The latest website: I briefly talked with the old man about the loan to buy a house.

Buying a house seems to be deeply imprinted in the genes of Hong Kong people, even Su Yehao's grandfather is not exempt.

In-depth study of the reasons why the locals like houses is mainly because it is too difficult to live comfortably. In the early years, the living environment was too poor, and subdivided and caged houses were everywhere. The typical example is the Kowloon Walled City that has been demolished.

Therefore, the status of villas in the wealthy area is so high, so there is a basis for the real estate bubble. If you turn over the current Hong Kong City Rich List, seven or eight of the top ten are related to the real estate industry. A large number of companies.

A large part of the reason why Mr. Tang is rich is because the hospitals and pharmacies themselves are very valuable.

The real estate built and purchased over the years, the value-added part even exceeds the company's own profit. There are hundreds of shops in Hong Kong, not to mention the hospitals in Sheung Wan, Kowloon, Yau Tsim Mong and other places.

When his mother came back, Su Yehao told her about the plan to buy a house from Donghuang.

Mother Tang thought for a while, and then asked, "It sounds okay, but you have no experience, can you handle it?"

"I don't have experience, but there are others. I really can't borrow a few people from my dad. There is a travel company responsible for attracting guests, and it is my own hotel. The profit should be good. In addition, I can bet on the appreciation of real estate. I have asked someone to understand it. Taking the land and the cost price, the land price has dropped back to a few years ago, and Donghuang Group hardly makes any money, which can save me a lot of trouble.”

Su Yehao looked at the grandfather.

Mr. Tang understood and said in a helpful voice: "I don't think there is a problem. The property market has been falling for more than a year, and the price has become so cheap that even if it loses, it won't lose much, not to mention that there are tourists supporting the business. Your family trust fund, You can’t really throw it there to get dividends, and now take out a loan to buy a house, and the development may be faster.”

In the eyes of Su Yehao's mother, investing in real estate and hotels is much more reliable than investing in stocks in the United States.

Even if he has a broad vision, it doesn't mean he understands everything. It's like a mountain. It's not wrong for his mother to be cautious. After all, she's in her forties and doesn't want to mess around.

She patted Su Yehao on the shoulder and told, "That's fine, I will personally discuss such a big business with Director Jin Yu of Donghuang."

Jin Yu, the mother of Zhao Yimeng, had met Su Yehao several times.

It's rare to talk so easily, things went better than expected, it doesn't matter who talks about it, Su Yehao nodded immediately and said in his mouth, "It doesn't matter if you talk about it, but it's better to leave the loan to the president of the Bank of China I know, and it should be done in the future. Increase investment in the mainland, make some friends first, and do things well in the future.”

Mama Tang agreed casually, got up and went to the kitchen to read it, and greeted her grandfather and grandson to come over for dinner...


Two bowls of rice were mixed with the soup of roasted meat with radishes one after another.

Until four o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yehao was still hiccupping. When he received a call from Nangong Tian from England, he was accompanying his grandfather to a neighbor's house as a guest.

Just being a mascot, it was very boring, so I chatted with the little girl who just woke up for a while.

Soon after, Su Yehao received a call from his assistant Zhuang Wei, saying that the film he invested in will be released tomorrow and will be shown in more than 300 movie theaters in the mainland.

All over the country, movie ticket prices are different. Adult ticket prices in developed coastal provinces range from 12 to 30. There are discounts for students to watch movies. In some places, you can buy them for three yuan.

Movie theaters have not yet been opened, they are all state-owned units, and the entire industry is in a mess. Su Yehao doesn't expect to make much money at all.

As for pirated CDs, there is no way to supervise them. Fortunately, Su Yehao only wanted to advertise for TAT.

The box office of this customized film has already been released in Hong Kong City, with a total of more than 13 million, less than half of that of Xing Ye’s film. It has also been released in Japan and South Korea. million.

It seems a bit difficult to expect to earn more than 10 million capital preservation from the mainland. It is not so easy to play cross-border.

However, the purpose of advertising has been achieved.

The box office results of the movie can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, and the publicity effect is stronger than that of traditional advertisements. As long as people who have seen this movie, it is estimated that they will be impressed by TAT. As for how many users it can attract, it is difficult to say for the time being, and there is no way to make detailed statistics.

All in all, it's just an advertisement.

After chatting with assistant Zhuang Wei, Su Yehao had nothing to do, thinking about the future of the film industry.

This industry is deeply affected by the size of the market. The whole world is the market for Hollywood movies, and it is a miracle that Hong Kong City’s box office can exceed 35 million. Therefore, Hong Kong City’s movies have less investment, otherwise it will be difficult to recoup.

Although there are many people in the mainland, the entire industry is like a stagnant pool. Spending money into it is like doing charity. Don't expect to develop in the short term.

This made him think of the genuine WPS priced at nine yuan and nine. An office document sold for nine yuan and nine people would be scolded by someone. .

I don’t want to make movies anymore, so instead of paying for that, I’d better pay a budget every year and directly implant it.

Therefore, director Dou Jiafeng repeatedly tested Su Yehao's ideas with his script and creativity, but he was always indifferent, too lazy to spend money and play around.


Mother Tang contacted Donghuang, had a meal with Zhao Yimeng's parents, and negotiated on the spot the details of the acquisition based on 1.6 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Not only the East Phoenix Century Plaza project, but also the five-star East Phoenix Garden Hotel in Central.

Donghuang has been selling these two projects to the outside world, and both parties are acquaintances. Of course, it is convenient to talk about the transaction. It is more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars lower than the previous quotation.

The bank that borrowed the loan chose Bank of China according to Su Yehao's idea. Before using the share loan, it also transferred 25 million Hong Kong dollars in dividends to Su Yehao from the trust fund account.

Without going through Su Yehao's hands, the money was directly transferred to the First Quanye Bank to pay off a short-term debt.

As soon as the money was Su Yehao went to the vault of the First Quanye Bank and took back the famous watches that were pledged, including the "pocket watch" launched by Patek Philippe to celebrate its 150th anniversary. "The King", he put it into the vault of the Big Wave Bay Villa, and finally can change the watch every day without repeating the same pattern for a month.

After signing the contract with Donghuang, Zhao Yimeng personally brought Su Yehao to the Donghuang Garden Hotel in Central, and explained the news of the hotel's acquisition to the management.

There were a lot of trivial matters to deal with, so she led Su Yehao around first.

At this moment, the two came to the open-air restaurant on the top floor of the hotel and sat down to drink a cocktail. In the evening, the sunset on the horizon was beautiful.

Zhao Yimeng sighed and said, "The day this hotel started construction, I was with my mother at the scene, and it was bought by you. I'm really reluctant."

"I don't spend any less money. If the old ones don't go to the new ones, they won't come. Be careful... Don't cry in my hotel, it's unlucky."

Hearing Su Yehao's words, Zhao Yimeng almost choked to death...

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