Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 461: The old man goes out

Not long after returning home to rest, Father Su hurried over.

Along with her was Su Yehao's mother. After seeing her son, she was very worried and said anxiously:

"Oh, what should I do? I asked someone to ask the police station. They have no clue about the identity of the group. I don't know when they will be caught!"

Concern is chaos.

There have been too many similar movements in recent years, and after some people are targeted, the end is not very good.

Mother Tang looked at Jiang Yu and Nangong Tian, ​​and said seriously: "Are you two okay? I need to help Xiaohao take care of him recently, don't let him go out and run around, there is only such a single seedling in the family, if If something happens, what will you do next?"

Father Su, who had been talking about it all the way, had a headache and said:

"Don't worry, there are assault vehicles patrolling outside, and there are so many bodyguards inside. Be careful and it will be fine. Don't be too nervous, maybe someone will be caught later?"

"Catch, catch, don't even have clues, how to catch?"

Mommy Tang rolled her eyes, drank the frozen lemon tea brought by the nanny, and said with a sigh, "Oh, why are you so unlucky, instead of looking for someone else, I just follow you..."

Su Yehao had gradually digested the news, shrugged indifferently, and told:

"The security company dispatched eight more people. Compared with me, the two of you are more dangerous. Maybe I don't have a chance here, so I will focus on you. No wonder the bulletproof cars in Hong Kong were sold out some time ago. This thing It really works, once the door is locked, no one is afraid, and you should not use other cars recently."

His father smiled and boasted to himself, "I'm still smart. I ordered three cars a long time ago. The whole family is safe and sound, and the money is well worth it."

"Don't say such things. Those who speak too early in the movie will end up in bad luck." Mama Tang said with a sullen face.


The evening news is playing on TV.

Looking at the picture on the screen, it was clear that when Su Yehao left the Hong Kong Island General Administration, the host was excited and introduced the news that the police were in a boat and found the den of thieves.

As expected of this meal, the news of the media organization is well-informed, and the situation of Su Yehao was introduced in seven or eighty-eight ways. Even the news that the newly formed Yanwen Group was about to go public was picked up, saying that the estimated market value is as high as Four billion dollars or something.

After Father Su read it, he stared at Su Yehao silently, and said, "Four billion dollars? It didn't seem like it was worth so much a few months ago, did you make a fortune again?"

"...It hasn't been listed yet. God knows how much. The valuation is just a number, but the market has been doing quite well recently."

Su Yehao said while watching the news.

This is only February, and since the beginning of the year, I have earned more than 400 million US dollars in financial investment, which is indeed quite good.

on TV.

At first, he was still introducing the business, but then it became strange. The host pointed to the video of Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu standing beside him, saying that he had just gone outside to travel with the United States, and was attacked at the airport. sir blocked.

Later, a video was played outside the house, saying that it was the number one mansion in Hong Kong, with a total value of at least 700 million Hong Kong dollars.

After hearing this introduction, Su Yehao's face turned green.

Even this kind of news will stir up the topic, and what will be written in the newspapers and magazines tomorrow can already be imagined.

Most of the serious cases will be hyped in the direction of peach blossom debt and commercial disputes. After all, it doesn't matter whether it is true or false, the important thing is that it can increase attention and stimulate sales.

It's okay to be pointed and pointed, the most important thing is that it is difficult to protect Yin Liuli and Nong Qingying from seeing this news. If they know that they are going out with Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu, it will be more or less troublesome. , the blessing of Qi people is not so easy, and a little problem may break the tacit understanding.

Su Yehao's father and mother were both in the living room. Jiang Yu, who had a thin skin, had almost red ears.

Afraid that "traveling with the United States" would make them think too much, he explained in a low voice: "Take Ah Hao's new plane to travel to Sijiucheng. These journalists are so abominable, they actually posted pictures of me."

Mommy Tang calmed down slowly, her attention was shifted to Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu, and she had already discovered something wrong.

When people are middle-aged, they also hope to hug their grandsons early, so that the family can spread its branches and leaves. At this moment, he said with a smile:

"It's very beautiful to take pictures of you guys. When I'm with my son, it's really a talented man and a woman, and it's a perfect match. Don't worry, I'm not a nosy character. Some mother-in-law have to take care of everything, and I really hate it. I just hope that everyone can Just be nice, be happy, and have nothing to worry about at home."

Hearing the meaning of the words, Su Yehao was helpless.

No matter how independent he is at ordinary times, he is his mother's precious son after all. Talking about this topic face to face is nothing but embarrassment or embarrassment.

So Su Yehao hurriedly changed the topic and said, "Okay, why don't you, mom and dad, live with me recently? There are the most bodyguards here, and there are enough rooms, so as not to be scattered and found by someone to get off the phone."

For such a near-set opportunity, Father Su couldn't ask for it, and immediately agreed.

Mother Tang shook her head and said:

"I still have things to do, Ah Hao, your new plane has arrived? Just took me to the Shanghai stock market. The chain pharmacies opened last year, the sales are very good, this year plans to open at least 200 more, your grandfather has let go, Looking for an opportunity, Piaget Medical Group may be listed, and there are still some selling points missing. If you really manage a chain pharmacy in the mainland and sell more medical equipment, you will be able to raise more money at that time.”

It was the first time that Su Yehao heard the news. Knowing that his mother was more professional, he smiled and said, "Congratulations to you. Once the company goes public, don't you want to be the chairman of the listed company?"

"A lot of things are so annoying, and now the stock market is so bad, I haven't made a final decision yet."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

An urgent news was suddenly broadcast on the TV, and the person being interviewed was not Mr. Tang.

I saw Grandpa Su Yehao, wearing a suit and a bow tie, leaning on a cane, standing at the entrance of the Tang family's old house, and said with great vigour:

"Want to bully my grandson? Such a capable person hasn't been born yet!"

"By the It happens that all the newspapers and TV stations are here. Help me to release the news. If anyone can provide clues to the gangsters and help the police to catch them successfully, I will take out a Ming Dynasty golden Buddha. As a thank you, my friend wanted to spend 7 million to buy it from me, but I didn't sell it, and it may be worth more than 10 million at the auction!"

"But don't get me wrong, this is not a reward, it's just a thank you. I am the most trustworthy person, no matter who they are, as long as they find them, I will give them!"

in front of the TV.

Su Yehao: "..."

Father Su: "..."

Jiang Yu and Xiao Nizi were stunned.

Mother Tang was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and said:

"It's okay to say hello in private, it's so high-profile, if something happens, my dad will be unlucky, really, the older you get, the less you worry about it..."


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