Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 378: heh, no taste

The latest website: "...It's not your hotel yet, call the money and talk about it!"

Zhao Yimeng, who was so angry that he was half dead, thought of how to refute it after holding it for a long time, and silently praised his wit in his heart.

She picked up the cup, tasted her favorite green apple Margarita, and continued: "Compared with before, you are now more hateful, at least not so annoying when you were studying, but it was also annoying. That's it."

"Then do you think it was better before, or is it better now?"

After Su Yehao asked with a smile, he added:

"It's only been over a year since I left middle school, how did I become so old-fashioned? I heard that the second shareholder of your family rebelled again? I really don't know why I had to hang myself on a tree. If I were to speak ruthlessly, just take me from the chairman of the board. If you catch up in the position, you will immediately clear all your stocks, and you will be more comfortable to set up a new portal. Anyway, it is not a good company like Wharf and Sun Hung Kai, and if it is gone, it will be gone."

After Zhao Yimeng heard this, her expression was thoughtful.

Empty stocks or something, it looks like a prank, but it is definitely a big killer move, the kind that hurts others and hurts yourself.

With the Zhao family's shares in Donghuang Group, once all of them enter the circulation market, the stock price may collapse directly, which is like the sky has fallen for other shareholders.

Although there are many problems in it, it can make other shareholders vote against them. When supporting others, they need to weigh a few times to see if they can bear the risk of the Zhao family's complete withdrawal from the Donghuang Group.

In the first two years, maybe someone would be willing to take over. However, now the debt ratio of Donghuang Group is too high, and it still owes more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The more she thought about it, the brighter her eyes became, and she said excitedly: "It's a good idea, I'll discuss it with my dad when I get home, and let him go out and talk ruthlessly. The brand Donghuang was founded by my grandfather. , Besides all kinds of resources, channels and partners, how can it be so simple to set up a separate portal.”

"Without the determination of a strong man to break his wrist and be reborn from ashes, you deserve to worry with your parents."

Su Yehao said while drinking the Long Island iced tea, this thing is much stronger than the cocktail made by Jiang Yu. Fortunately, the sweetness of cola suppresses the taste of spirits, but the degree is actually relatively high.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Yimeng gritted his teeth and gave an answer: "It was a little better before, but now you are so bad."

Shrugging indifferently, Su Yehao said with a smile:

"After all, I've loved you before. Now it's fine to get along like friends. There's no need to please you. Your family never hit the south wall and didn't look back. You've spent too much time, money and energy on unnecessary infighting. The problem is clear at a glance. , you can't expect me to praise you a few words, it's too bullying."

Zhao Yimeng thought about it carefully, and probably knew that Su Yehao was right, but the management of the company was in the hands of her parents, so why did she feel that it was not important.

Divert this topic.

Zhao Yimeng ate ice cream and said calmly, "The Plaza in the Casino City, the land in Taipa Island, plus the two projects this time, your family has cashed out more than 2 billion for my family in total. Although it is a bit suspected of taking advantage of the fire, but I still want to thank you... Dad and your mother, knowing that the property market is about to fall to the bottom, it is very likely that it will start to pick up, but it will not be able to hold the dawn, this feeling is really uncomfortable. "

With a light "Huh", Su Yehao exaggeratedly said: "With your IQ, can you tell that my family is buying the bottom?"

"...Bullshit, I'll fight with you if I'm angry!"

Zhao Yimeng gritted his teeth, always feeling that this guy in front of him was abominable, just like a child pulling a girl's braid.

She continued: "My dad also said at home that the plan was right, but unfortunately he was unlucky. Otherwise, at the price of the land that my family acquired, even if the house price fell by one-third or two-fifths, it wouldn't matter. Who knows this Over the years, I have fallen so much, and the bank and shareholders are still holding me back together."

Su Yehao knew Donghuang's situation quite well. The two were considered to be in the same circle, they had mutual friends, and the family members knew each other, so it was inevitable that they had heard of it.

He smiled, stopped pouring cold water, and said to Zhao Yimeng, "It's alright now, when the bank sends the money, at least the flow of funds can be stabilized, right?"

"Well, after the sale this time, I will keep the rest of the assets. If it fails for one year, it will only take two years. The basic market has not changed much. I don't believe that the day when the property market will recover."

"What's the use of hard work alone, listen to my brother's advice, go to the mainland to get more land and build a house, even if it is a toilet, it will appreciate in the future."

After drinking the Long Island Iced Tea in the cup in one gulp, Su Yehao patted his stomach, looked at the limited edition old watch that was worth more than one million US dollars, and said, "Okay, I'll see this today, I want to stay here. Wait for my grandfather, and Jiang Yu, if you have something to do, you don't have to accompany me."

"Your grandfather and Jiang Yu? What are they doing here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he guessed that he was showing off the fruits of victory, Zhao Yimeng glanced at him angrily: "I'm not leaving, I'll accompany you here to wait for Jiang Yu, but why wait for her instead of Nangong Tian?"

"...You have a lot of questions. Nangong Tian went to England to play for a few days. There was an auction in the evening. Jiang Yu also wanted to join in the fun."

"Oh, then I'll take a look too. My dad bought a blue diamond for me and my sister each. I haven't figured out what kind of jewelry to make. Maybe I can find inspiration from the auction..."

Seeing that Zhao Yimeng also wanted to join in the fun, Su Yehao didn't worry about her bidding against him.

Today's Sotheby's auction is held nearby. It starts at 7:00 pm and lasts until 9:30. There is no need to rush there.

Although the formalities have not been completed, Su Yehao has already regarded the hotel under his feet as his own asset.

At this time, I walked to the edge of the rooftop and admired the high-rise buildings nearby. I just thought it was amazing. A five-star hotel worth 900 million Hong Kong dollars is not bad even in Central.

Looking in the right direction and looking into the distance, I can even see another office building that I just signed. The desire for consumption is filled in an instant, which is called a comfort.

After a moment of enjoyment.

Su Yehao turned around and asked Zhao Yimeng, "What new names do you think I should change this hotel and the Century Plaza to?"

"...Add fuel to the fire? Are you sure you should ask me about this kind of thing? Believe it or not, I kicked you makes you happy and sad?"

"Just ask casually, naming things... I don't seem to be very good at it."

"No need to pretend, you're just not good at it. TAT, TVT, TOT, etc. are all ghost names." Zhao Yimeng sneered at the opportunity.

The corners of Su Yehao's mouth turned up, and he only said:

"Oh, no taste, emoji is justice, a woman like you who has no taste, doesn't know what it means to be cute."

It should be due to Su Yehao's preference for words and expressions. The staff under him have put in a lot of effort to study, and have already created more than 100 creations, and because of this, they have won high bonuses.

The bonus specially approved by Su Yehao has stimulated their desire to create.

In the era when the picture emojis were still very troublesome, these small emojis won him a lot of loyal customers, worth more than 10 million US dollars, and they have already gone to North America with TVT, and ICQ is also studying and learning from it...

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