The gallery manager helped to check the registration information.

Later, it was discovered that the person who put the painting in the window at the door and put it on consignment in this gallery was called "Vera Andrade".

When Su Yehao heard the long-lost name, he suddenly realized that everything was right.

He explained to Yin Liuli:

"Ms. Vera, I was an alumnus at the time, and my family still has paintings from her, and my friends know each other. It's no wonder that Jiang Yu was chosen as the model. The two of them are good best friends."

After listening to Yin Liuli, she smiled and said, "That's really a coincidence. You can even come across it when you come to New York."

"Donghuang Rose Middle School in Las Vegas is an aristocratic school. After graduating from high school, its alumni are scattered all over the world. Most of the graduates choose to study abroad. It is normal to meet alumni abroad."

Su Yehao smiled and added: "Vera was able to hold private art exhibitions when I was in high school. I heard that I was going to study in a European art academy, but I didn't expect to come to New York's East Village. By the way, in the small building. Many red wines should be purchased from Andrade's family business, and her family also has a wine estate in Portugal."

Hearing this, Yin Liuli was surprised: "The Andrade family in the casino, the one famous for afternoon tea?"


"...So that's the case. I even went to eat dim sum. The world is really small."

Come to the gallery door.

Su Yehao asked the manager to take out Jiang Yu's oil painting and take a closer look.

Jiang Yu has been a beauty embryo since he was a child. Every Valentine's Day, he always receives a lot of flowers and love letters. His temperament is pure and comfortable, and he has a face of first love.

The style of this oil painting is super realistic, similar to the painter Leng surnamed Su Yehao had heard of.

In the picture, Jiang Yu's eyes are bright, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, which outlines a beautiful arc.

Yin Liuli stared at the painting and looked at it again, and whispered to Su Yehao: "Miss Jiang is really beautiful, I haven't had much contact with her, and it seems that I have only seen it once in Koko cat cafe. Do you think the painting looks like a real person? How similar is it in comparison?"

"Looking from a distance, it's almost 90%. It's already very powerful. The overall picture looks very comfortable. Since it's fate, I want to buy it. It's just suitable for giving as a gift."

Su Yehao changed into English, turned his head to the manager and said, "Help me pack this painting. It's $50,000, right? I want to meet its creator and ask her if she's free now."

The gallery manager immediately replied, "Then I'll give her a call?"

"Okay, tell her, my name is Su Yehao..."


After half an hour.

The oil painting depicting Jiang Yu has been packaged and the money has been paid.

Miss Vera was sitting in front of Su Yehao at the moment, with a bright smile on her face, and said:

"I never thought that the painting you bought would actually be sold, but it took me more than two years on and off to paint it well. I always felt that it would be a loss to sell it at a low price, so I thought about it. If you can't sell it, take it home and give it to Jiang Yu as a gift."

"That's right, you are a little rich woman, it doesn't matter if you make money or not, the important thing is not to suffer losses."

Su Yehao joked and continued: "It's alright now, I bought the painting and will give it to Jiang Yu later. Her father is now doing business with me, and he is worried about not having any gifts for her."

Vera is simple, but not stupid.

She looked at Yin Liuli and doubted that Su Yehao, in front of the girl, said that he would give Jiang Yu a gift and would be beaten when he returned home.

It was obvious that Miss Vera knew nothing about Su Yehao's family status.

As long as it's not too much, Yin Liuli usually turns one eye and closes the other.


Yin Liuli is also very curious about Miss Vera at the moment.

It was the first time she knew that there was such a white girl next to Su Yehao, who looked so delicate and like a doll, in addition to a good family background, she seemed to be particularly talented.

Although there was 10,000 reluctance in her heart, Yin Liuli still sighed silently, the vision of this lovable radish beside her is really picky.

The constant beauties around her, whether Jiang Yu or Miss Vera, made her feel a lot of pressure.

It's true that there are differences in appearance and figure, but regardless of education, family background, etc., Yin Liuli admits that she has all lost miserably.

Vera took a sip of lemonade, put down the glass, and asked softly, "I remember Jiang Yu's father, who was a master in your house, how could he do business with you?"

"Master Jiang is no longer a master. After graduation, many things happened. Zhao Yimeng dropped out of school and went home to take over the family business. Jiang Yu went to Hong Kong University and moved to live in the middle of the mountain. I think they should miss you very much. By the way, why are you here? New York?"

Su Yehao finished asking.

Vera grew up in Las Vegas and speaks Cantonese without pressure, she explained:

"I only live here temporarily. My tutor received a business order to create a large church mural. Several classmates and I have been living with him for three months, and it is estimated that we will stay for another four or five months. The oil painting you bought, I always carry it with me, I will paint it when I have time, and I will finish it when I come to New York, but I didn’t expect to meet you.”

Creating oil paintings is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

In particular, the pursuit of ultra-fine realistic oil paintings is far more difficult than impressionism and abstraction.

After listening to Su Yehao, he found that Vera was much brighter than before, and said with a smile: "Yes, life is really wonderful. Follow the tutor to paint murals in the church, isn't it a white job for others, no wonder I haven't heard any news about you."

"I can't say the same thing. Although it is very hard work, it is the dream of many painters to create murals for churches. I feel that my painting skills are much better than before."

"...That's right. Anyway, you're young and you like this line of work. It's no harm to learn more."

"Don't talk about me, Master Su, why are you coming to New York to travel with your girlfriend?" Miss Vera blinked, her face full of gossip.

After Su Yehao finished talking about the purchase of artworks, he found that Miss Vera also knew Jeff Koons and the huge stainless steel balloon dog.

Chat for a while.

Vera received a call and wanted to send paint to the teacher, saying that as a thank you for buying the painting, she wanted to invite them to dinner tonight.

Su Yehao agreed. Anyway, he hadn't made an appointment with a few market makers, and he was just free today.


Leave with the painting.

Yin Liuli sighed lightly and whispered:

"I found out about Why are all the women around you so beautiful? For example, Miss Vera, who is white and young, even I was moved when I saw it, with long eyelashes, big eyes, and a pair of blue Pupils, watery."

"...Don't be envious, I heard that white girls are getting older quickly, but Vera's appearance is really in line with Asian aesthetics. She used to be very popular in school."

"Huh? Like being welcomed by you?"

"Hey, hey, why did it get involved with me? Someone's vinegar jar was overturned? It's a bit sour." Su Yehao joked.

Yin Liuli took his arm, glanced at the handbag containing the oil painting, snorted softly, and said with a smile:

"If I were jealous, I would have drowned in the vinegar. Usually, even when you buy a piece of clothing, you have to give the handbag to the bodyguard to help hold it. Today, you took such a heavy oil painting yourself. Guess what why?"

Su Yehao was instantly dumbfounded, and shook his head pretending to be stupid: "I don't guess, I can't guess..."


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