During the past two years of financial games, many problems have been exposed.

Although the exchange rate has been maintained, the stock market and the property market have doubled, and it will be difficult to recover for a while. Many Hong Kong residents who bought houses at high prices have cut off their supply, and many people are unemployed and lose money in stock speculation. A large number of middle-class people do not advance but retreat.

Although the real estate market and the stock market are already in a bubble, if not for the financial crisis, there is actually a chance to slowly digest it, at least the situation will not be so serious, and the ground is full of chicken feathers.

In addition, the British who intervened before have been away for more than a year, and it is indeed time to think about the future.

It's true that Su Yehao rarely intervenes in company management, but he reads the newspaper every morning.

I can often receive the latest information from securities companies, consulting companies, and assistant think-tank teams. I have a professional financial analysis team under my control and receive high salaries. I always have to do something practical and focus on key points. The situation of the region and industry is relatively well understood.

After listening to the words of Vice President Zheng Yongwen, Su Yehao was keenly aware that this might be a rare opportunity.

The current Hong Kong Stock Exchange is not perfect. There are only more than 500 listed companies listed in it. Once several financial institutions are integrated, it happens to be in a low period recently, and there is a high probability that they will be able to make a profit from it.

To ask how much he earns and how much he earns, he actually has no clue, but it is because of this that he finds it even more interesting.

In addition to the factors of investment profit, the most important thing is that as long as you sit on the board of directors of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, you will have the opportunity to provide some suggestions for future development.

Selfishness is definitely there.

For example, at this moment, Su Yehao is thinking that it may be possible to pull all mainland Internet companies to list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

The benefits are many.

First, it can enhance the status of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. If it becomes a shareholder, it will definitely stimulate the stock price to rise in the future and make profits from it.

The second is to move mainland Internet companies to the Hong Kong city for listing, and also have the opportunity to guide mainland investors to invest, so as not to shout all day long that profits are earned by foreigners, and good companies go to the United States to list.

The third is to improve their own status, so that they can make a big cake for others through companies such as koko venture capital and increase their right to speak.

With such a big piece of cake, Su Yehao only wanted to eat part of it from the beginning to the end. The market was too huge, and thinking about eating alone would easily lead to choking.

Considering that the high-tech enterprises in the mainland have just started, a number of high-quality enterprises will emerge in the future. If the threshold for listing is lowered to a level similar to that of Nasdaq, and a financing and trading platform is established, maybe it will become the only one. Second to the existence of Nasdaq.

It's not easy to put it at other times, but the Internet bubble is coming soon, which means setting aside a few years to prepare slowly...

Unconsciously, I have learned to think from the perspective of a big businessman.

Su Yehao paused for a few seconds to sort out his thoughts, and decisively came to the conclusion that he could give it a try. He stood beside Zheng Yongwen and asked him, "The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is a big piece of fat, but why did you come to me?"

"Because you are rich." Vice President Zheng Yongwen replied without thinking.

"... A very strong reason. If I only occupy a part of the shares, I can really afford to pay. After the merger, what is the market value of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange itself? Also, if I participate, how many shares can I take?"

After hearing Su Yehao's question, Zheng Yongwen took it easy, motioned to sit at the dining table first, and smiled at Nangong Tian by the way, complimenting him on how beautiful he was.

Wiping the tableware slowly, Zheng Yongwen said:

"According to my estimation, the total market value should be between seven billion and ten billion Hong Kong dollars. Business has been difficult to do in the past two years, and the profits of several companies have fallen seriously. According to the rumors I have heard, each shareholder should hold a certain amount of shares. More than 5%, a group of foreign brokers and banks have expressed interest, and the news has not yet spread, but it should be soon, and there are many people who know about this matter, so it is not a leak."

"By the way, Master Su, since this is your restaurant, give me a copy of the most valuable dishes, right?"

Nodding indifferently, Su Yehao didn't care about this trivial matter, and continued to ask: "Five percent... Doesn't it mean that you can hardly speak? You just mentioned a few more people of your own, which means you have found someone else?"

