Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 438: beautiful land

Su Yehao didn't care much about the money that Midea Group asked him to invest because he didn't need to worry about throwing it there.


Hearing the old man talking about cashing out to build a new headquarters, he immediately understood that his old man was still worried about himself, and he continued to think about the safety of his pockets, and wanted to exchange the funds for more secure real estate.


He was immediately displeased.




"It's hard to get the money to scale, and there is a chance to go further. It's not worthwhile to cash out now. If it is used to expand the business, it's a bit of a loss to invest in the construction of the headquarters building. I always feel that although this place in Fochuan is good, the appreciation potential of house prices is not there. Guangzhou University, unless... give a piece of land at a low price or something? I can take out part of it and borrow the rest from the bank. I can indeed consider building a new headquarters, but I can't let me be a bare commander."


Qian Wanhao, the current general manager of Midea Group, grew up in Guangzhou City since he was a child, and his Cantonese proficiency is quite good.


Hear the words.


Manager Qian used his brains. After pondering every word, he seemed to understand something. He nodded and said:


"Yes, if you earn so much every year, then you can directly change your career to play finance. I am very assured of Master Su's ability. Fochuan is a good place for everything, and it is very suitable for doing business, but I pay so much tax every year, and attract investment Compared with the foreign companies that come in, our company enjoys a little less preferential treatment. I went to talk to someone a few years ago, and I should be able to win a piece of land at a low price. After all, as the largest leading company in the region, they definitely don’t want to let us go.”


With a salary of two million a year, he must be tactful in his work.


Now that Su Yehao has spoken, Manager Qian naturally wants to take the opportunity to prove his strength. Now that all parts of the country are busy developing the economy, with the status of the Midea Group, it is not too difficult to get land at a low price.


If you move to Guangzhou, maybe they will be happy to give away a piece of land for free, and even have the opportunity to get other subsidies in terms of tax reduction and exemption.


But the second shareholder of the group is the local area of ​​Fochuan, so there is no way to just leave.


Once the two sides quarreled, it would offend people too much. It would be like adopting their own son to someone else to support. The local government, as the second shareholder, would definitely not agree.


So Manager Qian is thinking about dressing up and testing out the second shareholder to see what benefits he can get.


As a direct descendant that Father Su dug up and airborne, Qian Wanhao knew exactly which side he should stand on, and he even thought about his rhetoric in an instant.


Of course, he couldn't turn his head and sell Su Yehao, telling the above that the relocation of the headquarters was the intention of the young owner.


But you can find an excuse to say that Na Na Na took the initiative to dig them, give preferential treatment to land, make other shareholders very excited, etc., so as to let Fochuan give preferential treatment


A crying child has milk to eat.


Su Yehao did have the idea of ​​reaching out for benefits.


-The leading company that was valued in the billions in 1999 and provided a lot of employment and tax revenue, if it still needs to buy land and build a headquarters building with its own money, it is too much to say.


In the future, land is valuable, but it is not valuable now. If you want to develop the Midea Group, there will be more places to spend money in the future. It will definitely be more appropriate to save money.


Seeing that Manager Qian understood, Su Yehao didn't mention it any further, secretly sighing that it would be easier to talk to his own people.


If you go around detours with those foreigners in Silicon Valley, maybe when you wake up, the company is really ready to move out, and the order must be precise and concise, and go straight.


When it came to building a new headquarters temporarily, Father Su hadn't considered the step of acquiring the land.


Seeing that his son was generous and generous, he stretched out his hand to ask for favors, but Father Su only felt that it was indeed his own kind, and the methods of beating and pinching were so silky smooth.

However, the factory is here, and most of the employees’ homes are also here.


The cooperation with the second shareholder has been relatively smooth, especially when the company's performance turned around against the wind last year and made a huge profit of more than one billion yuan, it is inappropriate to suddenly move out, which will easily cause the rebound of the original management within the company.


It's inconvenient to really move out, but if you pretend to scare you, you can probably ask for some benefits, such as land, which is quite expensive if you spend money.


Really thinking about building a new headquarters, Father Su continued: "What a bare commander, you, the senior vice president, have never participated in the management of the company. To build a headquarters building, it will cost at least ten or two billion to go to the bank. Don't you pay interest on the loan?'


"How many percent of the interest per year can scare anyone to death? I will withdraw the money at the end of the year and invest in the mainland stock market. Just buy your favorite real estate sector.


After Su Yehao finished speaking, his father nodded on the spot and said with a smile: "This is very good. There is a company called Vanke, which was very small in the first two years, but now it is developing very fast."


Vanke is also being targeted by you?"


Su Yehao thought that he was worthy of being in the real estate circle of Hong Kong City, but his eyes were vicious.


His father replied: "How could I have never heard of it? It was the one that took the most land in last year's land auctions. I met their boss a few times and talked about building another cultural and tourism city in Pengcheng. It's a pity that Vanke The strength is not enough, there is no way to follow."


The so-called "another cultural tourism city" naturally refers to the place that Huang Daxian once took to see. It is located between the Xili Reservoir and Tanglang Mountain. It was still a wasteland in 2000, but last year there was news that it was planning to build a university town.


I can't say how good the location is, but the price of land is really cheap, and since Cosmopolitan International once proposed a "rich area" plan, it was naturally attracted the attention of colleagues.


At the beginning, Su Yehao set his sights there because his family didn't have enough money and his business had not been transferred to the mainland. He was thinking of small profits but quick turnover. By now, it doesn't matter anymore.


If you have a lot of spare money in your hand, you might as well discuss with the Tomson Group to buy the future land of Tomson Yipin from this Hong Kong-funded enterprise. style and added value.


Su Yehao rarely comes here, but he still has his own sends someone to clean it every day.


Accompanying my father to read last year's financial report, he was more interested in the performance and sales of the company's products, and went to visit the R&D department.


The Midea Group is trying to take the high-end route. Users do not buy it. Instead, it is a product that is suitable for use and has the most popular sales.


Without a user base, the market cannot be cultivated, and the research and development of high-end products will of course lack motivation.


Don’t look at a large number of people who are clamoring about how good Japanese and German products are all day long. When they really pay for products, they will honestly pursue cost-effectiveness. Some products are not researched, but there is no need to research them. The level is generally low, and affordable and durable home appliances are the mainstream.


A simple pulsator washing machine has a gross profit rate of about 37%. It is no wonder that Father Su is eyeing this line of business. The market demand is indeed astonishing.


I learned that Su Yehao kept Taimeidi's mahjong machine at home and used it frequently recently.


The R&D manager who accompanied him on the visit immediately offered to help him customize one for the appearance.


Thinking that there is a mahjong machine made of nanmu or red sandalwood at home, it seems quite interesting. Su Yehao happily accepted it and asked someone to design the shape and send the picture to his mailbox.


According to this idea, it seems that the pool table, coffee table, the bed of the master bedroom, the floor, etc. can also be replaced. Isn’t it also a bargain-hunting investment?


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