Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 449: stop dreaming

Nasdaq technology stocks, the company's market value has been rising.

The growth of profits obviously cannot keep up with the growth of stock prices, and the amount of profit is often small. Only a group of companies including Microsoft and Oracle are really quite profitable.

The bubble is getting bigger.

Zheng Yongwen reminded that chasing high will not end well. Su Yehao agrees with this statement, but he has an innate advantage that others do not have, and feels that he can take another bet. So he didn't take the vice president's reminder to heart, and only said that he knew what he had in mind.

Seeing that Zheng Yongwen has no idea of ​​cooperating to play leveraged trading, Su Yehao will not force it.

The person in charge of the trade is not confident, and he still sends the money to others. Isn't he asking for trouble? It's better to continue tossing himself, at least he has a bit of confidence.

With the temper of the former chief financial adviser, Su Yehao felt that he did not have the ability to completely suppress him.

For example, if Vice President Zheng Yongwen gets his head twitchy and wants to short the Nasdaq index, or short AOL, Yahoo, etc., at this juncture, wouldn’t it be a nail in the coffin and impatient to live?

So no further mention.

Su Yehao ordered yellow beef claypot rice, and Xiao Nizi ate roast lamb chops.

Zheng Yongwen was not polite. He ordered a portion of caviar, white truffle, Iberian ham, etc. He was probably hungry and took the opportunity to slaughter the big family.

Wagyu looks beautiful, but the meat is too tender, but not as fragrant and chewy as yellow beef.

After eating and drinking some orange juice to moisten the mouth, Su Yehao said:

"Doing exchange business, guaranteeing income during droughts and floods, and taking into account both bulls and bears, in addition, the more turbulent the market is, the more money it makes. It is indeed a good project. If, I mean, if, in addition to opening a business in Hong Kong City similar to Nasdaq in the United States , Do you think it is feasible for a new exchange with a low listing threshold and the function of different rights for the same shares?"

Don't even think about it.

Vice President Zheng Yongwen shook his head directly, chewing caviar in his mouth, and said vaguely:

"Copy a Nasdaq in Hong Kong City?"

"Don't dream, how many companies in the United States, how much capital, the hot money from all over the world goes there, the market in our port city is only large, and the transaction volume in one day is not more than one-tenth of other people's, unless the Hong Kong government strongly supports, the whole Asian companies in the high-tech, medical, telecom and other industries come here to list, but since there is already Nasdaq, why should they choose you?"

"Also, most directly, who will pay for the IPO funds? It is better to rely on Hong Kong's wealthy people to support small companies with uncertain futures. It is better to rely on them to continue to reclaim the sea and build buildings. Besides rent collection, what else is there to do? The ancestors are far behind."


After listening, Su Yehao laughed dumbly.

I don't know whether to thank him or throw a blank eye at him.

I was praised, but my father was damaged. One reclaimed the sea, one collected rent, and one built a building. Father Su got all of them.

Thinking of the old man's attitude towards his business at the beginning, he immediately understood that it was difficult to raise money from Hong Kong City alone, the IPO was not going well, and of course it was not attractive to entrepreneurs.

As for the mainland...there are too many good projects to make money, and it is estimated that no one is willing to take money to bet on the bright future of startups, and the risk is a bit high.

If it weren't for the shallow eye sockets, the batch of Internet companies in the previous life would not have allowed foreigners to take advantage, and a large number of shares were concentrated in the hands of outsiders.

He will not shout that it is better to buy than to make, and end up with a neck stuck in the end. In fact, there is an opportunity to enter the market, but he failed to seize it in time.

Thinking of this, I suddenly realized that the idea of ​​creating an exchange similar to Nasdaq was not realistic, at least not yet.

Su Yehao certainly does not have the character of not hitting the south wall and not turning back. Since he felt that it would not work, he asked Zheng Yongwen and said, "Then, if the merged Hong Kong Stock Exchange is reformed, AB shares and low-cost shares will be launched separately for medical and high-tech industries. What about the measures for threshold financing and listing?"

" be honest, I didn't think about it."

