
While others were resting, Su Yehao was very busy.

After a few days of running around in circles, my back was sore and my legs cramped. I used to be able to jog a few kilometers in the morning, but now I am out of breath after running a few hundred meters.

The energy recovered from the cultivation in Silicon Valley has recently been added all at once.

In addition, at the end of the year, nearly 10 million US dollars disappeared in a blink of an eye. Although I knew that there would be no return if I didn't pay, it was inevitably a bit painful.

Sure enough, his hatred of festivals is justified.

New Year's Eve night.

I still spent time with Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu, but unfortunately, the blessing of Qi people still has no shadow. Jiang Yu went home after watching the fireworks in Victoria Harbour.

It made him regret that he drank too much on the day when the accident was artificially created.

Mrs. Nangong learned that he gave her daughter a few islands and just wanted to go out for a walk, so she pulled Nangong Tian and asked her to accompany her to play for a few more days.

It just so happened that Nangong Tian was thinking of rectifying the hotel on the island and adding more entertainment facilities, so he booked a small island operated by the Hilton Hotel.

The reason why she was able to happily accept Su Yehao's gift was not that she was heartless and didn't care about it.

It was purely because I felt that since I never thought about separating, it was the same who belonged to each other, and I never thought about what would happen if we parted ways.

Taking over the shares of Universal Resort Hotel Group, the follow-up investment is not small, and Nangong Tian plans to pay for it himself.

Previously, Su Yehao lent her and Nong Qingying 30 million Hong Kong dollars respectively, all of which were used to invest heavily in Yahoo and Amazon. Now that 30 million Hong Kong dollars has become more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars, the cost of investing in the rectification of the hotel must be enough. Bank loans are also available.

The Maldives Universal Resort Hotel Group was a business that Su Yehao gave to Xiao Nizi, just like Japan's sk2. He was also too lazy to intervene.

A few days before New Year's Day, the market continued to open, and Yahoo's stock price rose further to more than 270 US dollars.

In December 1998, Su Yehao earned a total of over US$900 million, not counting the rising valuation of unlisted assets.

They have already earned so much, even if Xiao Nizi and Nong Qingying lose money.

Moreover, Hong Kong Hao Tourism is responsible for the drainage. Recently, a group of tourists from Hong Kong City, Casino City and the mainland have been attracted. They are going to join a group to go to the Maldives. Unfortunately, the mainland cannot sign on arrival for the time being, and the procedures are a bit troublesome.

Therefore, the current focus of drainage is on the port city and the casino city. There is no shortage of markets for high-end islands with beautiful scenery.

Although not much, but have seen some money back


Time enters 1999.

Standing at the tail end of the twentieth century, rumors about the destruction of the world in the millennium have quite a market on the Internet.

Su Yehao was also a little excited.

It seems that after this year, I can make the leap from "primitive" to "modern". The main reason is that my ideas are still stuck in the 21st century, I still get used to touching my mobile phone when I wake up in the morning, and I always feel that something is missing when I squat. To the beautiful scenery, there is no way to take out a smartphone and take a photo as a souvenir.

So in mid-January.

Su Yehao improvised and sent someone to investigate Apple's current situation.

In August last year, Jobs released the first-generation imac all-in-one machine, and sales soared.

It is said to be a big increase, but it is actually because Apple’s sales were too miserable before, and it is indeed a big increase in comparison, but the market share of the x operating system is still very low, and it has neither the influence of Microsoft office products nor can it support Many online games are niche products.

Compared with the surge of other Internet companies, Apple's growth can only be regarded as ordinary, and its total market value hovers between three or four billion US dollars.

Just to understand, Su Yehao still has the idea of ​​trying to invest in Apple after this round of stock market crash.

leisure time.

Su Yehao also thought about using his own advantages to promote the development of network technology in the mainland.

However, looking around, there is neither a supporting industry nor a perfect technology level, and even the market has not yet been cultivated.

Before he started, he started to retreat. Land reclamation is not so easy to do.

And even if you really want to invest, in the end, most of them still go the old way and buy all kinds of materials for assembly. Other companies can also do it, so there is no easy way to invest directly.

I did want to help, but the time is not right.

In the future, maybe you can try to raise funds in the mainland, invest overseas, enjoy the dividends of technological development, or try to raise the level of chip manufacturing in advance to avoid getting stuck in the future.

As for now, it is already a great achievement to be able to block external funds and hold the Internet business in the north in one's own hands.

Su Yehao believes that he is already very rich. If he earns more in the future, it should not be a problem to incubate mainland Internet companies to survive the cold winter of the few years after the bubble burst.

Originally, I didn't like to carry burdens, and regarded myself as a halo and a savior. It was not bad to consider helping the north side.

Moreover, in case the development plan is wrong, and the butterfly effect is accidentally created in the north, it will not be worth the loss.

With the expansion of influence, a lot of chain reactions have been triggered.

Take Xing Ye's movie as an example. In his previous life, he never made a comedy costume movie called "The Son of the Dragon", but Su Yehao watched it last Christmas. He was talking about Qianlong's tour of the West Lake in the south for twenty-five years. Afterwards, he left a son who asked him, "Do you remember Sister Winter Melon by the West Lake?"

I don't know why, but there is always a sense of sight of the little swallow in "Hanzhugege".

Considering the popularity of "Han Zhu Gege" in Hong Kong City, the filming of the second part started non-stop, the screenwriter may have seen it and was inspired by it.

January 19, 1999.

Last night, Su Yehao, who slept with Yin Liuli, accidentally caught a cold, accompanied his father on the yacht Sihai International and came to the bay of Pengcheng again.

Snot constantly ~ ~ old phlegm and more.

Su Yehao, who kept the tissue paper from his body, finished blowing his nose at this moment, and asked his father, "The last time I came here was a wasteland. The prototype of the mall has been built so quickly. When do you plan to open?"

"Well... It's almost the National Day. Get in touch with the Donghuang Group. At that time, they will attract some big brands from their shopping malls, and the quality is definitely high."

Father Su looked at the shopping mall under construction, and the office building next to it was dozens of meters high.

The house price in Pengcheng was slow to go up. After all, he followed Su Yehao's suggestion, tossing commercial real estate projects first, and then thinking about selling the house after the business was developed and the international school was built.

However, in this way, there will be some pressure on funds, especially when the Guangzhou Cultural Tourism City has also started construction.

However, Su Yehao has already agreed to support his father at least 300 million US dollars by the end of this year, and the problem of cash flow is easily solved.


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