Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 251: younger sister

Latest website: The previously rented apartment, sofa furniture, etc., were all packaged and sold by Nangong Tian.

From this semester, live in Big Wave Bay Road.

The mansion gifted by my grandfather is so expensive, even if I rent it out, I can earn two or three million Hong Kong dollars a year. It is a waste to live in such a good house.

Although it is far from the school, it is better than the beautiful environment and spacious space.

Moreover, Jiang Yu has learned to drive, and is planning to buy a Porsche 911. During the winter vacation, he asked Nangong Tian to see the car together. It is not troublesome to go to school.

After getting up the next morning, seeing Nangong Tian and Jiang Yu squatting by the pond to feed the fish, Su Yehao stretched out in the sun.

His relationship with Jiang Yu was still the same, neither alienated nor close.

On the other hand, Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu are getting closer and closer. When she was studying at Donghuang Rose Middle School in her early years, she was clearly just a passerby, but now she looks like a best friend...

There are six bodyguards, four security guards, plus three nannies, a specially hired gardener, and a professional swimming pool cleaning team.

All are serving their food and daily life, and of course life is beautiful.

Apart from not finding some young and beautiful girls as domestic workers, there is no major fault in other aspects.

It's not that I can't hire an attractive girl, but this idea was killed by Nangong Tian, ​​which made Su Yehao feel a little regretful.

Fortunately, the three nannies now work diligently and cook very well.

Early in the morning, he used a bowl of nine fresh noodles with shredded eel as the main ingredient for breakfast. Su Yehao's appetite was so great that he lasted until he hiccupped.

"Brother Hao, it's delicious! Sure enough, I still listen to you, it's more comfortable to live here!" Nangong Tian said.

Su Yehao patted his stomach, looked around after reading it, and said with a smile, "It's good, but it doesn't feel like home, it's always like living in a model room, maybe it's usually less, it will take some time to get used to it. By the way, are you both going to class today?"

Jiang Yu nodded: "Yes, I haven't bought a car yet. I take your car to school."

Su Yehao was secretly happy and planned to find Nong Qingying later. It has been more than ten days since the last meeting. If he doesn't go to the condom, he will soon jump into the sea.

He said: "Then I'll ask driver Ni to take you off. I haven't been to the company for a long time. I'll deal with some things later."

Nangong Tian didn't think much about it, and joked, "If you skip class on the first day of school, be careful of expelling you from school, it's a joke."

"Why are you willing to fire me? The school also knows that I am starting a business and busy with business. It is barely one of the faces of Hong Kong University. Wouldn't it be a slap in the face for me to pack up and leave?"

Su Yehao's tone was calm. With the initial success of his business, there was a lot of news about him in the media.

The University of Hong Kong has a business genius, and it is the school that shines. Therefore, at the end of last year, even if he did not take the exam, his grades in all subjects were all excellent. It is enough to show up on campus occasionally. The principal even asked him to give a speech on the stage and introduce some entrepreneurs. experience.

In addition, there are so many graduates of HKU every year. As early as last November, the dean of the School of Business Administration asked Su Yehao to hire more alumni and provide internship opportunities.

In terms of studying and studying, he really doesn't have to worry about it.

Nangong Tian rinsed her mouth and wiped her mouth. When she finished her makeup and was about to go out, she suddenly remembered something and asked, "Brother Hao, the 30 million principal you lent me has made a lot of money now, when will I pay it back? you?"

"Please pay it back when I ask you to pay it back. The bank has not urged you to do so, so you don't have to worry. Keep the account untouched. The stock has great potential for appreciation. After finishing this vote, you can retire directly for retirement, which is enough. Eat and drink for a lifetime."

Su Yehao took her to the yard, looked at Jiang Yu while speaking, and asked her, "How about you, open an account and buy some?"

Jiang Yu felt guilty instantly.

In fact, she saw that Nangong Tian made a lot of money. As early as the beginning of the winter vacation, she used her savings from childhood to adulthood to buy all of Yahoo, which was often talked about by Su Yehao.

Up to now, he has earned more than 40,000 Hong Kong dollars in half a month, and Yahoo's share price has repeatedly broken new highs, all the way up to 65 US dollars.

This made Jiang Yu deeply regretful. After all, at the end of October last year, Su Yehao suggested that they buy the bottom of Yahoo. When Nangong Tian heard it, Pi Dian Pi Dian ran to borrow money from her mother, but Jiang Yu disagreed, earning two less money. Three hundred thousand.

Thinking that he had already bought it, Su Yehao would make a joke, so Jiang Yu pretended to be indifferent, and said lightly, "No money!"

Sometimes, Su Yehao was also quite helpless.

He clearly knew that his idea was right, but others often refused to listen to persuasion, such as letting his father invest in Internet companies, or Qiu Yaohe's BP machine business.

Even closer, there was Zhao Yimeng who had just met.

Judging from the attitude that Zhao Yimeng showed during the meeting yesterday, most of them dismissed Su Yehao's proposal as a deaf ear, and continued to bite on "throttling", ignoring how to "open source".

As long as one believes in Su Yehao's words, as long as one billion Hong Kong dollars is invested in the Silicon Valley giants, the debt of more than ten billion Hong Kong dollars is nothing. I am afraid that before the arrival of the millennium, there is a chance to reduce the debt ratio of Donghuang Group to zero.

Of course, given the size of the Donghuang Group and the complexity of its management, it would be difficult to make a decision.

Thinking of Zhao Yimeng, Su Yehao made a phone call and said bluntly after answering the call:

"I want the residential land on Taipa Island first. It will take about a week to raise the funds. In addition, my dad is interested in the Donghuang Central Plaza near Lisboa, and we need to talk about the price. Let your mother take the time to ask. , I don't dare to make a ticket, whether to buy or not depends on my father's will, and come over to sign with me when I have time."

"...Thank you, but you bought the land yourself? What are you going to do?" Zhao Yimeng's voice came through the phone.

Although it is only a project of more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars, which is a drop in the bucket compared to debt, she does not want to miss any opportunity to cash out.

According to the situation of Donghuang Group, how to resolve the immediate difficulties is the key. Once the loan cannot be repaid, the entire capital chain will collapse in an instant. Countless creditors will come to the door, banks will be blacklisted, and partners will retreat, even if it is the total market value. It is also difficult to support enterprises with tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars.

Su Yehao said lazily:

"Of course I bought the land to build a building, and I kept it in my hands for five years and ten I carry the keys all day to collect the rent. My dad's friend Qiu Wanfeng is a little interested in your hotel, wait. I'll let you know when I'm sure."

"...Okay, then I'll ask someone to prepare the contract with you first?"

"Well, it's just a little trouble, no matter how you listen to the sound, you're stunned, or else follow me, and Brother Hao will take you to fly?"

After habitually teasing, Su Yehao was already sitting in the car.

From childhood to adulthood, Zhao Yimeng has been going smoothly all the way, and her ability to withstand pressure is a little worse. At this moment, she is unable to argue, and only says: "Is there anything else? I'm going to hang up. I heard that you have made a lot of money recently, why don't you buy more?"

"It's okay to buy it, can I send it to my daughter-in-law?"

"Send, you can send it when you reach 500 million Hong Kong dollars."


Zhao Yimeng continued to use a listless tone and told: "Send my sister, anyway, she said you are handsome..."

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