Zheng Yongwen frowned and thought about it, then continued: "As long as you control the board of directors, it shouldn't be too difficult. After all, Nasdaq is developing very well. With this example in front of me, I don't think anyone will follow suit. Money is hard to come by, which is also in line with the needs of the Hong Kong government to develop high-tech industries. However, why have you been paying attention to this aspect?"

He raised his lips and smiled.

Su Yehao wiped his mouth and told: "You have your pursuits, you don't want the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to be controlled by multinational capital, and I also have my ideals. To sum up, it is probably to solve the problem for a group of high-quality startups led by mainland enterprises. The problem of financing difficulties will not be harvested by Europe and the United States, so I have a long-term vision. Anyway, I always feel that if I do this, it will be very beneficial in the future.”

A moment of silence.

Vice President Zheng Yongwen smiled and said, "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it at all, you made me look up to you. Neither of us want to be ridden by a white man. We have such a tacit understanding that we won't open a bottle of Romanée Conti to celebrate. a bit?"

Su Yehao ignored his words and only said: "Romane Conti, isn't it also made in Europe, if you want to drink, drink Changyu, enough."

"No need, no need to be so harsh, I can't smash all the French wine in my house..."

Nangong Tian sat aside, eating lamb chops happily.

Paying attention to what Brother Hao said, she always felt that Brother Hao was talking about something great with the old man opposite.

Although she didn't know the weight of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, since even Su Yehao was so interested, she also said that the drought and floods are guaranteed, and the bears and bears are taken into consideration, which seems to be quite rich.

Delighted that Zheng Yongwen praised Brother Hao, Xiao Nizi felt a lot more pleasing to the eye when she saw the vice president.

It's so realistic.

after eating.

Su Yehao and Nangong Tian held hands and pressed the road together on the streets of Central.

In public occasions, some scandals and gossips are occasionally exposed, but he doesn't care anymore. Anyway, both Yin Liuli and Nong Qingying are almost all insiders, and they have become accustomed to it over time.

On Jiang Yu's side, not to mention, since leaving the Maldives, there has been a strange tacit understanding between the three of them.

Of course.

The relationship took a step forward, and it was still a long time before a table of mahjong was formed. In Su Yehao's opinion, it was not a temperamental person to be offended.

Xiao Nizi asked at the moment, "Brother Hao, are you going to invest in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange?"

"Well, whether it can be successful or not will be discussed separately. Even if you enter, you may not be able to talk. It is likely that it is just an investment in the end. The price is not high, and it is good to try."

Su Yehao has completely calmed down.

It is found that with his strength, he is still a little weak when he is involved in this kind of transaction.

Morgan, Citi and HSBC, which are not giants with tens of billions of dollars in management, can imagine the difficulty of grabbing meat from them.

Fortunately, the idea of ​​proposing to create a Hong Kong version of Nasdaq seems to be in the interests of these people.

In this era, Europe and the United States have generally not paid enough attention to the Asian region. If Japan wanted to make a maybe it would be suppressed. After all, it is the second largest economy in the world, and it is coveted by the old and the United States.

But Hong Kong City should be ok. It is one of the "overseas bases" of foreign capital in Asia. As long as everyone can make money, it is easier to negotiate.

Considering that Hong Kong City and the mainland are separated by a river, it is easier for capital to flow than to go to the United States. Although it is impossible to completely keep foreign capital out, at least there is an opportunity to guide a group of mainland funds to enter the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The situation will definitely not be better than that. Poor past life, that's enough.

Just think for a moment.

Entry into the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is just one-sided words of Zheng Yongwen. It is useless to think too much about the eight characters.

Su Yehao diverted the topic to other places, saying that he had received a few tickets for Milan Spring Fashion Week and had the opportunity to take her on a trip to Italy.

Of course, Xiao Nizi likes to see such a good thing, saying that she is going to buy some new clothes and go to Rome, Venice and other places to see the scenery.

It just so happened that the plane ordered by Su Yehao was about to arrive soon. After waiting for more than a year, it was about to be delivered...

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