Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 302: Don't give a chance?

The latest website: Driving a Ferrari f50, while waiting for a red light.

Su Yehao looked at Zhao Yimeng who said he wanted to withdraw the funds, suddenly smiled, and asked, "Do you really want to take it back?"

"Yes, my financial advisor feels that Yahoo's stock price is inflated, and the price-earnings ratio continues to increase, but it can't make a profit in line with the market value. It's like playing a game of drumming and passing flowers."

Zhao Yimeng said seriously, and persuaded him: "You can close it as soon as you see it. It's scary that the stock price has risen so much in just over a month. With your shareholding, it is more troublesome to reduce your holdings and cash out in batches. You should be able to leave at a high position, so as not to spit out the profits you make.”


Su Yehao laughed even more happily, and said, "It's okay if you want short-term friendship, don't pull me into the water. There was a woman who once passed by the throne of the richest woman in Las Vegas. Guess what she said later?"

"What?" Zhao Yimeng didn't react for a while. .

Only to hear Su Yehao say happily:

"She said that her financial advisor felt that Yahoo's stock price was inflated, and it didn't matter if she wanted to withdraw capital and leave. I made some money anyway, but one day in the future, when you cry while holding the toilet, don't blame me for not pulling you. The appetite is so small. , the defense is not bad, how can you lead Donghuang to forge ahead?"

Apparently underestimated.

Zhao Yimeng had a stronger temperament, and immediately said unhappily:

"Who's crying is not necessarily, it's better to be able to hold on than to be greedy, and it's better to discount the principal and profit in the end. When I invested before, I made a decision to earn 20%, and I decided to leave the market no matter what, and now it has exceeded the amount. Achieving the expectations, apart from the part that was distributed to you, the profit of 50% in more than two months, I have nothing to be dissatisfied with."

After listening.

Su Yehao also understood that from Zhao Yimeng's point of view, the whole decision was not wrong.

From the perspective of value investment, when looking at Yahoo, a growth investment company, that company does appear to be overly frothy, and its appreciation potential seems to have been overdrawn.

Of course, Su Yehao knew that he was right to continue investing.

The Internet market is ushering in a big explosion. Even if there is a bubble, it will be profitable as long as the operation is done well. If you choose to retreat at this time, you will undoubtedly miss the craziest wealth-making myth of this century.

So he told:

"You have your ideas, and I also have my plans. Although I think you are a bit stupid, but since I am going to withdraw funds, I will let you get your money within a week according to today's closing price. We will clear the account. , keep the position, don't be jealous in the future, and finally say that I bully people."

"I'm sure I won't regret it, actually I don't plan to get the money back, and there are other things I want to talk to you about."

Zhao Yimeng's words made Su Yehao confused.

After thinking for a while, he quickly got a clue, and Su Yehao suddenly realized: "So you're waiting for me here, do you like my startup company?"

"Yes, tat, and the international version of tvt, these two companies have been doing very well lately."

Following my mother and going to the Donghuang Group headquarters to exercise for a few months, Zhao Yimeng has grown a little bit. At this moment, I strike while the iron is hot and continue to ask: "Using this money to exchange 30% of tat's shares, it is very cost-effective for you. As long as If you promise, I will dare to nod and gamble with you."

"...More than 70 million Hong Kong dollars, in exchange for 30% of the shares, this money is equivalent to financing, right? If it is just a simple transfer of shares, the money should belong to me personally, and financing is another matter."

Su Yehao asked casually.

He doesn't think this is a "gamble", it's purely more like picking peaches and dividing the cake. You must know that tat has developed to this point, the technology is already available, and its market share in the mainland is also astonishingly high, exceeding 97%. In addition, the company is not short of money now, and there is absolutely no reason to bring Zhao Yimeng on the car for financing.

Even with financing, Su Yehao also hopes to cooperate with mainland state-owned enterprises and American giants.

The former can provide financial and market support, which can play a huge role in helping future development, while the latter can provide technical and traffic assistance to lower the threshold for entering the international market.

As for Zhao Yimeng, apart from being beautiful, he couldn't find any other advantages.

What's more, no matter how beautiful, Su Yehao can only look at it. He has never touched his hands. Even if his head is in the water, he will not joke about taking shares that have the potential to be worth tens of billions or even hundreds of billions, just to go to the beauty industry. smile.

If this eldest Zhao family married someone else in the future, wouldn't it be a no-brainer, no one would praise him for how generous Su Yehao was, and would only say, "This fool sold the original at a cheap price in the early days of his business. share".

Therefore, even though Zhao Yimeng expressed his appreciation for tat network company one after another, Su Yehao remained unmoved.

Same at this moment.

According to Zhao Yimeng, it is financing, which is equivalent to valuing tat at more than 100 million yuan, and then transferring more than 70 million Hong Kong dollars into the company's account. In the end, she accounted for 30% of the shares.

This made Su Yehao shake his head one after another, and he said:

"If you are looking for me to talk about financing, then there is no need to talk about it. Even if you buy 30% of the shares from me with this money, I will not agree. Thank you for being so optimistic about my company. I am more optimistic than you. In the near future, at least 30 million US dollars will be spent on this project to support the international version of tvt. This is just the start-up capital. When the financing is decided, I promise to contact you first."

The corners of Zhao Yimeng's eyes twitched, he thought there would be some hope, but he did not expect him to refuse so readily, without any hesitation.

She has been following the development of tat. After all, when Su Yehao bought the chat room in the first half of last year, Zhao Yimeng knew about it, and even planned to rush ahead of him and buy out the technology from the glasses boy Ah Qiang.

Later, the project fell into Su Yehao's hands. Zhao Yimeng didn't know that he knew the potential of this industry. He just felt that he had missed an opportunity, especially when he learned that the number of tat users had risen sharply recently, which made her heartache and regret, thinking that she should have Be more decisive and work directly with Su Yehao instead of being ridiculed by a "real man".

At this time, Zhao Yimeng sighed lightly and asked, "You really don't give me a chance?"

Su Yehao didn't even think about it, shook his head and smiled: "Today, too many brain cells have died in starting a business, which is much more difficult than financial investment. We have finally developed to this stage, whether it can be completed in the next one or two years will depend on the development~www.readwn .com~ Is it worthwhile to release the shares at present, if you are my daughter-in-law, you can consider it."

"...It's a pity, but you're right. If it were me, I wouldn't let go easily at this time."

Zhao Yimeng was born in Jingui, but he was not willful.

However, understanding is understood, she is still a little resentful, probably because she liked herself so much at the beginning, and turned her face away in a blink of an eye, so she didn't show any mercy to her.

I have been used to it since I was a child, and it is inevitable that I will feel uncomfortable.

There was nothing to talk about, and there was no need to go to the cafe. Zhao Yimeng planned to get off the bus at the side of the road, but Su Yehao sent her to the headquarters of Donghuang Group.

I happened to meet her parents at the entrance of the building, and got out of the car to chat a few more times.

Gossip rumors soon spread within the Donghuang Group, reminiscent of the old news about the marriage last year...


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