Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 395: November

Latest website: End of August.

In September, he continued to rest, and took Yin Liuli to go to Guangzhou together to inspect the cement factory that Dad just bought and the land that he bought at a cost of 1.9 billion, which was barely considered a tour.

It wasn't until October that Su Yehao set off. He first went to Tokyo to visit Nong Qingying, and then went to Silicon Valley to handle some business matters in person.

When icq and tvt develop to a certain stage, how to find a stable monetization model has become a problem that has to be considered.

The fixed expenses of more than 10 million US dollars per month, and other large expenses from time to time, even if Su Yehao has some money in his hand, he still feels a pain in the flesh. Judging from the scale of users and the scale of the market, there is indeed hope to achieve a virtuous circle. It was Su Yehao's mission on this trip.

Time flies fast when busy.

In a blink of an eye, October was over, and Su Yehao stayed in Silicon Valley to spend an authentic Halloween with the little girl who came over.

Nong Qingying is over there.

The negotiation with the Procter & Gamble Group went relatively smoothly. The company did not value sk2 and learned that someone wanted to acquire it and offered $50 million.

After several contacts, the price was mentioned as 46 million US dollars. After all, it is just a "sun company" that is not brilliant. The market is only concentrated in the mainland, and the P&G group is relatively straightforward.

Su Yehao felt that the price was reasonable, so he agreed to the acquisition plan.

Among them, Nong Qingying holds 25% of the shares. She borrows the money from him first, and then pays it back when she cashes out the Yahoo stock.

Just over 40 million US dollars, there is no pressure on Su Yehao.

The stocks on the Nasdaq market went crazy. During the negotiation to acquire the sk2 company, the investment earned more than 100 million US dollars, and the signs of bubbles became more and more obvious.

However, Su Yehao has no plans to cash out yet, so he still chose to borrow from Bank of China to acquire the funds for sk2.

In addition, a loan of 200 million Hong Kong dollars was used for the follow-up expansion plan, and he was responsible for providing guarantees.

Nong Qingying can't get out of her life and is still living in Japan for the time being. She has started to set up sk2 branches in Hong Kong City and the mainland to form a marketing team.

According to Su Yehao's plan, when the number of counters reaches a certain number, they will find beautiful female stars for promotion, starting with young groups, and using Internet advertising as well, basically "film and television + Internet", targeting the next generation of female customers.

According to Su Yehao's suggestion, Nong Qingying flew to the Shanghai Stock Exchange and planned to open a flagship store in the Mainland on the first floor of Building 18 on the Bund. In the short term, he did not consider how to make profits and focused on marketing the brand.

Afraid that Nong Qingying would have revenue pressure, Su Yehao made it clear from the beginning, and also suggested that she go to South Korea and put more implants in TV dramas.

In this era, foreign monks in the mainland market like to chant scriptures.

Movies in Hong Kong City are very popular now, and so are Korean TV dramas. They seem to be targeting Hong Kong City and the Korean market, but in fact they are focusing on the skin care products market in the mainland. to see the money back.

Accidentally, he has become a real super rich with a total worth of more than one billion US dollars. Su Yehao's worth is in a period of rapid growth, and he is not afraid of long-term investment.

In September and October, not only did they make money from the stock market, but with the increase in the value of Internet companies, the evaluation agency also gave icq the latest valuation of about US$600 million. TVT, which claims to have 1.65 million users, estimated The value also rose to around $200 million.

The so-called "supposedly" refers to the fact that the monthly active users exceeded one million, and the weekly active users were actually only more than 800,000, an increase of nearly three times compared to the previous quarter.

Stay in Silicon Valley remote command.

Su Yehao also won an apartment complex near Kowloon City, all of which were designed by lofts, ranging in area from 25 square meters to 56 square meters, with a total of more than 900 houses, costing him more than 700 million Hong Kong dollars.

Of course, most of them are also loans.

He only paid more than 100 million yuan from his own pocket to help repay the developer's arrears. After a little renovation, it can be used to run a hotel. The office building in Yau Tsim Wang has also begun to design and decorate.

These are the major events that have happened in the past two months.

There was no major move in the fundamentals of investment layout, only a slight adjustment was made.

Although Su Yehao doesn't quite know when the bubble in Silicon Valley will burst in the next day, but now with the blessing of "broadband" concept, the market is hot, and it is stupid to choose to cash out now.

Not only is the valuation and stock price rising all the way, but even the housing prices in Silicon Valley are rising steadily. Su Yehao just bought a house for a few months, and it has increased by more than 2 million US dollars, and the supply is in short supply. Real estate agents often come to ask if Who wants to sell the house.

Funds continue to pour in, and the rich in Silicon Valley have become richer. There are many examples of long-term poverty becoming rich. Some people have started a business for more than half a year, and then sold the company and cashed out hundreds of millions of dollars.

Some people rely on a few patents alone to exchange for luxury cars, yachts and villas, worth over 100 million US dollars.

Similar phenomena abound in Silicon Valley in this era, and even the air seems to be filled with the fiery atmosphere of the Gold Rush era.

Just look at Yahoo.

When Su Yehao first invested last year, the total market value was only one billion US dollars.

Now, Yahoo's total market capitalization has exceeded 12 billion US dollars, and it is said that the board of directors is considering another stock split to improve the liquidity of the stock.

The well-known Goldman Sachs helped a company match up and found Su Yehao, and was even willing to pay a 20% premium to the stock price to buy all Yahoo shares in his hands.

Don't ask.

Of course, Su Yehao refused. He just smiled and shook his head, and replied, "I think Yahoo's market value has a chance to exceed 100 billion US dollars."

If it is worth so much money, based on Su Yehao's shareholding, it would be as high as more than four billion US dollars.

It is hard to feel an atmosphere like this in Hong Kong City.

Recently, Su Yehao had been living quite comfortably. Unfortunately, Nangong Tian had been with him in Silicon Valley for half a month, and was called back to the casino by a friend to be a bridesmaid.


November 16, 1998.

At San Jose Airport in Silicon Valley, a Gulfstream private jet landed slowly and was pulled to the tarmac.

The cabin door opened, and Jiang Yu, who was carrying a backpack and a white cap, walked out of the cabin.

After greeting the flight attendant in English, she stretched comfortably and walked to the Mercedes-Benz supercar parked next to her. Su Yehao was not the one who came to pick her up.

Jiang Yu was a little said at the moment: "What is this place, you are really boring, you said that you are going back to Hong Kong City directly, and you actually arranged for a plane to pick me up."

"You came to the United States, and you didn't say hello to me until you saw the news in your tat. As the host, of course I want to warmly entertain you. Is Wharton any fun?"

Su Yehao said with a smile that he was able to abduct Jiang Yu, and she hadn't refused, which could be called a major stage victory.

Jiang Yu is in her second year of sophomore year. If she goes well, she can graduate early next year. She wants to continue her studies and has taken a fancy to the famous Wharton School of Business.

Seven of the top ten business schools in the world are in the United States.

The Wharton School that Jiang Yu was interested in was far away in Pennsylvania, and Su Yehao used Stanford University Business School this time to abduct Jiang Yu.

In the past two months, the two of them have been chatting through tat from time to time, separated by a layer of network, with a little ambiguity, but the relationship has become closer...


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