The reason why Shao Yunan only invited the people from the first and second rooms is very simple. He didn't mean to have a good relationship with the Duke of Lu, but after all, the Duke of Lu was the "mother's home" of the little father. Asking the two sons of the Duke of Lu is to give the Duke of Lu face, and it is a kind of statement. His little father came from the second room, and the second room's son-in-law also showed his attitude towards the second room. As for the third room, it has nothing to do with him, and this is what Su Su and Su Jinan guessed.

At noon the next day, Su Jinan brought Su Jinshu and Su Jinyu to the appointment on time. Before that, the head of the third room came forward and hoped that Su Jinan could bring the third room's son-in-law. He got up, and Lu Guogong personally came forward and pushed it, because they were still not sure about Shao Yunan's temper, so they just brought people without saying hello. Go, it's not good if you make people think too much. Shao Yunan's methods against the former Anguo Gongfu are well known. Lu Ping, the Lu Guogong, said so, no matter how much the third room complained, he could only bear it. As for Ru Shuhan, Lu Ping didn't go to comfort his sister and nephew. He had a good talk with his mother, and Mrs. Su gave up her heart to come forward for Ru Shuhan. Not to mention what Shao Yunan would do when she made a big fuss, and making the queen dissatisfied would be of no benefit to her daughter and grandson.

Shao Yunan set up a table of good dishes in the Mingyue Room and invited the three cousins. He directly put Ru's letter ordering table on the table. "Qing Yuan" was opened by Guo Zimu. Ru Shuhan did this not only to embarrass Wang Zhengjun, but also to embarrass him. Shao Yunan made it very clear. If he set this precedent, then anyone could use this relationship to embarrass Guo Zimu. After the meal, Shao Yunan gave each of the three a "Qing Yuan" gold card. The real gold card, although very thin, is made of pure gold. In the future, the three people who come to Qingyi can get a 10% discount.

Su Jin'an, Su Jinyuan and Su Jinyu had a very fruitful meal. Not only did he get closer to Shao Yunan, but he also got such a card. This kind of gold card has not been officially launched, and Qingyuan will only launch a hundred gold cards, but they each have one. Not to mention anything else, Su Jinyu's gold card can make his status in the Duke's Mansion of Lu a lot higher.

All kinds of news of the Duke of Lu's mansion spread in the capital. This room and the second room of the Duke of Lu were beaming with joy. Shao Yunan didn't care if the others were angry or crying. And he believed that after this incident, no one in the Duke's Mansion of Lu would do anything like your letter. Half a year later, Mrs. Ru remarried, and Ru Shuhan, who was thinking about changing her surname, was unable to get her wish. This time, the old lady no longer listened to her crying, and Duke Lu also took a strong attitude and married this sister out, and she was married far away from the capital.

The storm that was about to arise in the Duke of Lu's mansion was eliminated in Shao Yun'an's three salutations. It can be said that the Duke of Lu himself was also very satisfied. With the appearance of the Duke of Lu's mansion, other families who were related by marriage or other close relationships with the Dai family also restrained their children. These are the aftermath.

At noon the next day, Shao Yunan was still in the bright moon when he met Wuxi, a wealthy businessman from the Dashan tribe who came to visit him. This time the unexpected person was replaced by him, but it turned out that Wuxi was just a middleman. The one who really wanted to see him was Wu Zhen (read: chasing), the daughter of the great king of the Dashan tribe, Wu Hai. The Dashan tribe is composed of dozens of tribal alliances, large and small. The king is the king elected by all the tribes and is the biggest leader.

Emperor Yongming and Empress Jun took Xianguo, and after the news of rejuvenation spread to the Dashan tribe, Wu Zhen brought people secretly to the capital of the Great Yan Kingdom, wanting to meet Shao Yunan, but never found a suitable opportunity. This time, she finally met Shao Yunan, and Wu Zhen sent rich gifts from the Dashan tribe, and her request was to beg Shao Yunan to save her father.

"I knew she was in the capital, and I guessed what she wanted, but I didn't expect that she didn't come to see me, but she did everything possible to see you."

Shao Yunan said: "She didn't ask me to give her fairy fruit or fairy water, she just begged me to find a way to save his father. She knew that the husband of Brother Kang Rui's sister-in-law ate the Guyuan paste and honey grapefruit tea that I made to recover. . She thinks I must have something other than fairy fruit and fairy water."