"Of course, the wolves are too meaty and not enough to be divided. If it is released for financing, it is estimated that some people will directly privatize it. Limiting the proportion of shares is also in pursuit of balance."

Zheng Yongwen shook his head with a smile, and then said: "I didn't expect your business to be so big. I was surprised before I found you, and I thought you were more suitable."

The so-called suitable, of course, refers to the board of directors of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Su Yehao learned that he holds no more than 5% of the shares at most, and he felt like he was drenched in cold water. The small flame in his heart was extinguished at once.

Although it is possible to sneak into the board of directors and find ways to obtain the consent of other directors, it is still possible to set up the Sci-tech Innovation Board and provide more financing opportunities for mainland companies, but you don’t have to think about it, it is too brain-intensive. There are a lot of **** things, and he is most afraid of trouble.

Fortunately, you don't necessarily have to go out in person to argue with people, you can also arrange for a representative to speak for yourself.

Therefore, as long as he has the opportunity to participate in shares, Su Yehao still really wants to give it a try. It's just a "small company" with a market value of one billion US dollars, and the shareholding ratio is also limited. Anyway, it doesn't cost a lot of money.

After chatting a few words, finish ordering the dishes first.

Su Yehao ignored Xiao Nizi for the time being, and said to Zheng Yongwen, "What about you, do you also plan to become a shareholder?"

"I can't even buy a house in Repulse Bay with my money."

"...Then why are you so kind to reveal this kind of news to me? It shouldn't have much to do with you. It's impossible to lack investment."

At the moment, Vice President Zheng Yongwen only felt that Su Yehao had a lot of problems, and explained with smacking his lips:

"Actually, I was one of those who supported the reorganization of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Now I'm worried about mixing in a group of foreign capital to become shareholders. Why would they smash the Hong Kong stock market, and in turn give them a chance to make money? People always want I have a bit of backbone, so I want to make it more difficult for them, and the opportunity to make money is better than being divided up by others."

Su Yehao was thoughtful, and could vaguely understand Vice President Zheng Yongwen's thoughts.

Those multinational investors, relying on their wealth and wealth, invest a little in the east and a little in the west.

Seriously speaking, venture capital companies seem to be doing the same thing... but it's hard to avoid feeling frustrated when their own money is earned by outsiders.

Worried that Su Yehao did not understand his own thoughts, Zheng Yongwen added:

"Some people think that the introduction of large multinational institutions will give them the opportunity to expand the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. This kind of thinking is a bit funny. As long as the listed companies are good enough, they will still be willing to invest. On the contrary, even if they become major shareholders, it is still not acceptable. I will bring money over, international hot money is always profit-seeking, and all other ideas are unreliable, so I want to create a fair bidding environment and keep the shares of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in Hong Kong City.”

Su Yehao felt that the taste was right, he had the urge to give him a thumbs up, and immediately told him, "Okay, I'm willing to invest, two or three hundred million dollars is not a problem, but it's better to wait, I don't care about connections or anything. I understand, I guess I need your help. I’m usually too housebound, I don’t have connections or many friends~www.readwn.com~ I just pay.”

"...It's not a skill to pay for money. It doesn't cost as much as 200 to 300 million U.S. dollars. This matter has just taken the lead, and it is uncertain whether it can be done this year. If I have been the chief consultant for so long, the most impressive one The thing is, you can never trust the efficiency of those people."

With a silent smile, Zheng Yongwen changed the subject and asked Su Yehao, "How have you been recently? You are so happy that you hit the big bull market in the United States, right?"

"Of course, sometimes when I open my eyes and find that there are three or four billion dollars in the account, I don't know where to spend it."

Su Yehao was telling the truth, looked at Zheng Yongwen, and took the opportunity to propose: "The Nasdaq is turbulent, I feel that at my level, it is difficult to grasp, I only know that there is a bubble in the stock market, and there is a steady stream of good news. Up. Give you a sum of money, and let's play options and futures together, how about it?"

Zheng Yongwen said with a calm smile: "Stock speculation is about people's hearts. I'm a Hong Kong citizen. I don't know what those Americans are thinking. I advise you to stop. Those who chase high often don't end well..."


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