Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 542: unheard of

Popular recommendation:

Finish a meal.

One million bottles of Handi Moutai, only empty bottles are left.

The Zhao family seems to be a little excited, but they have not given a letter of approval for the time being, saying that they need to discuss with the board members of Donghuang Group.

Take advantage of the return to the casino.

While Su Yehao accompanied Yin Liuli, he was also preparing to meet He Shaofan's father. If necessary, he could try to get on the line with the old gambling king.

Regardless of the small land area of ​​the casino, there are quite a lot of powerful companies. Dad's personal connections can be used this time, so he is not in a hurry to return to Hong Kong City, and decides to move around more...

Port City.

Vice President Zheng Yongwen received the above notice in advance.

April 18, tomorrow morning, to attend an informal consultation meeting.

The group of people who met him are also the group of people who are now in charge of reviewing the Li Family Cyberport plan, and they must be taken seriously.


Zheng Yongwen convened more than a dozen people in the team, and dispatched employees from Su Yehao's assistant office to help, a total of more than 30 people, working overtime overnight.

Just before four o'clock in the morning, two sets of plans were prepared, including the cooperation charter, budget, planning sketches and so on.

Fortunately, preparations were made in advance. Although it was a little rushed, the two decent documents were prepared in time.

On April 18, it was around 4:50 in the morning.

Zhuang Wei, the former personal assistant, was drowsy after cleaning up, ready to take a taxi home to catch up on sleep.

Due to the temporary overtime work, she had instructed the group of subordinates who worked overtime at night to take a half-day leave in the morning and go back to work after eating at noon.

Before leaving, he accidentally found that Zheng Yongwen was still reviewing the plan he had just prepared. Zhuang Wei approached and asked, "Mr. Zheng, you are going to a meeting in the morning, will you be mentally fit by then? It's better to rest for a while, I can help you. Check again."

Zheng Yongwen looked up at her and replied with a smile:

"Forget it, you didn't get involved before, and you don't know enough about a lot of data, so I have to be responsible for it. I only notified me of the meeting last night, and made it clear that I didn't plan to give us too much time to prepare. In case a loophole was caught, It is easy for people to use the theme to play, maybe someone has exerted influence in private."

Zhuang Wei has a bit of genius syndrome, her emotional intelligence is not too high, but her mind is very smart.

After listening to Zheng Yongwen, I immediately thought of another Cyberport development plan. After all, there is the most powerful developer in the current port city, which is definitely not easy to deal with.

Now that the news of the development of Kai Tak Airport has been spread, it is strange that the other party can give them time to prepare. The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and it is normal to make small moves.

Zhuang Wei picked up a prescription and said:

"It's so important, then you need to prepare well. Su will be personally responsible for the funding issue. I'll check the text and framework for you. You can review the specific data and try to get it done in half an hour."


Zheng Yongwen didn't insist any longer, smiled and got up to help her pour a cup of tea.

After taking the teacup and thanking him, Zhuang Wei took the initiative to ask him curiously:

"Mr. Zheng, why are you helping our boss? When I heard about the Kai Tak Airport project, I thought that our family office would continue to be responsible for the development and planning of a vacant land, which is quite interesting."

Zheng Yongwen said: "Why, blame me for robbing you of your work? It shouldn't be, your little boss has more ideas than anyone else, but his ambition is especially amazing. You should be very busy on weekdays, I'll take it for you. Wouldn't it be better for you to share some tasks?"

"It's very good, but I think that a big man like you is not like the kind of person who can do it himself. It's almost like being a general counsel."

"...I don't want to go into the muddy water. I have to stay up all night at my age, at least three or five days to live. It's a pity that Qicun was pinched by your boss and used each other, understand?"

In advance, Su Yehao promised to recommend him to be the CEO of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange when the project is completed.

This position is much more powerful than the virtual position of chief financial advisor.

