In the early hours of the morning, the secret operation was carried out, and even the phone was confiscated.

Early in the morning, the newspaper has been printed and distributed.

For a time, most of the reporters had not received the news of the arrest of the three gangsters.

Even those who received the tip were busy taking it as scoop and offering it to the morning TV news program at a high price, how could they be kind enough to tell their colleagues for free.

After Su Yehao finished chatting with the two Asirs, after a brief consideration, he asked the housekeeper to put the reporters at the door.

The bodyguards felt that it was risky and went to the door to control the screening. Only reporters who were sure that they knew each other would be put in, so as not to mix in with strangers.

After the reporters entered the yard, they collectively exclaimed "Wow!".

The main reason is that the yard of Su Yehao's house is too big and beautiful, and there is even a flock of alpacas. Since the land purchased at a high price has been developed, the area of ​​the garden has increased several times. Many reporters immediately picked up their cameras and clicked around. Pai, this house alone is enough to write a piece of news.


Su Yehao crossed Erlang's legs and waited for the nanny to bring the clothes.

There are several newspapers on the dining table, and the front-page news, without exception, has something to do with him.

Most of the newspapers chose to use the golden Buddha promised by Mr. Tang as a selling point. Last night, there was a wave of publicity, and most people still don't know it. With this news on the front page, it is estimated that the newspapers this morning are quite popular.

Every time I encounter news that a wealthy family is being targeted, it is almost the same as the Chinese New Year outside. There are countless people in the streets and alleys.

The bodyguards did not let reporters into the house.

After Su Yehao put on a white shirt and a black suit, he went outside to meet the reporters.

In broad daylight, the flash was turned on, and more than 20 reporters took pictures together, almost blinding Su Yehao, who rarely gave interviews.

The reporters were chattering.

Someone asked loudly, "Master Su Yehao! May I ask what you think about the bandits trying to kidnap you?"

Others shouted:

"Your grandfather said to provide clues to a Ming Dynasty golden Buddha, is this true?!"


Su Yehao had a headache, he quickly raised his hand to signal silence, and said with a smile, "I called my grandfather, and it's true, thank him for taking care of me so much. However, it's impossible to get that golden Buddha. ."


"Could it be a temporary change, wow! Did you make a mistake!?"

"I won't give it up!"

"Everyone is quiet first, it's not that my grandfather and I don't want to give it, but this time the police are very efficient. They told me that they had found their whereabouts in the early morning and caught three of the four gangsters. Only One person's whereabouts are unknown. Here I would like to thank them for their bravery and admiration..."

Before Su Yehao finished speaking, he was interrupted first.

The reporters, regardless of whether he was impressed or not, had absolutely no interest in such unhealthy polite words.

A female reporter was stunned, and said in a hurry: "It can't be true, isn't it because people haven't started looking, and the reward has ended? It's too fast!"

"...Yeah, why don't I usually see their efficiency so high, these gangsters are too useless."

"Harm, bad luck!"

The reporters were instantly upset and complained.

They rely on the hot news for a living. They originally thought that they could catch the big news and be able to enjoy the scene for a few days, trying to report the incident from different angles.

Never thought.

The news just came out yesterday, and when I woke up, people had been caught, wouldn't this ruin their jobs?

It's weird to be happy.

Hearing these bastards, Su Yehao couldn't help but grit his teeth. After all, these guys didn't have a good heart, and he probably wished he was really kidnapped by others.

At this moment.

A middle-aged reporter seized the question and shouted decisively: "Master Su! You said that only three were caught, and the whereabouts of one is unknown! Then I ask if the bounty is still valid, the police should already have clues about him, right? !?"

The reporters next to him were stunned when they heard the words.

Only now did I realize that the big cake was gone, and there was still a little leftover leftovers, and the place was immediately full of blood, and he continued to ask questions.

If it wasn't for the help of bodyguards and Asir to block it, they would have liked to put the microphone directly on Su Yehao's face.

