After being stunned for a moment, Xiao Ling regained his composure before the people around him reacted. He is not a country boy who has never seen the world. We, Xiao, can't make a fool of ourselves outside. We don't want to be a reckless hero at the moment. He planned to at least have someone with strength above Douzong or above before this beautiful snake could take a fancy to him.

Queen Medusa, who was lying on her side on the amethyst throne on the high platform, saw Yue Mei walking in with Xiao Ling and Zi Yan. Her slightly closed eyes slowly opened and she cast her gaze behind Yue Mei. Xiao Ling and Zi Yan.

With his cultivation that has reached the peak of Dou King, Xiao Ling can easily detect the cultivation of Xiao Ling and Zi Yan without using the "disguise" skill. A four-star Dou King and a peak Dou King .

Squinting her narrow eyes, relying on years of intuition and rich combat experience, Medusa noticed that there was something unusual about the two people in front of her. If they really made a move, it would definitely not be as simple as their superficial strength.

Yue Mei stepped forward first, bowed respectfully to Queen Medusa, and then said: "See Her Majesty the Queen."

Looking away from Xiao Ling and Zi Yan, Queen Medusa calmly replied, "Sit down." Then she pointed to a few chairs around and said to a few people: "I probably know your purpose of coming. As far as I know, let’s sit down and talk about it first.”

After hearing this, Yue Mei replied, "Thank you, Her Majesty the Queen." Twisting the snake's tail, he found a chair and sat on it. Xiao Ling also held Zi Yan's little hand and sat opposite Yue Mei.

After a few people sat down, Xiao Ling turned to Medusa and said: "Hello, Queen Medusa, let me introduce myself. I am Xiao Ling, an elder of the Alchemy Department from Canaan College. I have taken the liberty to come to the Snake Tribe this time. , I want to make a deal with the snake people, and I want to exchange it for a sand mandala, which is a medicinal material I need to refine a pill. "

After Xiao Ling finished speaking, he vaguely gestured to Zi Yan. The tacit understanding they had gained over so many years made Zi Yan instantly understand what Xiao Ling meant. She was planning to let herself brag a few words.

So he spoke to Medusa on the high platform with a milky voice: "This snake tribe sister, Xiao Ling is a sixth-grade alchemist. As long as you are willing to take out the sand If you buy a mandala, you will definitely get a satisfactory reward."

Medusa, who was lying on her side just now, also slowly sat up straight. After hearing Xiao Ling speak, she originally planned to embarrass a few people and raise the value of the Sand Mandala, but when she heard When the little girl in purple clothes spoke, she even called her sister. She always felt an inexplicable sense of comfort in her heart. When she looked at the little girl in purple clothes carefully, she felt that she had grown up to her own taste. The more she looked at her, the more cute she became. He originally planned to bargain, but when he was about to speak, the words were swallowed back into his stomach before he could make a sound.

Immediately he looked at the purple-clothed girl opposite with curious eyes, and said in a curious tone: "Little guy, what is your name? You are a monster incarnate, right?"

Zi Yan, who was sitting aside, listened to Queen Medusa asking her, and remembered what Xiao Ling secretly said to her before. "Zi Yan, Queen Medusa of the Snake People is a rich woman. She is in charge of all the medicinal materials in the Snake People. You have to establish a good relationship with her when the time comes. When she is in a better mood, you can casually take the medicine from the Snake People. I have brought out some medicinal herbs for you from the treasure house, are you still worried about not having any medicinal herbs to eat in the future?"

In his mind, he couldn't help but think of the scene when he followed Medusa to the Snake Tribe's treasure house to select medicinal materials. His eyes shone with golden light, and he quickly replied: "My name is Zi Yan, and I am already a fifth-level peak monster. I have been there since I can remember." From then on, I wandered alone in the Warcraft Mountains without meeting a single person of my own race. I lived alone. Later, I accidentally ate a Shapeshifting Grass and ended up like this. Although I became a human, But there is no way to change back to my original appearance. I can only wait until I take the Transformation Pill, or after my cultivation level is improved, and the side effects of the Transformation Grass are eliminated, then I can regain my monster body. Then I can figure out what race I am, and then You can find your family.”

After listening to Zi Yan's self-introduction, Medusa on the opposite side couldn't help but feel a little sorry for this little girl. She still has many tribesmen, and this little girl has been traveling alone since she can remember. She must have suffered a lot, and Recalling her dead sister, Medusa became a little sad.

After staring at Zi Yan's little face for a while, Medusa suddenly said: "Zi Yan, do you want to be my sister? As long as you are in the territory of the snake people, I will definitely not let you be wronged."

As soon as these words were spoken, Hua Sheer, Yue Mei and Xiao Ling were all a little surprised.

Yue Mei and Hua She'er were thinking the same thing, "The Queen, who is ruthless and arrogant, wants to be a sister to this little girl when she sees her for the first time. How is this possible?"

After Xiao Ling was slightly surprised, he didn't think about it anymore. After all, Medusa and Zi Yan hit it off right away in the original work and became good sisters. Now that they meet, they may just like each other. This Medusa Just said it. Just based on age, Zi Yan, who is over 1,400 years old, should be much older than Medusa, who is over 300 years old.

Hearing that Medusa wanted to make her her sister, Zi Yan thought for a while and replied: "As long as you give me delicious medicinal materials, I will be your sister, but just a friend's kind of sister , I will not stay in the snake people."

Although it didn't meet her expectations, Medusa still nodded and said to Zi Yan: "No problem, as long as you want, the door of the snake people is always open to you."

Seeing that the two of them were about to divert the topic, Xiao Ling winked at Zi Yan. Zi Yan, who was chatting with Medusa, noticed it and remembered that she still had something to do.

So she stepped forward and hugged Medusa's arm, and said in a baby voice: "Sister Medusa, Xiao Ling wants a sand mandala, you can exchange a pair of plants with her, you can ask him to refine pills for you, the quality of the pills he refines is much better than others."

After stroking Zi Yan's little head lovingly, Medusa cast her eyes on Xiao Ling and asked curiously: "Since you want to exchange the sand mandala, I wonder what bargaining chips you can bring out. The sand mandala is also a precious medicinal material for the snake people. If one is missing, a snake person with extraordinary potential will be unable to fuse the snake monster that suits him. If the bargaining chips are not enough, even if Zi Yan helps you talk, I will not exchange with you." Since Zi Yan praised Xiao Ling so much, Medusa became a little interested. She didn't know what kind of bargaining chips this sixth-grade alchemist could bring out. After all, her identity is the queen of the snake people, and she has to strive for more benefits for the snake people.

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