Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 462: …That's it?

Mommy Tang has something to do.

After having dinner with him, he sat in a white bulletproof Rolls-Royce silver thorn and walked away.

The style of this car is similar to that of Su Yehao, but it is not lengthened, and the starting price is more than ten million Hong Kong dollars.

Father Su wanted to go back to the casino city. He made an appointment to talk about business tomorrow morning, but he didn't stay.

The nannies were cleaning up the dishes. There were still reporters around the gate. It was already dark, and I didn't know if they would leave tonight.

Master Jiang and his wife called Jiang Yu separately and asked what was going on.

Jiang Yu, who hesitated, made an excuse that he wanted to accompany Nangong Tian and waited a few days to go home, mainly because he was worried that Xiao Nizi's crow's mouth would come true, who would really be kidnapped after going out, and asked Su Yehao for ransom.

So staying here for the time being is the safest way. Anyway, it's not the first time she's lived here, and her room is still reserved.

At this moment.

Xiao Nizi covered her mouth and hiccupped. After thinking of something, she asked, "Brother Hao, your parents were there just now. I'm embarrassed to ask, like your grandfather's public offering of bonuses... Isn't it illegal?"

Su Yehao shook his head and said, "My grandfather has been in the business for so many years, how could he make such a mistake? Didn't he say it too, he just wanted to inspire good citizens to actively provide clues to the police, not to spend money to buy someone's life , there should be no problem."

After catching a cold in Sijiucheng, Jiang Yu sneezed and said:

"It's just for people to provide clues. The police don't set a bounty for the wanted criminals. But as soon as this news came out, the entire Hong Kong city must have gone crazy. If you provide information and catch someone, you can earn tens of millions. Those guys on the street. They will never earn so much in their lifetime, and they will definitely look for clues everywhere, and it is estimated that even the big guys can’t help it.”

Su Yehao didn't care much about how much it would cost. The safety of the family was of course more important than money. I wish someone could successfully claim the bounty.

He smiled and said with emotion:

"As expected of the old man, he is domineering when he does things, and he doesn't drag on the water at all. Once this happens, whoever dares to provoke me in the future is like giving me a talisman. Now I suspect that some of those gangsters will endure it. If you can't stop being tempted, at least their bosses will become suspicious, and if they reveal their faults, it will not be far from their bad luck."

Jiang Yu nodded, feeling that what Su Yehao said made sense.

Since providing clues can reward a golden Buddha, if something happens to Su Yehao, the consequences can be imagined. If anyone wants to provoke him in the future, he must first consider whether he can withstand it.

She continued: "Now there are their enemies everywhere, maybe they know it's difficult, but they've given up, it's not necessarily going to happen. It's so uncomfortable now, it's so cold in Sijiucheng and so hot in Hong Kong, Nangong, lend me a hand. Several clothes are already sweating."

"Okay, I'm going to change my clothes too. How about a drink later to calm my nerves? Or play mahjong."

After listening to Xiao Nizi's words, Su Yehao shook his head: "Take a rest first, I'll call my grandfather. After driving for a long time, my whole body is sore. After swimming and resting, I'll have a good night's sleep."

"In such a big event, can you still fall asleep?" Jiang Yu asked him.

Su Yehao spread his hands and said with a smile: "Otherwise, there are twenty bodyguards and security guards outside. There are reporters and Asir guarding the door for me. If I want to rush in, I guess I'll have to use an armored vehicle. Now it's obviously safer than usual."



Go upstairs to the study first.

While turning on the computer to check the mailbox, he called Mr. Tang on the phone.

In the Tang family's old house, there are also a few more people. There are more big people living nearby. It is said that there are special cards on the road to check the vehicles passing by, so as to avoid troubles.

As one of the top ten richest people in Hong Kong, Su Yehao is particularly famous among young people because of his good family background and good looks.

As soon as the news that he was being targeted came out, some departments were under great pressure, and all of a sudden, even some underground gambling stalls and street runners received the news and became Pause for a while, go silent.

Don't look at Su Yehao's idleness all day on weekdays, his influence is not small, and some rich people share the same hatred for this kind of thing, for fear that one day it will be his turn, many Asirs and Madams who come home from get off work temporarily work overtime , began to search everywhere.

in this case.

Su Yehao was like nothing else, he swam in the indoor swimming pool for half an hour, and after taking a shower, he began to check the information collected by the assistants.

Companies specializing in computer assembly are relatively easy to find. In the thick stack of documents, there are all potential targets that have the opportunity to acquire them.

As for the wafer foundry business, many companies that are only responsible for R&D and sales, and hand over production to foundries, such as Qualcomm, AMD, etc., seem to have plans to divest their production business. The news comes from McKinsey Consulting, they It is more reliable to find an expert to understand.

Self-production and sales are popular these days. The wafer foundry business has just started for more than ten years, so there are definitely opportunities to enter the market.

For example, on the island of Baodao, large and small semiconductor companies are everywhere. If you buy a company with a good foundation and spend money to support it, and then monopolize the next-generation lithography machine technology, there is no possibility of overtaking in the corner...


It is rare to see the information in the middle of the night.

When I woke Su Yehao had breakfast, the two sirs who were guarding the door were led in by the housekeeper.

One of them, Asir, who is in his thirties, said:

"Master Su, the snakehead who was injured by us at night woke up. He has already proved the identity of the gang. We found a foothold and attacked at about six o'clock this morning, grabbed three people, and ran I got one. With your grandfather's bounty, the smuggler won't do his business. It's estimated that he will be caught sooner or later."

"...That's it? You just fell asleep and you were caught?"

Su Yehao's tone was surprised, he didn't expect them to be so efficient.

Another Asir couldn't help laughing, and then explained:

"Yeah, Ye sir from our serious crime team told Snake Head that if he didn't give information, he would be thrown into prison. I believe many people will be interested in him, and everyone wants to get your grandfather's one. Golden Buddha. That guy didn't hold back, his face turned white with fright, he explained it on the spot, and later asked if he could get a reward, really greedy and insufficient."

Su Yehao said with a smile, "It's really hard to do, is it really possible to give it to him?"

"Huh? How can we do that? We caught people and we found clues. We should be rewarded if we want to be rewarded. We didn't sleep all night."

Asir, who was in his thirties, dozed off and added: "However, in our business, Jinfo is no longer with us, it's just his duty. You'd better tell the reporter, lest we be in vain in the newspaper. scolded."

Su Yehao nodded and said, "Okay, I see, I'll say hello later..."


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