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When it comes to computer software, people think of Silicon Valley.

The software application market in Gangcheng is almost completely occupied by foreign products.

A tat was finally born locally. Although the user scale is still small, because Su Yehao's background is relatively topical, he and the company he founded have gained a certain amount of attention.

There are more and more people like Zhao Yimeng who come to the door and try to seek financing cooperation recently.

Occasionally, some investors from Japan, Treasure Island, Singapore and the United States are also eyeing tat with the prospect of a fire, and organizations often arrange employees to visit the tat headquarters.

People like personal space and features such as personal signatures, group chats, etc., which make social networking more interesting, and at the same time create a brand-new online dating model. The increasing number of users has proved that it does have the foundation of fire. .

On the Nasdaq market in the United States, the list of software companies with a total market value exceeding one billion US dollars continues to increase, which shows a new way to make a fortune. Under such circumstances, tat network companies are inevitably concerned.

Not only did Su Yehao reject Zhao Yimeng, but all other individuals and companies that tried to seek cooperation were also rejected by him.

If it were another entrepreneur, he might have long since given in under the attack of sugar-coated cannonballs, but in Su Yehao's case, when potential investors returned without success, they were often left with helplessness. After all, his parents were really rich.

People can't do anything about him, so some investors choose to develop similar instant messaging products, such as Uncle Qiu's son Qiu Yaohe.

Qiu Dashao has a high vision, and he does not look down on the one-acre land in Gangcheng. He has already gone to the United States to start a business. It is said that he has brought a total of 30 million US dollars of start-up capital...

After sending Zhao Yimeng to Donghuang Group.

Su Yehao drove to find Yin Liuli and sat in her apartment in a daze.

Yin Liuli, who clearly noticed that Su Yehao had something on her mind, and her health had improved, held a slightly hot teacup with honey water, and asked in a low voice, "Is the signing of the contract in the morning going well? You look so preoccupied, shouldn't you? Where will it be uncomfortable, it must be infected by me."

Su Yehao regained his senses, stretched his arms around her, and said with a smile:

"No, I'm fine, and the signing in the morning went well. I remember that in March, I told you Miss Zhao of Donghuang Group, did you hand over the money to me to manage things? She decided to withdraw the money just now and pay it back. Going to invest in my tat."

Yin Liuli asked, "Then what?"

"No, then, I rejected her outright. I need to raise some money these days and return it to her with interest."

Su Yehao then told:

"I'm not worried about these, but tat has become more popular than before, and there may be more people paying attention to it than I thought. Some products that imitate it are coming out, which is estimated to be troublesome. I was just thinking about where to draw one. I don’t know how long the 100 million Hong Kong dollars can last, and there will be pressure in the future, and I will start to burn money.”

So far, the expansion model of tat is still relatively Buddhist.

The mainland market, not many people care about it outside, is still a poor place in the eyes of most people.

And even if there is a competitor, the capital and technical strength can't compare with Su Yehao, obviously it has become the back garden of his brutal expansion.

In addition to the relatively independent mainland version of tat, the previously acquired documentation tool wps also began to fight back.

The price of wps documents has dropped again and again, the full-featured genuine program is only sold for nine yuan and nine, the basic version is free to download and use, and the market share has risen to about 75%, mainly because there are too few genuine word users, so Microsoft almost chose to give up the mainland market.

With the traditional Chinese version of wps, it began to be sold at the price of 29 Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong City Treasure Island and other places, and even took part of the office market share that originally belonged to Microsoft.

The so-called "part" actually only sold more than 20,000 copies, and the total sales were only a few hundred thousand.

The total sales at home and abroad were only more than 4 million RMB last year, so Su Yehao chose to let it go and started to let Yinhai play freely, trying to maintain the existing business while developing into portal websites and online games.

After hearing Su Yehao's words, Yin Liuli thought he was really under "pressure", so he comforted him and said:

"It's already very powerful. If you look at the world, how many people at your age can you find more powerful than you? I think work is very important, but living comfortably and taking care of your health are more important than making money, especially for people like you. In fact, for people who are not short of money at all.”

She tried very hard to enlighten Su Yehao.

Su Yehao's attention was focused on the underside of her neck, he blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "Don't worry about me, I'm just worrying about eating radishes and worrying about the world. Who dares to overtake me, it's a big deal to spend money to buy it. You Your body is already better, or if you sweat for a while after exercising, you might recover immediately."

How could Yin Liuli not understand what he meant, and said speechlessly:

"Okay, if I suddenly have a runny nose, don't dislike me. There may also be a sudden fainting. I'll see how you explain it to the doctor."

Su Yehao looked indifferent, smiled and shook his head and said, "It's okay, you are responsible for lying on your stomach, leave the rest to me, it's a big deal..."


Due to Yin Liuli's illness, she stayed in the casino for another day.

the next morning.

Accidentally received a call from Buck Tooth Jun.

As soon as Su Yehao was connected, a loud voice of Buck Tooth Jun came from the other end of the phone, shouting:

"Wow! It's really hard to see Brother Hao recently. Sure enough, when you have a daughter-in-law, you forget about the brothers. If I hadn't read the news in the newspaper, I wouldn't even know you went back to the casino!"

"I'm busy, I've been wanting to invite you to dinner."

After Su Yehao finished perfunctory, he asked back: "You guys have returned to the casino? It's Wednesday today. It's not a holiday and it's not a holiday. What are you doing back here?"

"I'm going to go to Lisboa. I heard that a peerless beauty came to Lisboa and worked there as a dealer. Someone asked her, but she didn't have a boyfriend, so we took a boat back..."

Before Buck Tooth Jun could finish speaking, there was a loud noise from the other end of the phone.

It seems that He Shaofan still has a bamboo pole and is scolding the buck-toothed and handsome pig's brain. He also said how could Brother Hao hear such important news. Obviously, he is afraid of Su Yehao's behavior.

No Su Yehao is not only richer than them, but also more handsome and more successful than them. He is usually the most popular among girls.

After listening to it for a while, Su Yehao smiled at the moment: "I had no idea, but since I said I like to eat alone, then I'll accompany you to go there. See you at the gate of Lisboa later?"

over the phone.

He Shaofan's scolding continued to come, no matter how he heard it, he felt powerless.

Remembering the newspaper Buck Yajun mentioned, before going to the Lisboa Hotel, Su Yehao first found a newsstand.

Soon from a morning paper, I saw a photo of myself and Zhao Yimeng. Both of them were laughing.

This time, it was Su Yehao's turn to curse.

I'm having a headache and waiting to go back, how to explain to Xiao Nizi...


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