Queen: "She wants you to make Guyuan paste?"

"That's not it, just begging me to find a way."

The queen raised her eyebrows: "Do you have a solution?"

Shao Yunan said: "According to her description, her father's disease should be on the liver, and it is very serious. Xianguo or Xianshuo can definitely save lives, but now we only have Xianguo root, I only say that I am not a doctor, I can only do a little She insists on health care products. Uncle, what do you say?"

The queen said: "The Dashan tribe and I, Dayan, have always been friendly, and Wuhai is also a Mingjun. If Wuhai can continue to lead the Dashan tribe, it will be of great benefit to my Dayan. If he can save his life, it will be good to me Dayan. , for you, it is all beneficial and harmless, and the emperor can also take this opportunity to propose an alliance with the Dashan tribe to jointly fight against the Huhar Kingdom."

Shao Yunan: "Then I can't leave it alone. Uncle, do you still have those honey pomelo teas? There are fairy fruit leaves in them. Now that is the most effective. If not, the fairy fruit root water I have on hand, I don't know how it works. Sample."

Both the Queen and Emperor Yongming also had honey pomelo tea in their hands. After obtaining the consent of Emperor Yongming, the Queen gave Shao Yunan two bottles of honey pomelo tea. Shao Yunan added a dilution of spiritual milk before giving it to Wu Zhen. After getting these two bottles of honey grapefruit tea, Wu Zhen led the people to Dashan tribe overnight. Shao Yunan didn't know what his actions would bring to the Dai family.

Shao Yunan told the queen that Wuhai was a liver disease, and he guessed it was liver cancer. Once liver cancer begins to develop, the death rate is very fast, and he still hopes that Wu Zhen can catch up. After resolving the matter of the Dashan tribe, Shao Yunan stayed in the palace again.

In the imperial pool of the palace, the queen invited Shao Yunan and Su Chenyi to take a bath. The fetus in the queen's belly has been two and a half months old. Sitting on the queen's side, Shao Yunan couldn't help peeking at the queen's belly. It looks relatively flat now, but—thinking of the big belly he's seen on the street The man, the body in the hot water can't help but get goosebumps, such a handsome man as the queen has a big belly, that picture...

"What are you looking at?"

Shao Yunan hurriedly returned to his senses, and Su Chenyi who was on the other side of the Queen smiled clearly and said, "This child must want to see the child in your womb Chitose."

The queen touched her smooth belly and asked, "Isn't there anything wrong with my belly not getting bigger?"

Su Chenyi: "No, it will take three or four months to conceive. When I was pregnant with Yunan, it took more than four months to conceive."

Shao Yunan concealed his goosebumps by rubbing his body.

The Queen looked to her side: "How can a male wife like you be taboo to have children."

"Ha ha."

"Chitose, please help me talk about him well, no matter what, you have to give birth to one."

Shao Yunan's scalp was numb: "I swim, swim, this pool is really big, I haven't swim in a long time." As if a wolf was chasing him, his body slipped forward and swam out. Su Chenyi was very depressed, Qiansui patted his hand and told him not to worry. Both of them looked at Shao Yunan, Su Chenyi blinked, and the Queen was stunned.

Su Chenyi: "Yun An, what's wrong with your waist?"


Shao Yunan stopped, stood up, and looked back: "What's wrong?"

"Why is there a red seal that hit it?"

After Su Chenyi said that, he got up and walked over there. Shao Yunan tried his best to turn his head, but his neck was almost broken, but he didn't see any red marks on his waist. Su Chenyi walked over, bent over to take a closer look, and felt a little groaning in his heart. Shao Yunan continued to turn his head and tried to take a look after he didn't hear the little father's voice for a long time: "little father?"

Su Chenyi clearly recovered, raised his hand and rubbed the red mark the size of a peach core on Shao Yunan's waist and eye, his heart beat faster and faster: "Here, there is a red mark."

Shao Yunan still couldn't see it, so he touched it with his backhand: "I didn't hit it, it didn't swell, it didn't hurt, I didn't feel anything. Maybe I didn't remember where I hit it."

At this time, the queen also came, he bumped into Su Zhanyi, Su Chenyi: "Ah, maybe it is."

