Xiao Ling, who was flying in the air, took out the map of Tagore Desert that he got from Hai Bodong. He looked at it carefully and found that the distance from the Mei Snake Tribe to the Holy City of the Snake People was not very far. It only takes less than two hours for Rayquaza to wake up, but after all, this is one of his trump cards for leaving the Snake Tribe after the deal fails, so it's better not to expose it easily.

Relying on the cultivation of the three fighting kings and the fact that several of them were moving with all their strength, after more than half a day, everyone was about to arrive at the Holy City of the Snake Tribe.

The boundless yellow sand dances in the strong wind, and a sunset slowly slides from the horizon, reflecting a golden world. In the eyes of the three people, there was a huge city looming there in the endless desert.

Seeing the majestic city standing in the desert in front of him, Xiao Ling asked Yue Mei on the side: "Commander Yue Mei, that should be the holy city of your snake people, right?"

Hearing Xiao Ling's questioning words, Yue Mei nodded and replied to Xiao Ling: "Yes, the holy city of our snake people is ahead. The elders and queen of the snake people have been guarding it all year round. Can you Tighten me even more, otherwise the snake-human guards will definitely attack you without hesitation when they see two human fighting kings breaking into the snake-human holy city."

Xiao Ling nodded and indicated that he would do as he was told, so he took Zi Yan's little hand and flew not far behind Yue Mei.

As the distance from the Snake Tribe Holy City got closer and closer, in Xiao Ling's field of vision, many huge stones began to appear in the uniform yellow sand around this majestic city. Behind the rocks is the temple city where Queen Medusa lives.

Perhaps due to martial law, the gates of this huge city are now closed. On the city wall, heavily armed snake guards patrol back and forth on the city wall. In the empty spaces on the city wall, more than a dozen people The big bird with a black head was also circling back and forth, its sharp eyes constantly scanning outside the city. Any slightest movement would make these beasts sound an alarm.

Xiao Ling's eyes swept over the city wall with some curiosity. Although they were far apart, he could still find that the overall strength of the snake guards in this city was definitely stronger than the Charming Snake Tribe last night, and among those snake guards Among them, there are occasionally some snake-men with strange costumes. These snake-men have indifferent faces and stand on the city wall like pillars. However, Xiao Ling took a cursory glance and found that there were a few feet around these snake-men. No other snake people dared to set foot in this place. It was obvious that they were quite afraid of these snake people in strange costumes.

"These guys... must be the Medusa Guards, right? They are indeed more powerful than ordinary guards. But these are not a threat to you, so don't worry too much." He looked back and looked at the snake guards on the city wall. With eyes wide open, Xiao Ling continued to follow Yue Mei towards the city gate.

After a while, the three of them arrived at the gate of the Snake Tribe's Holy City, and the Snake Tribe guards also turned their attention to Xiao Ling and the others.

Seeing Yue Mei, one of the eight commanders, arriving with two human-like Dou Wang warriors, everyone was a little confused.

A snake-human guard whose strength had reached the peak of fighting spirit came to the front of the city wall with a snake tail. He first bowed his hands to Yue Mei, and then asked in a puzzled tone: "Commander Yue Mei, may I ask what's behind you? What is the purpose of these two powerful warriors? If they don’t know their motives for coming here, we will never allow them to enter the Snake Tribe’s Holy City.”

Hearing the guard chief's inquiry, Yue Mei replied: "Neither of these two are strong men from the surrounding countries. The man among them is a sixth-grade alchemist of Canaan College, and the girl is also a Warcraft Transformer." I have no ill intentions towards the Snake Tribe. I came to the Snake Tribe just to make a deal with the Queen. It is absolutely beneficial and harmless to the Snake Tribe. Don’t worry, I will not betray the Snake Tribe.”

After listening to Yue Mei's explanation, the captain of the guard took a closer look at Xiao Ling and Zi Yan. After recalling it in his mind, he found that among the information from the Snake Tribe, several people from the surrounding empires had cultivated them. There are no portraits of these two people among the Douwang experts, and with Commander Yue Mei's guarantee, it seems that these two people are indeed not hostile to the snake people.

Moreover, in the Holy City of the Snake Tribe, there are not only Queen Medusa, but also four elders whose cultivation has reached the peak of Dou Huang. They are just two Dou Wangs, so they are nothing to worry about.

So he bowed to Yue Mei and said, "In that case, I won't be able to stop you anymore." After speaking, he signaled to the surrounding snake-human guards that there was no danger here. Then he returned to his post.

After getting the consent of the snake-man, Yue Mei said no more, took Xiao Ling and Zi Yan, and continued flying towards the center of the holy city of the snake-people, where Queen Medusa lived.

In front of a magnificent palace, Xiao Ling and others retracted their fighting wings, fell from the air, and came to the main entrance of the palace.

After Yue Mei had some discussions with the Medusa guards, Xiao Ling and Zi Yan followed Yue Mei through the layers of guards and walked into a magnificent hall.

Long before Yue Mei, Xiao Ling and Zi Yan appeared on the walls of the Snake Tribe's Holy City, the Snake Men used a special secret method of voice transmission to convey what Yue Mei said to the ears of Queen Medusa.

Perhaps because she heard that Xiao Ling was a sixth-grade alchemist and wanted to make a deal with the snake people, the queen of the snake people was interested, so she came to the ordinary meeting hall in advance, so that Xiao Ling didn't have to wait here for a while.

Looking into the hall, I saw a charming woman with a snake tail lying on the most convenient seat, which could be called a luxurious chair. Next to her, a snake woman holding a spear was guarding her. As expected, these two snake women were the queen Medusa, who was both famous for her beauty and her fierce reputation, and her personal guard leader Hua She'er.

Xiao Ling looked at Queen Medusa with some curiosity and was surprised. Medusa's face was so beautiful that it almost reached the level of enchantment. A pair of narrow and long light purple eyes, with a flowing eye wave, were naturally charming and could almost attract every man's attention. She was wearing an elegant purple brocade robe, and her body beneath the robe was plump and exquisite, just like a ripe peach, exuding a faint charm. Her three thousand black hair casually fell from her shoulders, vertically hanging down from her slender waist. Under the brocade robe, a purple snake tail was revealed, swaying slightly, with a wild and enchanting attraction that made people inexplicably feel hot all over.

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