Dad left first.

Su Yehao could only go to the customs clearance port by car and return to Hong Kong City by land.

He set off in the evening and arrived in Central at just over six o'clock. On the way, he passed a large area of ​​wasteland. In his opinion, it would be a pity not to develop and build houses. The housing price in Hong Kong City should not have been so high.

The so-called reason of less land and more people is simply untenable.

To say that there is less land, Singapore is really less. On the land of more than 700 square kilometers, there are four or five million people living, and there is no such high housing price as Hong Kong City.

In this regard, it can only be said that the use of land is not reasonable enough. If more money is invested in transportation, the supporting facilities will be built, and the expansion will be easy.

Su Yehao inevitably paid more attention to his family's business in this area.

However, in his eyes, the real estate development potential of Hong Kong City has been overdrawn. The price of land acquisition is high, the construction cost is high, and the consumption potential of users has been exhausted, and it is not worth tossing more.

Therefore, although he is optimistic about the previous development plan of the Cyberport, Su Yehao did not end up disrupting the situation.

Of course, there is also the factor of insufficient funds on hand, and this kind of thing, just having money is not enough, all relationships must be opened up, in this regard, it is far worse than the old Li family of Changshi and Heji.


It seems that Gangcheng is not suitable for the development of the technology industry either. There is neither a supporting technology industry nor a cost advantage. He has almost given up the plan to put the corporate headquarters in Gangcheng. The mainland and Silicon Valley will arrange for the company to register. In a tax haven, it was more in his interest.

There are too many places to spend money in the future, and other Internet companies are busy avoiding taxes. If he does not avoid taxes and spends a huge amount of money, he may win at the starting line, but lose in the process of rise.

Su Yehao never looked for Zheng Yongwen, but Vice President Zheng Yongwen suddenly called him this afternoon and asked him to meet tonight.

The location was arranged at the open-air restaurant on the top floor of the Garden Hotel in Hi~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ Garden Hotel. Su Yehao said hello to Zheng Yongwen halfway through, and after getting the agreement, he called Xiao Nizi together to avoid her talking about eating alone.

When Su Yehao arrived at the Hi~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ Garden Hotel, Nangong Tian arrived first and was waiting for him downstairs.

From Big Wave Bay to Central, the distance is relatively close.

Today, Xiao Nizi is wearing khaki overalls with a thin sweater on top, her hair is braided into a thick single ponytail, her hair color is slightly yellow, she is young and fashionable.

"Fairy Wood"

Armed by her.

When taking the elevator upstairs, Xiao Nizi asked: "Zheng Yongwen, Honorary Vice President of Hong Kong University, what is he doing with you? Does he want to take money from you and invest in stocks as a partnership?"

"...I don't know, the ghost knows what he's thinking, but that guy seems to be out of the low-level interest of making money, or else he wouldn't let money go without making money, and he had to go to the Hong Kong government to work as a consultant, and in the end he didn't get anything. Ended up with resignation."

Su Yehao is also guessing the purpose of Zheng Yongwen's contact with him.

To say that the other party has gained nothing, it is not necessarily true. When he was the chief consultant, he still tried a few tricks with foreign hot money.

It's a pity that he seemed to have disagreements with others on issues such as maintaining the stock market and exchange rates. In the end, the trouble broke up and he resigned last year.

The water here is a bit deep. It involves a large amount of profit. It is not enough to do a good job honestly. It is impossible to guard against open guns and secret arrows. Vice President Zheng Yongwen will be targeted. It's not surprising to do things for people.

Hundreds of billions of cross-border hot money offensive and defensive battles and long-short games, foolishly plunged into it, if anyone blocked their fortunes, it was possible to be drowned in the sea.

Su Yehao believes that his strength is not that strong yet, so he didn't get involved. He just paid a little attention from an outsider's point of view. Now that the financial crisis in Southeast Asia is basically over, the property market and stock market in Hong Kong City are also rebounding slightly. .

Amused by his remarks, the little girl smiled and said, "A person who is out of vulgar taste... It sounds amazing, so when will you become like him?"

"...When I reach his age?"

Su Yehao smiled, put his arms around her shoulders, and continued: "I have long been financially free, and the process of doing business is quite interesting, and it is rare to have a little hobby, so I can't really let me hold a teacup in the sun every day, sit Retire in a rocking chair."

"That's right. My mother kept saying she was going to retire, so she didn't continue to guard her Beauty Royal Court Club. She's used to the rhythm of every day, and it's boring not to work."


Take the elevator to the top floor.

Looking around, at this time, there are quite a few guests in the open-air restaurant on the top floor.

The weather is good today. Sitting on the roof of the Hi~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ Garden Hotel, I can see the night view of the city in Central.

The shadow not far away is the IFC under construction. The first phase of the 210-meter building has been completed, and the second phase is expected to be over 400 meters high and is under construction.

The lights are on in the nearby office building, and the white-collar workers who haven't finished get off work can be seen busy.

There was a middle-aged man leaning against the railing on the rooftop, but it was Zheng Yongwen, who was dazed by the evening wind, and his shirt and jeans were inconspicuous. Some people believed that he was a plumber.

Such an ordinary-looking middle-aged man.

Relying on his talent, he once fell in love with Su Yehao's aunt, even if Mr. Tang's eyes were higher than the top, he would praise him "it's a talent".

In 1997, he also helped Su Yehao earn more than 100 million yuan, and it only took ten days.

Up to now, the profit of more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars has increased to more than one billion Hong Kong dollars with the increase in investment. Although Su Yehao earns more, he still thinks that the elites like Zheng Yongwen are more powerful.

After all, Su Yehao opened a plug-in, but the other party made hundreds of millions of dollars from scratch by relying on real materials.

It is precisely because he is very clear about how money is earned, so whenever others praise how powerful he is, Su Yehao can't keep his spirits Picking up money and earning money are a little different after all. Others can't deceive themselves.

At this moment.

Seeing Su Yehao, Vice President Zheng Yongwen nodded as a greeting, pointed to an inconspicuous building not far away, and asked, "Master Su, do you know what is there?"

"...Hong Kong Stock Exchange? With such a big sign, I'm not blind."

Su Yehao replied calmly.

Zheng Yongwen continued: "Then what do you think, if the Hong Kong City United Exchange, the Hong Kong City Futures Exchange, and the Central Clearing Company merge together, how much will it be worth?"

"……a lot of?"

Su Yehao rolled his eyes, thinking that he is not a know-it-all, suddenly moved, raised his eyebrows and asked, "President Zheng, do you mean that these three companies are going to merge?"

"There is a trend in this regard. The Financial Secretary is making plans. He hopes to improve the competitiveness of Hong Kong City. Taking advantage of the weakening of various exchanges in Southeast Asia, it will further become a new Asian financial trading center, and it is very likely that it will be listed and traded."

As soon as Zheng Yongwen finished speaking, Su Yehao said in surprise:

"Then if I pay more, wouldn't I have the opportunity to become a major shareholder of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and I will have a share of all the profits from stock trading in the future?"

"Don't think about it, how can you let one company dominate? Even if you are willing to pay, the major shareholders of listed companies will not be at ease. But I hope that there can be a few more people on the board of directors to seriously take stock of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The system is perfect, rather than just thinking about how to make money for yourself.”

Looking at Su Yehao, Vice President Zheng Yongwen said with a smile, "How about it, are you interested in participating?"

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