Zheng Yongwen doesn't pay much attention to money. Before the age of thirty-five, he had earned enough money for daily expenses, and now he has hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars, realizing a certain degree of financial freedom.

The cost of living problem is solved, which in turn leads to higher pursuits.

For example, in 1997, he served as the chief financial advisor, trying to wrestle with the international hot money.

At the worst time in 1998, the stock market and property market collapsed. Fortunately, there was no problem with the exchange rate. It was considered that the international speculators headed by Soros hit a soft nail in Hong Kong City and returned home.

Unlike places such as Thailand and Malaysia, which have been stagnant, the fundamentals of Hong Kong City are still there, so the recovery has been faster in the near future. Overall, it is barely a win, but the price is a bit high.

Zhuang Wei didn't know what the so-called "seven inches" meant. She guessed that there might be some kind of deal with Su Yehao. She suppressed her curiosity and nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Su Yehao usually quits his job at every turn, and unlike other companies, new projects emerge one after another, involving different fields.

He moved his lips by himself, and he lived a very easy life in his childhood.

A group of assistants, including Zhuang Wei, are forced to work overtime often, especially when it involves transactions across time zones, it is not uncommon to stay up all night. The assistant office has gradually grown to more than 90 people. How complicated is it.

It can be said that Su Yehao's usual style is based on the busyness of these teams.

After spending some time reviewing the documents, Zhuang Wei also ordered takeout for Zheng Yongwen and delivered lunches from a 24-hour convenience store.

After simply eating, she couldn't hold it any longer and found a sofa to lie down to rest.

Zheng Yongwen put away the documents and simply didn't go home. He sent a message to ask the assistant to go to his house to get a new set of clothes in the morning, and then he also lay down on the desk to take a nap...

More than eight in the morning.

Zheng Yongwen and Zhuang Wei, who had not rested at all, made do with going to the bathroom to wash up, and each had a cup of coffee.

Then he brought a few secretaries and rushed to a meeting in an office building.

At half past nine in the morning, it started on time in a conference room.

A few big people in the eyes of others sat opposite, Zheng Yongwen was talking at the moment, and told:

"My employer, Su Yehao, has prepared two sets of plans A and B this time. Plan A is a joint venture developed by your land calculated value, and plan B is to directly transfer the land to us. Which plan is better than the one you are studying now. According to my calculations, the two plans A and B can at least directly create about 40 billion Hong Kong dollars in revenue for the Hong Kong government, driving thousands of The output value of 100 million Hong Kong dollars, you can look at the planning first.”

A middle-aged woman in a suit asked suspiciously at this moment:

"Such a project of this magnitude is unheard of. It is larger than the investment scale of the Central Center and the International Financial Center combined. Are you sure you really have the strength to successfully develop the land for Kai Tak Airport?"

Zhuang Wei came forward on behalf of Su Yehao, and immediately answered firmly:

"My boss, Su Yehao, is worth nearly 10 billion US dollars. You can totally trust his strength. In addition, this time we are only leading the charge. There are already many developers of Hong Kong City who have clearly expressed their willingness to participate. Bank of China Hong Kong City Branch , The Hong Kong City Branch of Japan's No. 1 Quanye Bank also gave us a commitment to lending. Even if it is plan B, we have the strength to complete it. If plan A is finally passed, there is no need to worry. "

Zheng Yongwen also calmly said:

"That's right."

"You mentioned before that the Cyberport should be dominated by high-tech companies. I can't think of any other company in the port city that can surpass Su Yehao's Yanwen Group in scale. His status in Silicon Valley is beyond doubt."

"As long as there is an agreement on supporting policies, he will fund the establishment of multiple R&D laboratories, including semiconductors, lithography machines, digital hardware, LCD screens, etc. The total investment scale is also at the level of 10 billion Hong Kong dollars. I have already contacted me about this. He has discussed it, and it is very in line with the goal of industrial upgrading and transformation in Hong Kong City."


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