Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 446: Maybe this is the super rich

After I went to the club to ask questions, I learned that the chairman was not at home. I just got on the plane yesterday and went on vacation to Palm Springs, USA.

There were only more than 30 villas. Su Yehao found a good vice president and directly asked how much it would cost to buy the whole project in a package.

The vice president is from Hong Kong City. His surname is Liu and Baoshu. He is in his early thirties and looks pretty.

Liu Baoshu has little power and only holds a small amount of shares, but she is very sociable. There are many rich Hong Kong city tycoons standing behind her, who can be regarded as agents.

A few years ago, several bosses concentrated their financial resources and came to the mainland to try to do business. The golf course under their feet is one of the representative industries.

Su Yehao suddenly came to the door, and Liu Baoshu became confused at the moment.

Their golf club is next to the Four Seas International Cultural Tourism City. Su Yehao is now among the top ten richest people in Hong Kong City. Of course this woman knows him, and she has seen news related to Su Yehao from the news.

At this moment.

The two were sitting face to face on the sofa, and a handsome male assistant was helping them make tea.

Liu Baoshu didn't dare to have any thoughts of neglecting Su Yehao because he was young. After all, although there were many rich people who knew her well, they didn't seem to have the same foundation as this young master Su.

The wealthy people in Hong Kong City are also divided into three, six, nine, and nine, and today's Su family, even among the first-class giants, are considered to be particularly rich.

Even if compared with several giants, it just lost a little bit of background, and the relationship between people is a little bit worse.

After considering the reason why Su Yehao proposed the acquisition, Liu Baoshu was completely confused and asked tentatively:

"Master Su, if you say that the person who has no shortage of houses in Quan Pengcheng is you. There are more than 200 villas planned next door, and they will all be yours when they are completed. Why do you want to buy them from us? If you want to To buy our golf club, I can understand that.”

Su Yehao was stunned for a moment, thinking about what would he do if he bought your golf ball, but he couldn't demolish and build a house.

It's just a golf course, not home.

As for going through a golf club, running a social circle, etc., I don't even have that kind of mind. I'm too lazy to spend my energy on developing personal connections. I won't mention whether I can help you or not, and there will be a lot of troubles.

He coughed dryly and said calmly:

"I have planned a lot, but the construction has not started yet. I don't know when the construction will be completed. There are so many workers on the construction site, and there is no place to resettle. I bought some houses for them to live in, and I was complained by the neighbors in the community. , It seems that it is more suitable for your side, it is a small world by itself, it will not disturb others, and it is very close to the construction site."


Liu Baoshu felt that she had been shocked. The purpose of buying the villa was to place workers? Could this be the super rich?

For a while, I thought it was absurd, but when I thought about it carefully, I felt that it was barely understandable. For a billionaire family, a villa of several million is indeed similar to playing.

Liu Baoshu had heard of the news that Su Yehao had spent more than 300 million to buy land in Dalangwan, all of which were enclosed in his own yard, but he felt that he was inhumane.

In order not to be disturbed by the neighbors, even so much money is willing.

I didn't think about picking peaches at all. In this era, the housing prices in Pengcheng are already relatively high, and houses with low per capita income cannot be sold. Otherwise, the villas developed by the club would not have been under pressure. opening.

After a brief consideration, Liu Baoshu said, "I can't make up my own mind about this matter. Several houses have been pre-ordered, which is not easy to handle. Besides, the luxury house is used as a dormitory, which will also affect our brand image a bit. , I always feel that it is not good to spread it out."

Su Yehao didn't like to hear such words.

Before the accident happened, he was also covered in mud all day long. Hearing Liu Baoshu linked this kind of thing to the image of the golf club, he was a little unhappy and interrupted her with a wave of his hand, asking:

"If you can't be the master, then find someone who can be the master and talk to me. My mother should know all the famous businessmen in Hong Kong City. I just looked for some dormitories, but I was driven around. Didn't they build the house? My construction team There are more than 1,000 people under my command, all of whom work, so what is the impact?"

Liu Baoshu was startled, and hurriedly said, "No, no! I'm just afraid that there will be too many people on the court and it will affect other members who play."

"Don't worry, it's just grass, there's nothing to see, it's better to go for a walk in the surrounding parks, I'll take care of them."

Su Yehao thought that since he couldn't be the master, he was too lazy to talk about so much shit.

Ask Linda Yun to bring a business card, get up and continue to tell: "You guys discuss it first, and then contact me when there is a result. I heard that other places are also good, and I have to go and see it again."

Knowing that Su Yehao was offended, Liu Baoshu secretly murmured that he had a really big temper, but he didn't dare to offend him.


I was upset by this incident.

When Linda Yun asked him, "What's next, look elsewhere?"

Su Yehao shook his head decisively and said, "Forget it, it's a big deal to build some prefab houses, install air-conditioning and bathing, etc. It doesn't cost a lot of money. I originally wanted to buy a house and invest in it, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anywhere. If you can invest, you can’t directly buy a piece of land. The place on the southwest side of the golf course is very good, suitable for building sea-view houses and building the top high-end apartments. The money for buying a house is almost enough to get the land.”

"...They're right, your family already has so many houses, but it's still not enough?" Linda Yun said with a smile.

Su Yehao shook his head and said, "Who would think that there is too much I have always felt that there is a market for real estate in the mainland in the future. If you have spare money, you can come and buy a few sets."

Linda Yun, who acts as the secretary of life, has already adapted to this job.

I am not too busy at ordinary times, my income is relatively high, and I can often travel around the world. I feel happier than working in Donghuang Rose Middle School before.

"First Clan"

She smiled and said: "I have already bought a suite in Hong Kong City, but I have no money to invest for the time being. When your cultural and tourism city is developed, remember to give me a discount. Anyway, I have taught you for so long. English, is it not too much?"


Su Yehao readily agreed, and then asked her curiously, "When did you buy a house in Hong Kong City?"

"I bought it in October last year. I was in Silicon Valley at the time. I asked a friend to help me with the house inspection and hired a lawyer to handle the procedures for me. It was because I heard that the house price might go up, so I didn't hesitate to buy it. It was near the University of Hong Kong. Can't afford a house on the hill."

Linda Yun sighed and continued: "Look at it this way, Jiang Yu's family is also very rich, as expected of Donghuang Rose, all of them are Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Remember your little brother, the Sonaram in Thailand. , I just saw his company in the newspaper this morning, bought five more Airbus planes, and received a ticket coupon from him before, so I am a little impressed."

Su Yehao was vaguely impressed.

The former follower, the second generation of the rich from Thailand, runs an airline at home.

After graduating, I never went back to Donghuang Rose Middle School to find acquaintances to reminisce about the past. It has only been over a year, but I always feel like it was a long time ago...Click to download This site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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