Chapter 1 Crossing the Pirates, a god-level picking attribute system

"So say....."

"Am I crossing?"

Li Mu stood on the reef by the sea.

Looking at the endless sea in front of you.

The sea breeze blew the bangs on his forehead.

He muttered.

Li Mu didn't think of it.

I actually died suddenly one day because I stayed up late and played games excessively!

Sudden death is just that.

He also traveled to this pirate world.

As a world-famous big IP in the previous life.

Li Mu admitted.

I really like this anime, and I like the many characters I sketch.

But when I think of those strong people breaking through the heavens and the earth at every turn, turbulent, raising their hands to crush people's bones and ashes, casually touching them is the scene of the sky cracking.

Li Mu only felt uncomfortable.

Who is he?

As a contemporary three-nil youth.

Get used to house life, get used to happy water!

Suddenly came to such a dangerous other world.

Li Mu had to admit it.


You fucking can really toss!

Think back to those movie plots.

After the protagonists realized that they had crossed, their eyes suddenly shone brightly and exuded endless brilliance.

Since God chose to let me cross.

Then I must live as a person for you in this life!

Hands hold the power of the world, drunken beauty knees.

"What? Fell off a cliff and got the top secret treasure? "

"What? Entering a quest and inadvertently opening a hole? "

"What? Am I the strongest in the world? "

To this.

Li Mu couldn't help but raise an internationally friendly middle finger.

Get your fuck's top secret treasure.

Open your mother's hole.

Breathe your mom the strongest in the world!

A person who has no talent, no background, and even a stereotyped physique.

I can't live in my own world, but I am a bull in another world.

Usually no one wants it, but Qixi began to charge.

It's really outrageous to open the door to outrageous!

The sky is endless.

With his crossing.

The system is also activated.

The system is called "God-level Picking Attribute System".

Name implies.

As long as there are people around to cultivate or use abilities!

will drop the corresponding attribute points according to the opponent's strength.

"Has the picking attribute become stronger?"

Read the system introduction.

Li Mu roughly understood the meaning.

Pirate World.

The last thing lacking is contradiction.

And once there is a contradiction, you have the opportunity to pick up the attribute!

Think about who you are today.

I don't even know the location coordinates and timeline.

Li Mu decided to go to the nearest tavern on the island to inquire about intelligence.

In the tavern.

It's bustling and noisy.

In such a crowded environment.

Li Mu roughly understood the current situation.

It's good if you don't know.

When I got the information.

Li Muren is a little numb!


"This is the Chambord Islands?"

"Eleven supernovae are about to gather?"

Hearing such news, Li Mu was stunned.

Never expected.

This has just crossed the upper island.

Such a bad news has ushered in!

As a senior Jaime.

And how he is not clear what this means.

Draco incident.

That's because Luffy is upset that his friend Kemi has been abducted by human traffickers.

Thus, in a fit of rage, he punched Draco and triggered a series of subsequent major events!


World aristocracy of Mary Joa.

Descendants of twenty kings who established the world government more than 800 years ago.

Present themselves as "descendants of the Creator."

With bubbles on his head, he disdained to breathe the same air as people of other races.

Because the status is too noble.

Once offended.

They will be greeted by the admirals dispatched by the Navy headquarters and the full maintenance of the CP organization!

Li Mu took a deep breath.

I've just crossed over.

There is such a big trouble.

Once Luffy beats Draco.

Undoubtedly, the entire Chambord Islands were plunged into a raging war.

Don't say anything else.

Just the scene of supernova vs navy.

It affects the entire archipelago at every turn.

Everyone is terrified.

Not to mention the follow-up scenes such as the indiscriminate bombing of the Navy's pacifists, and the admiral Yellow Ape personally encircling supernova!

Once the fight starts.

Most of the people on the island are not spared.

In the eyes of all.

In the end, it was Admiral Yellow Ape who leveled all troubles.

But how many ordinary people died tragically under this big event, has anyone counted?

Even Li Mu, who had just crossed over, was familiar with the plot.

I don't dare to be 100% sure that I can survive a big event.

Who knows if a supernova will punch you because they don't look good at themselves?

Who knows if the Navy's bullets will be carpet bombed?

Who knows if a pacifist will accidentally hurt a laser cannon?

There are so many things that have changed.

Too many to count.

If only there was a little strength.

The point is.

I've just crossed over!

Li Mu's physique is not even as good as a resident living in the pirate world!

Proper strength of the war five scum.

The kind that is put in the crowd is cannon fodder.

How does this play?


Think about it.

Although no one is immune to this big event.

But with the pick-up attribute system, this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reach the top.


Whether it's a supernova or a supernova.

Admirals too.

Or the later Hades Rayleigh!

Which of these is not a fragrant dumpling with a drop attribute?

Li Mu was also lost in thought.

Go forward, go further, desperate situation, one step to the top.

In the future, miss the big event, life and death are uncertain.

And the point is.

Once missed.

Will there be such an incident as Draco in the future?

The answer speaks for itself!

Li Mu took a deep breath.

For him.

They are all people who have already died once, so why be afraid?

Change to normal.

He may cherish his life.

But now.

The opportunity is in front of you, if you don't give it a shot, is it worthy of your identity as a traverser?

Li Mu slowly opened his eyes.

He made a decision!


[New books set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

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