The queen touched the red mark, her eyes unpredictable: "It looks like Yiji."

Shao Yunan: "No, I don't have a birthmark on my waist."

"There's a mirror on it, go and see."

"Let me see."

Shao Yunan climbed into the bathtub, walked to a bronze mirror that was on the ground, wiped the water vapor on the bronze mirror with his hand, and turned around to look.

"When did it hit, I don't even remember it."

There is really a red mark on the left waist eye, which is quite red. In the pool, the Queen whispered to Su Chenyi, "Don't say anything first."

Su Chenyi took a few deep breaths, afraid that he was thinking badly.

Shao Yunan didn't feel anything about the red mark on his waist, maybe he didn't care when it was bruised. As for Su Chenyi, he was always in a trance, but in the deliberate chat between the queen and Shao Yunan, Shao Yunan didn't notice anything unusual about his little father.

After the bath, the queen immediately declared Ningmu to "see the injury" for Shao Yunan. Shao Yunan only felt that it was a big deal, but with the queen's insistence, he could only be obedient. Ning Mu, who was instructed, carefully inspected the red mark on Shao Yunan's waist, and gave Shao Yunan a pulse "exaggeratedly", and then watched Shao Yunan's "I just said it was nothing", and left with a calm expression, before leaving. Ning Mu said that it was indeed a bruise, which disappeared in a few days.

But after the queen and Su Chenyi left Shao Yunan's place, the queen summoned Ning Mu again in Jingyou Palace, and Emperor Yongming was also there.

Ning Mu knelt down and said, "Thousands old, Wang Shaozhengjun is pregnant. The red mark on his waist is a fruit fetus. It has been more than a month."

Su Chenyi stood up in shock: "Doctor Ning, Yun An is really pregnant?!"

"Returning to Zhengjun, Wang Shaozhengjun is indeed pregnant, but..." Ning Mu was puzzled, "Wang Shaozhengjun doesn't seem to know that he is taking pregnancy fruit, otherwise he should know that the red mark is fruit embryo."

Anyone who receives the fruit will be told that there will be a red fetus on the body after taking it.

Emperor Yongming smiled: "I'm afraid Yun An didn't even know that he ate the fruit of pregnancy? Could it be that the Duke of Zhongyong secretly fed him it?"

Su Chenyi also guessed so, but the queen shook her head: "Marquis Zhongyong is notoriously fearful. Yun An is extremely repulsive about pregnancy and childbirth, but this minister feels that Marquis Zhongyong will not (dare) to do so."

Su Chenyi didn't care so much, he was extremely excited: "Yun An is finally pregnant, whether he likes it or not, this child has to be born. Ning Yishou, how is the child? Yun An doesn't know that she is pregnant, I'm afraid It hurts the child!"

Ning Mu: "The fetus is extremely healthy, and Dai Zhengjun doesn't have to worry about it, and he doesn't have to prescribe medicines to protect the fetus."

"It's great, it's great." Su Chenyi clasped his hands together and thanked God for his blessing and his ancestors.

Emperor Yongming laughed, it was fun now, he ordered: "Call the Hou Zhongyong back to Beijing quickly, and hand over the winemaking to the magistrate of Yongxiu County. Ning Mu, this matter should not be made public."

"The minister obeys the order!"

Let Ning Mu step down, Emperor Yongming touched his chin: "If it wasn't the Marquis of Zhongyong, who would let Yun An eat the fruit of pregnancy without knowing it?"

Su Chenyi thought of something, and he shuddered. He remembered what his son had told him privately after returning to Beijing, that Shao Dahu had given him something sticky and tasteless. The pregnant fruit has no taste, and the taste is indeed a little sticky. If it is smashed, isn't it sticky? He told the emperor and the queen about this, and the emperor and the queen laughed. If Shao Dahu gave Yun An a really smashed fruit, it would be a slap in the face.

Shao Yunan is pregnant, and the queen is probably even happier than Su Chenyi. The children of the two will be born one after the other, which is a good thing.

Five days later, Wang Shijing, who was busy in Zhongyong Village, received a secret letter from the imperial palace. When he saw the letter, he was stunned for ten minutes, and then the entire Houfu and other courtyards heard it. The loud cry from Marquis Zhongyong scared everyone's back numb.

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