke of Lu, the servants of the Duke's mansion called him the eldest young master, and the younger brothers also called him eldest brother.

Su Jinyu, who was only thirteen, suddenly received a greeting from this distinguished cousin, which shocked him. Although he and Shao Yunan should be the closest in terms of identity, because his grandmother is a continuation, his uncle was already married when he was born, so he and Shao Yunan are very unfamiliar. Su Jinyu went to his grandmother as soon as he received the invitation. After learning that the two cousins ​​also received the invitation, he ran over to ask the two cousins ​​at the advice of his grandmother and mother. Especially what to do with the big brother. Go is definitely going, but you always have to figure out what the other party means.

Su Jinan looked at Su Jinyu's salutations all over the place. After Su Jinshao also compared them, he first asked, "Do you know why cousin Yunan sent you salutations?"

Su Jinyu shook her head: "I didn't know that's why I came to see my two cousins."

The Duke of Lu has no family divisions. The former Duke of Lu had three brothers. The first, second and third houses lived in three relatively independent courtyards, the main courtyard, the east courtyard and the west courtyard of the Lu Guogong’s mansion, so the country of Lu was just. What's going on here in the hospital is not clear on the second and third rooms. On the other hand, Su Jinyuan said, "Cousin Shuxin went to 'Qingyuan' to book a table today, but Cousin Yunan refuted him, saying that Cousin Shuxin wanted to book three tables, and tomorrow night, Cousin Yunan said only It won't happen until five days later. My cousin came back and told my grandma about it, and my grandma went to my mother. As for what my mother did, I don't know. I just came back and haven't gone to see my mother yet."

Su Jinyu was still young and didn't have much to live in. Hearing Su Jinmu's words, his first reaction was: "Cousin Shuhan is going to Qingyuan for dinner? Or three tables? It's expensive there. Aunt Ru gave Cousin Shuhan so much pocket money. what."

Unlike Su Jinyu, when Su Jinyu said this, there was a hint of disdain in her eyes. At this time, Su Jin'an said, "I just came back, so I don't know about the letter. Yun An sent the invitation, so of course we are going. Do you know who else has received the invitation?"

Su Jinyu shook his head: "I don't know, it seems like I'm the only one in the second room." When he said this, he couldn't hide the smugness on his face.

Su Jinyuan said, "I didn't ask."

Su Jin'an said, "Don't run around tomorrow, the two of you. I'll ask who else has received it. Tomorrow, let's go to 'Qing Yuan'."

"Okay!" Su Jinyu was the first to agree.

Su Jinyuan nodded: "I'm not going anywhere tomorrow. Brother, let's go there, we can't go empty-handed."

After thinking about it for a while, Su Jinan said: "Yun'an's invitation letter is to invite us to a small gathering. Since it is a small gathering, don't be too polite. I will ask my mother to make some snacks by herself."

Su Jinyu: "Then I will also ask my mother to make some snacks."


Su Jinyu left happily, but he was the only one of the second generation who received the greeting. Su Jinyu left, Su Jinan and Su Jinshao went to see their mother. Mrs. Su Su, the wife of the Duke of Lu, was in the room, so she was not surprised that the two sons came. If the two sons didn't come, she would send someone to call them over.

As soon as the two sons came in, Su Su asked, "Did you get the greeting card sent by Yun'an?"

Two people: "I got it, mother."

Su Jin'an: "Jin Yuan and I came to see my mother just for this." After saying that, he put the two invitations on the small square table by his mother's hand. Su Su picked up the two salutations and read them carefully, then put down the salutations, and said with a bit of joy on his face: "Only the two of your brothers in the big room have received the salutations, Jin Yuan, you can do it tomorrow. Don't run around."

Su Jinyuan said politely, "The boy has already told the eldest brother that he will not go anywhere tomorrow, and then he will go with the eldest brother and cousin Jinyu. Mother, cousin Jinyu said that he is the only one in the second room who received the invitation, then Has anyone received the third room?"

Su Su said with a slight smile: "There are only three of you in our imperial residence."

"Ah? Why is this?" Su Jinyuan was surprised, the first and second rooms are available, but why not the third room, at least they have to have one, right?

Su Jinan was silent and drank tea quietly, but Su Su asked, "Jin'an, do you know why this is?"

Su Jinan put down the teacup and said indifferently: "Cousin Yun'an is not close to my Duke Lu, it's not because he has high eyes, and he is deeply favored by Qiansui and has a lot of things to do; secondly, he lives abroad for more than ten years. In 2008, he just recognized his relatives, and we are his foreign family, so naturally there is no chance of close relatives. Thirdly, the third uncle is married again, and he and the second room are already estranged a lot. Cousin Yunan and We are naturally a lot more unfamiliar."

Su Su nodded with satisfaction: "You know the truth."

Su Jinyuan didn't interrupt, and listened carefully to what her eldest brother and mother had to say. Su Jin'an didn't continue talking, but instead asked: "Mother, do you know about the letter?"

The smile on Su Su's face faded, and she said, "The child in Shuxin is ignorant, and the old lady loves him, so she wanted to come forward, but the old lady is not a confused person. I told the old lady, and this matter is easy That's all. Shuhan is not from the Su family, and he has his own mother to discipline her, and her mother has already beat the drums with the second and third rooms to control the children of the family, don't do some rude things in a daze."

