Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 432: The myth of making wealth is so terrifying

1998 is coming to an end.

In mid-December, the United States and Laos began to fight, and international oil prices soared, drawing global attention.

This did not delay the Nasdaq continued to rise.

At the end of November, Yahoo's share price was only over $170. By December 22, it had risen to $240, and this was the result of a stock split at the beginning of the year.

In Su Yehao's original words, it was simply refreshing.

Not just Yahoo.

Cisco, Amazon and other companies invested by him are also rising sharply. Even if the valuation increase of companies such as tvt and icq is not included, he has made a lot of money from the investment business alone.

Only 22 days have passed in December, during which more than 870 million US dollars have been made.

This number is exaggerated.

In just over 20 days, the income equaled the achievements of Father Su's hard work for more than 20 years, which directly made Su Yehao a lot of money, and he no longer knew what gifts to buy to treat himself.

The myth of making wealth in Silicon Valley is so terrifying.

You must know that Su Yehao has not earned the most, Yang Zhiyuan and the others have soared by billions of dollars this year, and Bill Gates' total worth has reached the threshold of 60 billion dollars.

The reason for this round of stock price surge is mainly that the performance of Internet companies has soared, the growth rate is extremely fast, and it is supported by good news such as broadband, 3G, and the number of Internet users soaring. Moreover, with the US dollar interest rate hike, hot money continues to flow back to the United States. The combination of factors has jointly promoted the popularity of Nasdaq.

The number of weekly active users of icq has risen to 11 million, and more than 2 million users have been added in the last month or so.

The total number of weekly active users of tvt has also soared to around 2.9 million.

According to the current market, if they are packaged and listed, the total market value will be at least about US$3 billion. When a relatively stable revenue channel is found, the value may be even higher.

It was clearly winter, but Su Yehao felt the heat of summer.

He made too much money in a short period of time, and even he couldn't help feeling flustered. After careful analysis of the data, he always felt that the performance was quite reasonable, and the bubble was not as big as imagined.

Cisco is supported by technical patents, and the demand for its products is hot.

As the website with the most clicks by users in the world, Yahoo's revenue this year is quite optimistic. If not for crazy acquisitions, it has successfully turned losses into profits.

As for Amazon, although it has lost a lot of money, its user and revenue data are on the rise.

Su Yehao's investment cost is low, supported by huge profits, and the market is so wonderful, so he is not in a hurry to cash out for the time being.

Counting the increased valuation of the start-up company, the total worth suddenly touched the threshold of three billion US dollars.

After careful analysis, the concept of investment remains unchanged.

Most of the funds continue to hold stocks, and a small amount of funds are used to make small gains and continue to play stock options and futures.

Just before the holidays.

Su Yehao contacted the jeweler Cartier, and spent nearly eight million dollars at a time, buying a total of six collection-level top diamond jewelry.

Christmas is coming, and now the goods are dispatched from the headquarters to Hong Kong City by air, and they can be used as gifts for the girls around you in time for the festival.

Last year, there was a big gift delivery, but it didn't cost so much.

This year, there is a little Jiang Yu who needs to give gifts. The last time I bought a diamond bracelet for Xiao Nizi, her eyes were straight. This time, Su Yehao prepared a necklace for her with a 16-carat pink diamond as the main pendant. $2.1 million.

The numbers sound staggering, but after really having that much wealth, that's what it really is.

To be honest, Su Yehao didn't know how to spend money at the beginning, mainly because he almost had everything he should have.

Of course.

For Xiao Jiangyu and Yin Liuli, receiving such an expensive gift is likely to be stressful and scary...


Making money has become a "hobby", and the main business is enjoying life.

From the very beginning, Su Yehao didn't have to worry about the start-up capital, and he happened to hit a rare super bull market. It was difficult not to make a fortune.

Doing business or something is really not difficult for him, and his obsession with earning money is also fading.

Especially in the case of financial investment, knowing when to buy and when to sell, there is almost no competition, and you don’t need to use too much brains.

On the side of entrepreneurial projects, they spend high salaries to hire professional managers to help, which also reduces a lot of troubles.

Su Yehao is quite self-aware, and he knows that hiring foreign aid to take charge of specific affairs is likely to be easier than his own.

No worries about business.

Life aspect.

Back from the Maldives, more than half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Nizi likes to take Jiang Yu with her when she is free, or come to Dalangwan to play mahjong, or go out to eat and go shopping, and watch two movies together.

According to what Jiang Yu secretly leaked to Su Yehao.

Compared with her, Nangong Tian seemed to be more worried about the existence of Yin Liuli and Zhao Yimeng, so she said that she would join forces with Jiang Yu to tie him up.

In Nangong Tian's opinion, of course it is more comfortable to live with Jiang Yu. Besides, with the "accident" in the Maldives, the worst has already happened, so it is easier to accept.

They both grew up with Su Yehao, and they both liked him, and after living together for so long, they were still best friends and were natural allies.

In the early years, Su Yehao passed through thousands of flowers, and no one could catch him.

After finally being together, Xiao Nizi has never let her guard down, she knows what his nature is like.

No matter how well Su Yehao covered it up on weekdays, it would eventually make her realize something was wrong. He just pretended to be ignorant, worried that he would lift the cover and break up unhappily.

For example, Yin Liuli.

She also talked to Yin Liuli face to face, and she noticed something was wrong at the time.

Su Yehao usually went back to the casino so frequently, and he often shared some lace news with Zhao Yimeng, it was strange that Xiao Nizi dared to rest assured.

Growing up in the Beauty Royal Court Club, many of her mother's clients and friends are concubines and concubines of so-and-so families. For a long time, Xiao Nizi really doesn't care that much.

Since it seems that there is no way to monopolize it, making Jiang Yu an ally is a smarter approach.

In fact, because Su Yehao is too when she has nothing to do, Xiao Nizi once worried that Father Su and his wife would intervene and marry a girl with a family. This is a local phenomenon. It's normal in a big family.

Girls from other families might not be attracted to Su Yehao, but if it was Zhao Yimeng, it would be hard to say.

When he was studying, Su Yehao made many shots and was rejected many times.

This made a deep impression on Xiao Nizi, and she also knew that although her family had some money, it was far from being able to enter the eyes of Father Su and Mother Tang. She felt that she was in the right place, not only in terms of wealth, but also in terms of personal connections and so on. Don't.

So there was a scene of secretly teaming up with Jiang Yu and saying that they would tie Su Yehao to prison.

When he heard Jiang Yu talk about it, Su Yehao couldn't help laughing and laughing, and it was confirmed from the side that he really thought about Yin Liuli, and he actually endured it for more than a year.

As expected of someone who wants to be the boss, the various ways of coping are really open and bright, and it doesn't make it difficult for Su Yehao to do it at all, it's as smooth as silk...


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