Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 437: A side job is more profitable than a main job

This trip is nominally to accompany my father to inspect the Midea Group.


But actually.


It also means escaping, because the bones of the body are really overwhelmed.


Thinking back then, I was urinating in the wind, but now I'm panting for a walk, and I'm just saying that wolfberry tastes good, a few large cups a day, plus all kinds of rare delicacies, it's still a bit unbearable.


This made Su Yehao understand why rich wives in Hong Kong like to buy fish maw, sea cucumber, abalone and bird's nest and other supplements.


On New Year's Day, Nong Qingying's father broke her arm while fishing at sea. She stayed in Sheung Wan Earl General Hospital for two weeks. She just returned home to recuperate. Therefore, her plan to return to Tokyo was delayed, and she is still in Hong Kong City.


There was a little girl who opened one eye and closed the other, Jiang Yu became more and more reckless, and tasted some sweetness.


Dancing for more than ten years.


Don't look at Jiang Yurou's weakness, her physical strength is very good.


Even Yin Liuli came to Hong Kong City from time to time to ask the accountant to review the accounts of the Tao Tao Ju Hotel and deal with tax matters.


Come here, of course Su Yehao wants to entertain.


Following this trend, he always felt that he would be cool, so when he learned that his father was visiting the mainland, he immediately made an excuse and followed him.




Out of Pengcheng.


Go straight to Fochuan on the expressway.


More than 100 kilometers away, about two hours away, in addition to the two ceramic tile factories that were first acquired and the Midea Group, which was later financed, Cosmopolitan International also invested in some hardware and door and window processing factories in Fochuan.


Not only for supporting building materials, but also because I am optimistic about the potential of the mainland real estate market and want to make arrangements in advance to seize the upstream and downstream markets.


The business of Cosmopolitan International Group has gradually been fully transferred to the mainland. The real estate business of Hong Kong City and Casino City is still cold in the short term. The business is not as large as that of the mainland, and the market is not as big as the mainland. The casino will return to the mainland at the end of this year, and the celebration is already under preparation. .


Recently, I learned from Father Su, and there are more and more business people who want to come to the mainland for development.


In the early years, many people were too lazy to pay attention to this market, no matter how large the population is, what is the use of making money.


However, up to now, the economic growth rate in the north is surprising. When the land was first acquired in 1997, some people laughed at Father Su's lack of vision. Later, when the Hong Kong city property market collapsed, they changed their mouths and praised him for his smartness, which is quite realistic. ...


After arriving in Fochuan, I first accompanied my father to inspect several building materials companies under the group.


Su Yehao watched the flowers on a horseback.


He doesn't even bother to manage his own business, and is of course not interested in these small companies.


However, from the perspective of Dad's investment in building materials, it is considered that the development path of Cosmopolitan International has been broadened. Whether it is building materials or home appliances, it is closely related to the real estate industry, surrounding a large market that has been hot enough for 20 years. Dividends Quite impressive.


It was only January 1999, and several leading real estate stocks with a market value of several billions had already emerged in the stock market. The market is far from the stage of explosive growth. Today, the competition is small and there are not many private enterprises that have the strength to participate. .


The Su family concentrated on developing the cultural tourism city, which actually saved a lot of trouble.


Other real estate companies earn some hard-earned money. Projects are blooming everywhere, and they are forced to pursue high turnover rates because of interest rates. They start construction soon after they acquire the land, and start selling them soon after they start construction, so as to make a profit from building a house.


And Su Yehao persuaded Dad to take two treasures and wait for the appreciation while developing them. Some of the developed real estates are planned to be managed by themselves.


If it is sold after ten years, the two projects have the opportunity to earn tens of billions of dollars.


Investing in real estate companies does not necessarily mean that you have a lot of land and develop a lot of projects, and you will definitely make more money.


In Su Yehao's eyes, it is obviously more in line with his own situation to learn from the large real estate companies in Hong Kong City and take the high-end route.

With his help and support, the wealth is not bad, and the route of high debt and high turnover is equivalent to working for the bank, while Sun Hung Kai, Wharf and the like mostly rely on long-term real estate holdings to grow to the scale they are today. When it comes to the dividends of real estate appreciation, you can also collect rent.


Went around in a big circle.


He left in the morning and arrived at the headquarters of Midea Group in the afternoon.


The executives of the company received the news and stood at the door to greet them in advance. It is hard to imagine a company with a valuation of 8 billion yuan, the headquarters is arranged in the old building behind them.


Last year, the Midea Group implemented the reform of the business unit, and the effect was immediate.


Each department was split out separately, and some new technologies were acquired at the same time. Since the middle of last year, the performance has changed and the net profit is expected to be between RMB 500 million and RMB 600 million.


This is also the reason why Su Yehao believes that its valuation has surpassed that when Dad first raised funds, at least 8 billion yuan.


The newly hired general manager's surname is Qian and his name is Qian Wanhao.


This was the former president of Hitachi Co., Ltd. in China. When he was discussing technical cooperation with Midea Group, Mr. Su had contacted him several times, and he found Midi Group.


The reason for the choice of airborne is mainly because the Midland Group has many hills in the mainland, and conflicts arise from time to time, which is beyond the scope of healthy internal competition.


So, relying on Father Su, who had the support from above, he resolutely put Qian Wanhao in.


On the way to Fochuan, Su Yehao heard from his father that he thought this guy's name was auspicious and would bring prosperity.


With his old man's character, Su Yehao always felt that Qian Wanhao could become the general manager partly because of his name.


After the company changed its surname to Su, the previous management group had little influence. Taking advantage of the reform of the division, many people were eliminated and left the company.


Right now.


Manager Qian shook hands with Su Yehao and laughed until he could not close his mouth, and said:


"I've long wanted to meet you, Master, as expected of the president of the investment department. You really are young and promising. The profits the entire company made last year are not as good as yours. The other shareholders are so happy that they have to give you tonight. Toast!"


The Midea Group estimated a profit of 500 million to 600 million last year, which did not include the income that Su Yehao made by helping with financial management, because the money was still sitting on the Nasdaq stock exchange and had not been settled.


At that time, Father Su made the final took some money and gave it to Su Yehao to take care of it.


Later, Su Yehao misappropriated the money and paid it back soon. Most of it was used to buy Amazon's stock, and then regardless of whether it was asked, he has made a profit of more than 900 million yuan so far.


Sometimes, he himself forgets that he is also the senior vice president of Midea Group.


Hear the words.


Su Yehao glanced at his father, silently laughing at him for not taking the money for himself to invest at first, and said in his mouth:


"Where is it? It's just good luck. When the company is short of money, I will say hello at any time. I will bring it up at any time. If you make more money from financial management, the risk is also quite large. Mr. Qian's job is more important, and home appliances are the main business."


"Hey, that's what I said, but without your help, Master Su, the money on the company's books can only be kept in the bank for interest, how can it be so beautiful? Last time I mentioned to the reporter, the side business is more profitable than the main business. Many, after the news of making money from financial management hits the news, it can make others envious, and the investors before the delisting came to smash our glass, it must be because of jealousy.”


President Qian laughed, flattering Su Yehao, ignoring the presence of his subordinates.


Emotional intelligence is very high.


Knowing the ten sentences of Father Su, it is better to praise Su Yehao.


Father Su was indeed so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut, and said, "Just right, when you get the money back one day, buy a piece of land to build a new headquarters building..."


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