This time, Su Jinyuan couldn't hold back: "Mother, grandma doesn't matter? I thought that grandma would definitely make a fortune for the letter again."

Su Su said lightly: "The old lady hurts him again, he is also a member of your family. Your grandma can't offend Wang Zhengjun and Yun An for someone with a foreign surname." Su Su did not seem to want to talk about your letter, but instead Said, "Jin An, you haven't answered what your mother asked you just now."

Su Chenyi was walking with Queen Jun. Dai Mingrong was not by his side when he was pregnant with two children. He endured all the discomforts of pregnancy and the loneliness of childbirth alone. Fortunately, he had a strong personality and never complained about Dai Mingrong for this, but after Shao Yunan was lost, he had been suffering for twelve years and suffered a lot of injuries. Now that his son is back, and under his conditioning, his body is back to normal in a happy mood.

In this child, Emperor Yongming was extremely careful after renting the king. After all, Emperor Yongming was the emperor, and at this time Su Chenyi was the best person to accompany the queen through her pregnancy.

"Chitose, take a break, the first three months should be more cautious."


The palace maids and eunuchs immediately put thick cushions on the seats of the pavilion and placed tea and fruit snacks. Shao Yunan, who returned to the palace, saw his little father and the queen chatting and laughing from a distance. The little father is a male wife, and in the general's mansion there are many female dependents, little father; there is no one next to him who can talk, but in the palace, it is the most suitable to talk to the queen.

When Shao Yunan came back, there was one more person the Queen and Su Chenyi could talk to, and the atmosphere was even better. Shao Yunan has nothing to do with the government of Tilu. After talking with the two until the queen was tired, he and the little father accompanied the queen back to Jingyou Palace to rest, and then went to the little father's residence in Fuli, and Shao Yunan told the story of Ru Shuhan. Sure enough, Su Chenyi's reaction was: "Why is this child so ignorant?"

Shao Yunan: "Brother Guo said he was very favored in the Duke of Lu's mansion."

Su Chenyi said angrily, "Your cousin's daughter is the only daughter in the big house, and my aunt spoiled her since she was a child. She wanted to marry Ru Shilin, the son of the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, and Ru Shilin was seven years older than her. Not to mention the age of eight, the eldest son is five years old. Ru Shilin married a male wife, and the two of them had a very deep relationship. Ru Shilin had no concubines, no concubines, and only the king. But your cousin She forced the second elder of the family to die, and threatened to marry even if she was a concubine. She said that she would also marry a concubine, but how could the eldest daughter of the big house be a concubine. The big house put pressure on the status of the Duke of Lu. , forcing that Ru Shilin to marry her as a flat wife.

How could Ru Shilin feel good when she intervened in such a way. She could not marry her husband's love, and went home to cry. In short, both sides were disturbed by her. Ru Shilin passed away two years ago, and everyone in your family believed that Ru Shilin's premature death was related to her, and no one in her husband's family wanted to see her. A married daughter can't always find her parents' family to give her a head start again and again, and your family doesn't make it difficult for him, but just ignores her. The big room had no choice but to bring her back, saying to the outside world that she was distressed for her widowhood. "

It turned out to be so, Shao Yunan: "I heard that the current Duke of Lu is very fond of this sister? And this Ru letter?"

Su Chenyi - in the words: "The old lady of the big house loves her daughter. As a prince, you can't ask others to say that you are not filial to your parents and do not protect your brothers and sisters. In addition, this is a matter of the inner house. The mother-in-law wants to bring her daughter back, regardless of her son. Whether you want it or not, outsiders will only say that women and children are not. The Su family is the eldest daughter-in-law of the eldest house, and the lady of the country. Unlike the situation in our General’s Mansion, we have all the men in our family at the border, and the family lives together so that we can take care of them. Your aunt is a reasonable person and will never embarrass your brother and sister-in-law. Thanks to her at home, too."

Shao Yunan agreed: "Aunt is different. The aunt is the housekeeper, and you are the son-in-law. With the aunt here, at least you and the aunt can worry less about the grandmother."

"That's not it. Your aunt, the youngest in the family, is also worried a lot."

It is precisely because of this that Su Chenyi returns to her parents' home less and less. Although he is from the second room, there are a lot of troubles. The second wife's wife is his stepmother, and if he doesn't go back to his parents' house, there is nothing for others to run against him.

Shao Yunan knew what to do next after getting the letter of approval from his little father. It didn't take long for the three young masters from the first and second rooms of the Duke's Mansion to receive greetings sent by Shao Yunan, and Guo Zimu, who also returned to the palace, also received a message from Shao Yunan asking him to help arrange something.

For the family in the capital, things between each other spread very quickly, especially the affairs of the inner house. The fact that Ru Shuhan was refuted by Shao Yunan on the spot when he booked a table at "Qing Yuan" soon became known to everyone. It is also well known in the capital that the two young masters in the big room and the young master in the second room received the invitations from Wang Shaozhengjun respectively. Not to mention the reaction of the third room, Ru Shuxin, who got the news, locked himself in the room and tore a whole book to shreds.

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