Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 394: thief will not die

Latest website: Until Su Yehao left from tat, Jiang Yu didn't reply. It is estimated that the family is celebrating in the new house.

out of guilt.

Su Yehao called Xiao Nizi and asked her what she wanted to eat for lunch.

Accidentally learned that she wants to eat curry fish **** and black pepper pork chop rice, which can be bought anywhere, so the bodyguards arranged to send her to the hi~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ Garden Hotel.

The brand new sign has been hung on the roof, and it will glow at night... the kind that can be controlled by a computer and change its color.

The name of the hotel has been changed, which looks very simple. In fact, it includes office paper, house numbers, postcards, bath towels, etc. All of them have to be replaced, and the registered company information has to be changed.

This also means that hi~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ Garden Hotel has not started to help Su Yehao earn money, and first lost about 3 million Hong Kong dollars, but after all, it has nothing to do with Donghuang Group, even the old employees It was also regarded as a burden, and they were all thrown to him to take over.

The money to change the name must be spent, which is equivalent to removing the brand of Donghuang Group and joining Su Yehao's "Yanzi Army".

Otherwise, even if the hotel business is doing well, it seems to have earned Donghuang Group a reputation, and Zhao Yimeng and Zhao Yimeng are not family after all, so it is better to distinguish clearly. As for the East Phoenix Century Plaza, the new building has not yet been put into use, so it is easier to change the name.

Forget the little secret that happened this morning.

At this moment.

Su Yehao took Nangong Tian to the restaurant of the hi~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ hotel for lunch. The weather was hot and he had no appetite. He only ordered a chocolate ice cream and a glass of watermelon juice.

while waiting for a meal.

The hotel manager hurried over and said with a smile:

"Master Su, good news! The "Hong Kong City Daily" published a photo of our hotel in their newspaper today, and also praised the new bright spots on both sides of the Victoria Harbour, saying that the signboard of our hotel is very cute, no wonder there are so many Many people came to take pictures at the entrance of our hotel, it was really a hit! I have to admire it!"

"...What do you admire?"

With Erlang's legs crossed, Su Yehao knew that the manager surnamed Zhou was flattering him, and said casually:

"Don't worry about other things, I will arrange the work of finding the guests. There will be more mainland tourists staying in the future. The service must be in place, not looking down on others, not cutting corners in service, and cleaning customer service every day. Check, there should be no flaws at all.”

Manager Zhou smiled stiffly and replied decisively: "I understand! According to your suggestion, the bonus will be linked to customer evaluation in the future, and I am working on a new plan."

"Well, work hard. As long as the hotel's performance is good, I will definitely not treat you badly. Just put the newspaper here. I saw that there was garbage in the parking lot just now, and let me clean it up..."

Wait until the hotel manager leaves.

Nangong Tian immediately lowered her voice and said in surprise:

"Wow, you were so cold just now! Could this be the temperament of a big boss? It's a bit like when my mother taught people, even I had to stay away."

Su Yehao looked calm, smiled and said to her:

"This is the secret I've come up with. There are too many people under my management, and sometimes I can't even remember their names. Instead of making them think I'm easy to talk to, it's better to make them afraid of me, and then cooperate with the corporate system with clear rewards and punishments, and special the regulatory review team, the trouble will be cut in half.”

"Tsk... I've stolen my experience from being lazy."

"Nonsense, how can I be lazy, a mature company, how can I do everything myself as a boss. The real money management investment business, I am in charge of decision-making, you only see me making money, but you don't see me endure hardship. "

Su Yehao deliberately put gold on his face.

However, the most difficult part of doing big business is to control the direction. The reason why he can make money leisurely is that he doesn't need to worry about it.

Others don't know if it's right or not, he is very clear, others are not confident, but he is full of confidence.

It is enough to move towards the goal. As for specific management matters, as long as you find some reliable professional managers, there will generally be no major problems.

If there is a problem, it means that the professional manager's ability is not enough. It is very easy to replace it and find another person.

There is a lack of jobs, funds, and opportunities in the market, but there is no shortage of talents who want to climb up and earn high salaries.

Take a look at the manager of the hi~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ Garden Hotel. Recently, he is a diligent person. If he has something to do, he will approach Su Yehao, for fear that one of the three fires will burn himself on the head.

Nangong Tian is not very interested in doing business, and just wants to learn from her brother Hao and make a lot of money through financial management.

The topic quickly jumped to Jiang Yu. She asked, "How about the newly bought house by Jiang Yu's family? You should help her move. It's really uncomfortable. She lived well and suddenly disappeared."

"...It's not that it's gone, it's that we've moved. She said that she has been living with me for fear of other people's gossip. Besides, she bought a house, so it's not suitable to live together. It's a very good house, how can the project developed by my family not be good? , when the house price did not collapse last year, 30 million may not be able to buy it, and now it only costs more than 16 million.”

Su Yehao was eating ice cream, carefully choosing every word when he spoke.

Nangong Tian sighed and said, "What's wrong, no one will play with me anymore, such a big house can accommodate a lot of people, don't you think?"

Body stiffened.

At first, I suspected that Jiang Yu was not recruiting herself, but recalling that she took the initiative to mention that she wanted to keep it a secret, it seemed unlikely.

"This ice cream is so cold, it freezes my brain."

When Su Yehao interrupted, he glanced at Xiao Nizi and saw that she had no special reaction. He smiled tentatively and said, "Why, you still want me to set up a table for you, so you can play mahjong at home?"

"Hmph, why didn't you say that you would form a football team? Every time Jiang Yu was swimming, your eyes would go to her, don't think I didn't see it, I always knew that you were immortal. This black pepper pork chop The rice is really delicious, a big pork chop will make you fat, please help me eat it."

Seeing that she was still in the mood to joke, Su Yehao was relieved.

While helping with the leftovers, Su Yehao felt very sad. Su Yehao found that none of the girls around him were simple, and it was difficult to see through them thoroughly.

Dad's side.

The second concubine attaches great importance to fame and The third concubine and fourth concubine who have already left, just like to dig into their pockets, and they are easy to talk about when they give some gifts.

Just like that, the contradictions continued, and the group immediately broke up.

Look at yourself again.

Yin Liuli can hide her thoughts, Nong Qingying seems to be free and easy, and even the most caring little girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Xiao Nizi knew Yin Liuli, and she even went to koko cat cafe to meet her. In the past year, she hadn't mentioned it at all. No wonder Su Yehao always felt that there was a knife hanging over his head, and he didn't know where the future would be. The sky will fall.

So I can only be conscious and self-conscious in front of her, for fear of causing conflicts and forcing her to turn over old accounts.

Look at Jiang Yu again. Not to mention, the three views are particularly positive. When encountering stray cats, they will spend money to buy canned food and go to feed them.

If they put together a table of mahjong, the roof can be lifted...


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