Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 541: Handi Moutai

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Although it is not far from the Zhao family mansion.

However, in my impression, there were very few visits.

The garden of Zhao Yimeng's house is still so beautifully maintained, and it is full of various kinds of flowers.

in this April.

Roses are blooming in the flower beds, and there is a huge redbud tree in the corner, full of flowers.

There are also a few low shrubs cut into the shape of little bears, which look a little cute.

Unlike his father, who lived a shabby life, he used floor tiles in his yard to make do with it. Looking at the garden of the Zhao family's mansion, Su Yehao knew that most of the family would enjoy life, and there was delicacy everywhere.

Zhao Yimeng went out to greet him in person, and now said ostentatiously, "How about it, although the yard is much smaller than yours, it's beautiful, right? The ladies around come to my house to learn how to grow flowers, and my mother spends a lot of thought."

"Indeed... Who is your gardener? I'm going to dig him out."

Seeing that Su Yehao said it was Wang Zhai, Zhao Yimeng was shocked, and said aggrievedly: "...It's shameless."

Anyway, there is a babysitter to clean up, and you don't need to change your shoes when you enter the door.

Her parents were at home tonight, and her sister Zhao Dingling also gave gifts such as abalone fish maw, bird's nest and sea cucumber to the servant. Su Yehao greeted politely and said:

"Uncle Zhao, you look red, full of energy, and your body is completely recovered? Bring some dry goods for you to replenish your body. It must be very tiring to run such a big company. There are also bird's nests and sea cucumbers, full of them. Collagen, nourishes and nourishes your woman's face."

Boss Zhao laughed and said:

"It has already recovered. The doctor said that you should be careful, and it will not be a problem to live another 40 years. If you are here, bring any gifts. Let's go straight to the table for dinner. I will accompany you to drink some good wine tonight. I heard that you like Maotai, right? Well, you also bought a few buildings specifically to use as warehouses to order and collect?"

"There is such a thing, but the main reason is to get close to the winery in advance. When the time comes, I will invest in it near the water tower. It is not as evil as it is rumored outside. I am not an old drinker."

Su Yehao walked while talking.

When he came to the restaurant and sat at the long oval table, he saw a golden box on the table, similar in shape to a jade seal, with the words "Handi Moutai" written on it.

Mr. Tang also kept a bottle of this kind of wine. He spent more than 600,000 Hong Kong dollars at the auction a few years ago. It is said that only ten bottles were produced in total. Except for one bottle left by the winery, the rest were all in Hong Kong. City auction.

He suddenly said in surprise: "Drink this with me? It's too wasteful, the price was very high in the past few years, and now it can be sold for millions of Hong Kong dollars, and tens of thousands of dollars in one bite, which is more luxurious than Romanne Conti. ."

"As for wine, it's made for drinking. I don't know if the price is high or not. It was a birthday present from a friend. I've wanted to try it for a long time. I usually have too many people eating, but I only have one bottle. I happened to be with you tonight. You drink."

It's not that Zhao Yimeng's father watched people cook.

With Su Yehao's current fame and strength, he is undoubtedly much higher than their Zhao family, and is worthy of serious hospitality.

Boss Zhao has been in business for so many years. The investment he regrets the most is not that he missed a piece of land, but that Su Yehao's parents talked to him about marriage in the first two years, but they didn't follow up later.

If you were a little more enthusiastic at the beginning, maybe the two families have already married, and even the children can walk.

He missed the golden tortoise-in-law who was worth tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars abruptly. Even a big businessman like Boss Zhao, who was not bad for money, felt blood dripping from his heart, so that now when someone came to ask for a match, he always felt that he was worse than Su Yehao. Far.

Having the strength to drink this grade of wine, and being curious about how it tastes, Su Yehao did not refuse any more, but said happily, "Then I'll be welcome, I'll get to know the winery's people someday, and then the time will come. I will give Uncle Zhao another bottle, in fact, my grandfather also hid a bottle, but unfortunately he didn’t give it to me.”

"Don't ask your grandfather. In the end, it's just a bottle of wine. Although I'm not as good as you, this little money doesn't matter, just be happy."

Seeing that he valued it so much, Boss Zhao only felt that the wine was the right one tonight, and smiled and asked the nanny to serve it.

Su Yehao said politely, "If anything, I'm just lucky. When it comes to doing business, I still need to ask you more for advice."

Boss Zhao fumbled, opened the exaggerated golden wine box, took out two cups first, and asked his youngest daughter Zhao Dingling to help wash it, saying:

"I can't talk to you about it. I was worried about the Nasdaq in the U.S. stock market. It's a bit like a castle in the air. Maybe there will be problems. I didn't expect you to react first. If I guessed correctly, this time you are leading the plan to develop Kai Tak Airport. , is to transfer assets to reduce risks? The real estate of Hong Kong City has been falling for so long, although it has rebounded, it is still quite safe.”

"As expected of Uncle Zhao, I saw the problem at a glance. I do feel a little bubble, so I plan to cash out part of it."

Su Yehao chats with Boss Zhao.

No matter Zhao Yimeng or her mother Jin Yu, they were very knowledgeable and did not interrupt.

No matter what his status is at home, of course, when Su Yehao was a guest today, he had to show respect to the head of the family, so as not to be considered unruly.

At this moment.

Zhao Yimeng wiped the heavy golden cup and helped pour the wine.

Only then did her mother say, "Your uncle and I have read about the plan to develop a cyberport at Kai Tak Airport in the newspapers, but there seems to be very little content. What is the specific step?"

Su Yehao said:

"There is only a preliminary plan for the time being. A group of Hong Kong city developers have made it clear that they are willing to contribute. The key is whether it is a joint venture with the Hong Kong government, or whether to develop land in accordance with conventional land auctions. If all of them are borne by us, the initial budget will be It will cost at least HK$278 billion, some of which will be used to acquire land to build a cyberport, and some will be used to build residential buildings, which will be used for development and turnover.”

After hearing these Boss Zhao nodded and said with a smile:

"Such a large sum of money is overwhelming for Donghuang. You can take it out now. In fact, whether it's a joint venture or acquiring the land yourself, it doesn't seem to be a problem for you."

"...Almost, as long as the land can be acquired, the project will definitely be pushed forward. In addition to office buildings, Cyberport itself will also be equipped with shopping malls and hotels. The development prospects are quite good, especially such a large residential land. The appreciation space should not be underestimated, otherwise I would not want to cooperate with you, Uncle Zhao."

Received the cup.

Su Yehao smelled the aroma of the wine, and moved his hands cautiously. After all, a little spill was a few thousand dollars, which was very distressing.

I didn't plan to let the Zhao family come here, so I will give a letter tonight, mainly to communicate and understand.

After eating a few mouthfuls of food, I took a sip of wine.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but I really feel that the taste of Handi Moutai is very different. The wine is crystal clear, has a sticky feeling, and is fragrant.

After talking about the development of Kai Tak Airport for the time being, the topic soon turned to Father Su.

Accidentally learned about Cosmopolitan International, but it didn't make a sound. He went to the planned CBD in Sijiucheng to get more than 200 acres of land, and planned to develop shopping malls, hotels and office buildings. Su Yehao helped to pay for it. It is expected to build a building A super skyscraper with a height of over 500 meters.

Boss Zhao was envious and glanced at Zhao Yimeng several times.

How could Zhao Yimeng not guess what his father was thinking, he just pretended to be nothing and buried himself in eating.

People are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away.

It has long been impossible for him to have the idea of ​​competing with Su Yehao. Seeing that he has accumulated tens of billions of worth, this eldest lady is completely Buddhist...

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