Window on the second floor.

Xiao Nizi pulled Jiang Yu to watch the fun, but felt that the reporters were too noisy.

Thinking of the exposure of his photos, there is a high probability that he will be chased and intercepted by reporters and paparazzi in the future. Jiang Yu's face is a little pale, and he is not mentally prepared to become a celebrity at all.

stand at the door.

Su Yehao thought for a moment, squeezed out a smile and said:

"Well...I haven't thought about it yet, but in order to help the police catch someone as soon as possible, my grandfather's promise is voided, and I personally provide another three million Hong Kong dollars, as long as I provide important clues and assist the police to successfully catch him, This money belongs to him. Well, I will hand over the specific process to Asir to introduce to you. I am a little uncomfortable, so I will go back to rest first."

The flash kept flashing, almost blinding people's eyes.

Su Yehao threw the mess to Ah-sir, who was responsible for maintaining order. The two Ah-sirs were very pleasantly surprised. They didn't expect to suddenly seize the opportunity to show their faces, feeling that promotion and salary increase were imminent.

In the face of the interview, I immediately smiled, and did not forget to praise my boss and colleagues, so as not to be put on small shoes afterward...



Su Yehao asked the nannies to close the curtains and went back to the restaurant to sit and eat breakfast.

The reward amount was successfully reduced to three million. Considering the appreciation potential of the old man's Ming Dynasty golden Buddha, he felt that he had saved tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars in a blink of an eye, which made him in a good mood.

While reading the newspaper, I called my grandfather and my mother respectively. It cannot be said that there is no threat at all, but the level of danger has dropped by several levels.

Since the three gangsters were captured alive, and there were people from all over the city to help as eyeliners, as long as there were no accidents, it would be a matter of time before the remaining one was caught.


outside world.

The speed of information transmission is not so fast these days.

From the breaking news on TV, after seeing the news that someone had been arrested, more people felt more regretful than being happy for Su Yehao, as if they had missed tens of millions.

The reward has plummeted to three million Hong Kong dollars, which is still very attractive.

At around 8:00 in the morning, the General Administration of Hong Kong Island held a press conference. While boasting, they released a sketch of the fourth gangster.

With the news quickly fermenting, no one wants to miss this opportunity to get rich. For a while, the taxi driver is looking at the passengers, and the bus driver is also very serious.

Today, the delivery boy, the building security guard, and the garbage collector are all paying attention to the anomalies around them. Everyone seems to be walking with three million Hong Kong dollars.

Su Yehao was on the phone constantly, and even Buck Tooth Jun and Zhu Gan came all the way to ask questions, especially gossip.

I usually don't feel anything.

If something goes wrong, the influence will be reflected immediately.

When Chu Jun called Su Yehao, he knew that the news had reached the mainland, and he took a few minutes to report the incident in the morning news.

Considering that these TV stations also have offices in Hong Kong City, it makes sense to get the news so quickly.

The whole city of Hong Kong is like being shrouded in a net of heaven and earth today.

In the afternoon someone called the police, saying that they saw a man who looked like the fourth gangster at the pier and wanted to smuggle to Malaysia.

It didn't last until the evening, and people were really caught.

As the reporter got to know more deeply, it was discovered that Lucky was a smuggler and was caught for smuggling.

This smuggler is also a Malaysian, and he and the fourth gangster are fellow gangsters and have known each other before.

I'm just a fellow countryman, how can a reward of 3 million Hong Kong dollars be important. When interviewed by a reporter, the smuggler was very happy, saying that he had already changed his mind and married his fiancée after getting the money, and lived in peace and stability.

Su Yehao had never thought about reneging on his debt.

He sent someone to the police station to ask, and learned that it was the smuggler who provided the tip. He quickly dropped a check for 3 million Hong Kong dollars and asked Sir to hold a press conference and transfer the money to the smuggler.



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