Latest website: I have always known that there are two girls in the Zhao family.

But Su Yehao didn't remember what Zhao Yimeng's younger sister looked like, and he had never seen her for more than half a year.

The so-called "spending 500 million Hong Kong dollars to send a sister" is obviously just a joke. After reconfirming that he really wanted to buy the land, Zhao Yimeng hung up the phone and quickly started to prepare the contract, obviously not wanting to give Su Yehao a cooling-off period to back out.

It is only more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars, and buying the land will definitely not lose money. Su Yehao did not hesitate and has made a decision.

If investing in Internet business is an enterprising business with high risk and high return, then investing in real estate is undoubtedly a stable one.

Securities assets are paired with real estate. After the latter appreciates, it is easy to take out mortgage loans and continue to invest in securities assets.

As long as the two aspects are balanced, we can achieve both, and make steady progress.

Su Yehao was not sure whether the giants who had risen in the last life would be able to succeed again with his appearance, but the appreciation of real estate was almost a sure thing.

According to the logic of the butterfly effect, maybe a trivial thing can have a profound impact in the end.

For example, Apple's Steve Jobs, perhaps due to an accident, led Apple to embark on a different path, began to develop into the software industry, or directly switched to selling game consoles, similar accidents may happen.

The family has a solid foundation, and personal assets are rising again and again. In order to avoid risks, Su Yehao is eyeing the stable real estate field, which is both reasonable and reasonable.

In addition, after working on the construction site for so many years in his previous life, he had a mysterious obsession with real estate over time.

When you hear low-priced real estate and land, your subconscious will pay special attention.

Siheyuan in Sijiucheng, more than 100 suites in Pengcheng, office land in Shanghai, penthouse mansions in the middle of the mountain, villas in Dalangwan, and now there will be more residential land in Taipa Island, the casino city. Too much, I just hate that I don't have enough money on hand, and I can't buy Lujiazui as a package.

Although there is no shortage of money to spend, the fun of making money has never dissipated, but it has become more and more intense...

Drive to the top floor of Shangfeng Sheung Shui.

When Su Yehao entered the door, Nong Qingying just got up and didn't have time to put on makeup, wearing a black silk nightdress.

He leaned against the door frame of the bathroom and smiled, "I haven't seen you for half a month, do you miss me?"

"What do I miss you, do I miss you and you will appear in front of me immediately? My auntie, I'm looking for a golden tortoise-in-law. When I meet a rich and handsome boy, I will dump you and run away!"

Nong Qingying finished washing her face when she spoke, and cast a blank eye at Su Yehao.

Undoubtedly speaking.

Su Yehao, who knew that he was wrong, regretted taking the initiative to mention this, and immediately changed the subject and said, "By the way, have you checked Yahoo's stock price? The US stock market closed at night and exceeded $65."

Mentioning this matter, Nong Qingying really became interested in a second, her eyes brightened, and she asked, "Really? Then don't I make millions more?"

"Calling a brokerage on the way here is indeed more than 65 yuan. In the Internet industry, big fish eat small fish. The more giants, the easier it is to seize the market. Yahoo's stock price is about to exceed $4 billion, and the future is limitless."

Walking behind her, Su Yehao added: "Since you are so happy, why don't you take a nap?"

"Sleep on your head, you think I'm a hotel, come here if you want?"

As if he couldn't hear those words, Su Yehao had already raised his arms and wrapped his arms around her ant waist...


Came to the top floor at eight o'clock.

When Nong Qingying brushed her teeth and washed her face again, it was already eleven o'clock in the morning. Her stomach was growling from hunger. While complaining about Su Yehao, she proposed to eat Thai food.

On the way out, I passed by the shops she rented, which were the shops that operated Pilates clubs before.

The sign has been replaced.

Only after Su Yehao asked did she find out that she finally succeeded in subletting it out, and the money back was 350,000 Hong Kong dollars.

After knowing each other for more than half a year, the relationship between the two sides is relatively stable.

Driving the Ferrari convertible that was given to Nong Qingying for Christmas, all the way to Yau Tsim Wang.

Shortly after.

In the box of the Thai restaurant, there are more tom yum soup, curry shrimp, curry chicken nuggets, Thai fried rice noodles and so on.

After getting along all morning, I was in the mood to chat now.

Nong Qingying remembered one thing and told Su Yehao:

"The last time you asked me to contact Sohu, its founder turned around and found me again. He called me last night and said that he was willing to sell it to you for 6 million yuan. He sounded like he was drunk. Wine, I don't know if I'm serious, so I'm not in a hurry to contact you, so as not to interfere with your beautiful affairs."

Pretending that he couldn't hear the sword, light and sword shadow in these words, his expression remained unchanged, Su Yehao said:

"If I had agreed last time, I would have been very happy, and I would have won without saying a word. But can also buy it, but the portal website developed by my own team should be put into the market soon. This money."

Nong Qingying's mind was mainly on the dinner table, tasting the grilled prawns, and muttering in his mouth, "Would you like to buy it or not? After hearing you say so much, it seems like you didn't say anything."

"Let me think about it, I'm also hesitating. I don't know much about Sohu. I only saw it in the R&D center of Pengcheng. I'll check it later and give you an answer."

The reason why Su Yehao hesitated was whether it was necessary to get into someone else's car.

When it comes to technology, his side has the advantage, and when it comes to user resources and funds, he still has the advantage.

If you choose to acquire Sohu's predecessor, "Sohu", it will certainly play a role in stifling competitors, but without Sohu, there may be "Sohu" and "Sohu" in the future.

The market is there, and someone will always eat part of the market.

And the idea of ​​financing was stifled by Su Yehao as soon as it came into existence.

When his portal website comes out, the two sides will be competitors, and there is no reason to cultivate a rival, even if this rival may be quite valuable.

Nong Qingying, who didn't take it seriously, nodded his head and continued to fill his stomach. He consumed too much before, so he can let go of his hands and feet and eat more this meal, with a happy expression.

Su Yehao suddenly said:

"I want to be busy with my business and see if I can succeed by myself, or you can go to financing Sohu? The portal should be popular for more than ten years, and the development prospects are definitely there. I don't want to personally support a rival, but this money I'll give it to you to earn it, I have no problem at all."

"So kind?"

"When did you cheat on you?"


Nong Qingying nodded immediately: "That's right, it doesn't make sense to cheat on me, but since it's an opponent, I'll just invest in you. Do you want me to be in Cao Ying's heart in Han, and destroy it for you?"

"...Otherwise I will succeed and I can subsidize you at that time, or else you will so that you will not miss the opportunity to make money, or both sides will succeed and make a fortune together. We have a lot of chips, there is no need Betting on one bet, diversifying your investments, you have a greater chance of winning.”

In fact, Su Yehao didn't mind accepting her investment too early. After all, she was her own woman. If they did business together, the relationship might be even closer.

Persuading Nong Qingying to invest in Sohu is really just a temporary intention to have fun.

After listening to it, Nong Qingying seemed to understand but didn't understand, and said, "There is no problem in investing in it, but I have no money, six million yuan. Unless I sell stocks, I can't get it out for a while."

"I'll help you make it together. You don't need six million. Who will manage the acquisition? It's better to raise money and get the founders to work for you."

Su Yehao never lacks investment direction. He eats the meat himself and doesn't mind taking others to share the soup.

The matter was settled in a few words, and after the meal, we went to the tat network company together to learn about the latest developments...


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