Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 484: Miss Jiang beside you?

Art investment is also a science.


Su Yehao took the time to drink coffee with Jeff Koons, and said that he would ask a few experts to help him to create a suitable development model for him.


It is best to publicly destroy all the **** in the exhibition hall, and then focus on the creation of giant sculptures, especially cartoon animals, so as to open up a new way to become a master artist.


The lawyer was helping to draw up the contract, and he was about to receive a large amount of income, so Jeff Koons had no objection, just pretending that Su Yehao was right.


In addition, he also agreed to take some time to draw some design drafts recently, customize a batch of brand-new works, and sell them to Su Yehao for $300,000 a piece.


Even the theme of the work has been discussed. According to the zodiac, a set of giant sculptures are designed with a slightly cute shape.


A total of twelve pieces, that is to say, the purchase price is as high as 3.6 million US dollars.


Jeff has been overwhelmed by the huge surprise. He wants to make appointments with more orders. He only hates that there are only twelve Chinese zodiac signs.


Although Jeff Kunsming knew that Su Yehao wanted to stock up in advance, he would take out his works for hype and use publicity and auctions to sell them at a higher price.


But this kind of hype is quite in the interest of Jeff, of course he will not refuse.


It has been silent for nearly ten years before. It is estimated that after finishing this vote, I will be able to have financial freedom and retire directly...




After chatting with Jeff, he took Yin Liuli's hand and walked around the neighborhood.


The artistic atmosphere of Manhattan's East Village is very strong. Now a large number of down-and-out artists, singers, and dancers live in this place. The walls are covered with graffiti, and there are craft shops, bars and restaurants everywhere.


Come here, I want to buy something by the way.


The new house in Big Wave Bay is about to be completed, and it happens to be missing some decorations.


Su Yehao spent so much effort building a castle-like building by the pond in his yard. Part of the purpose is to use it as a collection room to store some of his favorite things.


Yin Liuli can't speak English. Before, she was almost blind with her eyes open.


At this time, she was wandering in the gallery, and she was surprised when Su Yehao said that he was willing to spend 10 million US dollars to buy the third balloon dog:


"My God, you don't have a fever, right? How can his works be so valuable? In fact, at the auction last night, Mr. Yang spent 1.1 million US dollars. I think it is too expensive. Now you Spending more than 10 million is enough to buy famous paintings by Picasso and Monet..."


Seeing that Yin Liuli was so distressed about money, Su Yehao couldn't help but smile.


He put his arms around the girl and asked:


"Then how do you know that in the beginning, there was not someone similar to me who bought Picasso or Monet's oil paintings, and then prepared to hype them like me? It doesn't matter whether they are worth it now, the important thing is that they may become It is especially valuable, instead of eating the bones that have been eaten by others, I might as well make another pot and eat it myself as a chef.”


"Oh~ it's because you want to make more money that you plan to hype it up yourself, right? But the price you bought is so high." Yin Liuli asked with a smile.


Su Yehao replied to her:


"The price is indeed a bit high, but in order to get ahead of others, it's nothing to spend a little more. Earning more and earning less is second. The main reason is that it's more interesting to toss yourself, to make a bunch of cheap metals and transform them into a sky-high art that is sought after by others. It’s interesting to think about it.”


"...The idea of ​​a rich young master like you is really different."


"What's the difference, Liuli, you are still too tender. I didn't realize that Jeff was constantly on the phone and he was talking to him about business? Even if I didn't make a bet in advance, others would buy his masterpiece very quickly. Last night's auction in San Francisco Yes, it must have been noticed by people with a heart."


After saying this, Su Yehao thought of something, and added: "Maybe it doesn't matter about Jeff, mainly because the buyer is called Yang Zhiyuan, very topical, dignified founder of Yahoo, super rich with billions of dollars, every move are all concerned.”


Yin Liuli asked again, "What about you, will you also release the news that you bought these?"

"It's not necessary for now. I'm not as famous as Yang Zhiyuan in the United States, and my influence is limited to the Silicon Valley area. In a few days, I plan to find a boat to transport them back to the port city and enjoy them at home. The $300,000 dollar Stainless steel rabbit, do you want it? It is very artistic and special, and it is the most suitable for collection. It is unique and rarer than balloon dogs."


"...Forget it, I'm afraid of rusting."


When Yin Liuli said this, she almost choked Su Yehao to death.


After being silent for a few seconds, he retorted: "It's all stainless steel, so it shouldn't rust. After hearing what you said, I started to worry a little bit."




Walk and chat.


I didn’t come across a work I liked in the small gallery, so I moved to another one.


After walking around the corner for a while.


Through the window, Su Yehao accidentally glanced at a familiar face, stopped in an instant, and was stunned.


Through the glass, Yin Liuli also saw the girl in the painting, her eyebrows raised slightly, and she couldn't help asking curiously, "Is this a painting or a photo, I seem to have seen her... Right, that Miss Jiang beside you? "


It is half a world away from Hong Kong City.


I actually saw Jiang Yu's oil painting in the window of a gallery in the East Village of New York.


It's no wonder that a woman like Yin Liuli, who has buried her head in the sand all the year round, mentioned the title of "Miss Jiang" in front of Su Yehao for the first time.


Obviously, she already knew about Jiang Yu's existence.


The last time someone planned to kidnap Su Yehao, there was a lot of commotion, and the news about "traveling with the United States" was overwhelming, of course Yin Liuli had seen it and was deeply impressed by her.


"This... is out of the picture! Could it be that there is someone in New York who looks exactly like my friend Jiang Yu?"


Su Yehao deliberately emphasized the word "friend", but Yin Liuli just pretended not to hear it.


She thought about it and said, "It's really strange. Maybe the photos were leaked online and spread to New York. Some people think that Miss Jiang is beautiful, and they might use her as a model."


"No way. Forget it, if you go in and ask, you'll know..."


Push the door and enter the small gallery.


The bell at the door made a crisp sound, and Su Yehao called the gallery manager. He didn't bother to try it out, he took Franklin Zhang out of his trousers pocket and said:


"Tell me, where did the oil painting of the Chinese girl at the door come from? This is a tip."


The slightly chubby middle-aged white manager quietly accepted the hundred dollars and told:


"I don't I came back from vacation two months ago, and it was placed in the window. It should be consignment from a customer. The price is 50,000 US dollars. No one has ever asked the price. Realistic oil paintings are not very popular lately, after all, there are cameras everywhere, such paintings are time-consuming and not very collectible.”


In order to be worthy of the $100 tip, the manager told everything he knew.


Su Yehao then asked:


"The person in the painting is my friend. Since it is a consignment sale, you should have the seller's information here, right? I want to meet the seller in person. If the other party is willing, I will buy it."


In fact, Su Yehao had already guessed.


Last summer, Jiang Yu had his hair permed, but the painting showed a straight ponytail. If you look closely at the bottom left of the oil painting, you can even see a corner of the school emblem of Donghuang Rose Middle School.


Thinking about the people around Jiang Yu, it seems that there is only one Miss Vera Andrade, who has no news, who can best explain the current situation.


Miss Vera is not only friends with Jiang Yu, she is also very skilled in oil painting, and she may have used Jiang Yu as a model.


Su Yehao once went to Miss Vera's painting exhibition, and the other party also sent him a "Peach Blossom in Bloom". Although it imitated Van Gogh's "Apricot Blossom in Bloom", the pink petals all over his eyes were indeed quite beautiful.


Until now, the painting is still hanging in the top-floor mansion in the middle of the mountain, and I can see it every time I go there...


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