Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 433: Another year of Christmas

Two days before Christmas.

Su Yehao took the time to find Yin Liuli and gave her a Cartier blue diamond pendant, which was 12 carats and was very large. The necklace is a bit long and needs to be pulled open to see it.

Waiting for her to pull.... Liben is going to make a time difference, take a helicopter back and forth at a fast speed, and then return to Dalangwan in the evening. It can only be said that Yin Liuli has not practiced yoga in vain recently, and it is a little bit better than before.

After returning home, Su Yehao made an excuse to Xiao Nizi, saying that he had received a call and rushed to Pengcheng temporarily, and held a meeting with the employees to discuss the issue of year-end bonuses and job adjustment.

Both Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu have already paid attention to Yin Liuli's existence. This kind of sneaking out of the house is tantamount to taking chestnuts from the fire and dancing with the tip of a knife.

However, Yin Liuli can't be put aside and ignored, the risk that should be taken is still taken.

the other side.

sk2 company launched a Christmas gift box, which has sold more than 40,000 copies in December. Nong Qingying finished his work before the holiday and took a plane back to Hong Kong City.

After Su Yehao took the opportunity to ask, he learned that she would take her parents to a house in Shangfeng Sheung Shui and live together for a few days.

In order to avoid a crash, there is no way to go to Jiang Yu recently.

The day before Christmas.

Su Yehao met Nong Qingying at the hi~o(*v*) Cai Garden Hotel in Central, and gave her a set of pink diamond jewelry, including ear studs, bracelets and necklaces, worth a total of 1.9 million US dollars.

The price of the gifts sent out is not much different, and at this price, it is definitely not bad.

I know it's all worthless carbon, but who makes girls like it?

Considering that these collection-grade natural diamonds, combined with Cartier's brand reputation, are barely considered scarce, and spending money at the end of the year can still deduct part of the tax, Su Ye recognized it with his nose.

After all, the emerald he gave to Xiao Nizi before, the girl had never worn it, only that she felt like a middle-aged woman would like it. It was because Su Yehao lost his temper completely, so this year he replaced it with diamonds as a gift.

Since it is a gift, of course, it should be based on what they like. There is no need to pay too much attention to whether it can appreciate or not. Anyway, as long as it is a luxury product, the price is generally inflated, and it is inevitable to spend money wrongly.

If you really want them to make a fortune, why don't you send some stocks that can appreciate in value? Isn't it better than jadeite?

Stay in your hotel.

After Su Yehao took a bath, he put on his clothes as soon as possible.

Nong Qingying had just finished washing, and put on all three sets again. More than 10 million Hong Kong dollars was placed on her fair skin, and the taste was different.

Even if he cooperated with cheating and married that small wealthy family in Hong Kong City, the diamond ring he received was not as valuable as a pink diamond earring.

Seeing that Su Yehao was neatly dressed, she asked suspiciously, "Where are you going? It's been a long time since we saw each other, so stay with me for a while? Tonight is Christmas Eve."

Hearing this, the corners of his eyes twitched.

It was Christmas Eve, so he needed to hurry home. Xiao Nizi had made an appointment with Jiang Yu in advance, and was going to find a place to watch movies and go shopping for snacks tonight.

Once again, I can't wait to split myself into four parts. Three parts are enough. Su Yehao told Nong Qingying, "This is my hotel now. The staff are very gossipy. I don't know if you were seen by others when you came in. The paparazzi are already squatting at the door."

Nong Qingying wrapped in a nightgown, lay on the sofa and continued to admire the bracelet. After listening to him, she gave him a blank look and said:

"I'm in a good mood today, I'm too lazy to grab your little tail. If you have anything to do, hurry up. My mother changed me into ugly sheets. Yesterday, I was killing fish at home. The kitchen smells like fish. I'll go home after a break. , so as not to quarrel with them again, obviously I was very happy to eat last night, and it took a long time to pick on me."

"Aren't all parents like this? Whoever makes you have to live with them will inevitably cause trouble."

Su Yehao calmly changed the subject and asked her:

"How long do you plan to stay in Hong Kong City this time? If you have time, accompany me to various shopping malls in two days, and then open a few counters. Especially those shopping malls with more mainland tourists, I can help you introduce business, First make a name for yourself in Hong Kong City, and then go to the first-tier cities in the mainland to develop, so it is easier to win the mainland market by taking the high-end route.”

"It's not helping me, it's helping yourself, thank you. I'm just a minority shareholder. The employees of the company are much happier to see you than when they saw me.

Nong Qingying thought about it, since Su Yehao went to Tokyo last time, he gave the employees bonuses and made cakes with a big hand. Now the employees are thinking of him as a major shareholder, and they often talk about how he is.

Su Yehao said with a smile: "Distance produces beauty, or else I'll go there next time and ask a few executives to scold you? They'll miss you then."

"Forget it, it's been pretty good recently. They don't need me to urge them to look at them. They're looking for business by themselves, and they also ask when they will go to Europe to expand the market.

Just after the exercise, the bones of the body are soft.

Nong Qingying chatted with him for a while, saying that he would go home after taking a nap. Su Yehao took advantage of the situation and went home first.

Christmas Eve.

According to the regulations of Hong Kong City, we will have a day off tomorrow, then go to work until New Year's Day, and then take a few days off.

That night, when I was shopping with Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu, I saw that most of the shopping malls and street shops were holding discounts and promotions. There were long queues at the entrance of the hotel, and there were also couples in the cinema.

Before I saw the movie, I was dizzy because of the noise. It happened that the movie of Xing Ye was full, and I didn't get a ticket, so I simply proposed to go shopping in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Su Yehao is now a celebrity, and when he appears in public, he is often pointed at him.

In addition, some people came to talk and said that they wanted to sign a photo and so on. He just felt annoyed by this and went to buy a mask to cover it. When shopping in Harbour City and trying on clothes.

Nangong Tian bumped Jiang Yu with her shoulder and asked, "Where is the gift that Brother Hao bought for you? Why didn't you wear it today? Look at my necklace, it was cut from the same rough diamond as yours. We are good sisters."

Some things, just know in your heart, Jiang Yu doesn't like to say it.

Wearing a gift from Su Yehao and walking around in front of Xiao Nizi always made Jiang Yu feel bad, so she put it at home today and wanted to wait for a suitable occasion to wear it.

If you want to ask what is the right occasion, Jiang Yu doesn't know.

In the circles she usually contacts, she doesn't need such expensive jewelry to set off her. She replied at this moment: "Put it at home for fear of being seen by my parents, and hide it under the mattress. The gift is too expensive, in case my mother sees it. There is no way to explain, a necklace is more expensive than my house."

The little girl winked and continued to smile:

"Don't worry, your parents know Brother Hao. If it's a big deal, let him come to the door and be scolded, it will be fine. Find a place later, let's have some drinks? I don't remember what happened last time. Don't revisit it.'

When girls become dirty, they are often more powerful than men.

Jiang Yu blushed instantly, stretched out his hand to scratch her itch, and said in a low voice, "You're going to die, you dare to say such a thing!" "What's the matter, it seems like it's interesting."

Jiang Yu was completely defeated.

Su Yehao didn't know why, so he dozed off.

He was sitting in the rest area, surrounded by big men who accompany others to go shopping. They were in charge of carrying bags and swiping cards. They were all in the same state as Su Yehao, doing nothing and wandering around the world.


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