Chapter 2: Successfully pick up attributes and suddenly encounter supernovae!

The people in the tavern were noisy, and many pirates pushed glasses to change lamps, only Li Mu had been thinking about the problem.

Although decided to participate in the Draco incident.

But now there is a very difficult problem.

So how does this so-called attribute picking system work?

"Since it is to pick up the attribute dropped by others, then someone must make a move."

"Go out and look for anyone to fight."

Li Mu thought calmly.

Just as he was about to leave the tavern.


A wine glass was thrown out.

Directly smashed on the table next to it, a lot of food was smashed.

Everyone at the table next to them looked at the person who threw the cup.

Li Mu was also shocked by this movement.

He did not choose to leave the tavern, but continued to sit down and observe the situation in front of him.

"Oh, I didn't even see it clearly just now!"

"Isn't this the pirate group that attacked us at sea a while ago?"

A burly, fierce-looking man pointed at the person at another table and scolded.

His behavior immediately attracted the attention of most of the people around him.

Into the eye.

It was a scar man with a look of disgust on his face.

The wine glass was also thrown from his hand.

After he stood up, a group of younger brothers behind him also stood up.

Everyone has a weapon in their hands.

But the people at the other table are not good either.

Seeing that the other side was looking for trouble, he quickly stood up and took the weapon into his hands.

"What is a sneak attack?"

"Obviously, your skills are inferior!"

A grim-looking man responded with a sneer.

Both of them have a bounty of around 3 million.

Infamous near the Chambord Islands.

A while ago, a battle broke out between the two sides on the sea, four on each.

Hatred like this level is no longer reconcilable.

After all, many brothers were killed and injured in the battles between the two sides.

When the enemy meets, his eyes are red!

Look at this face.

Li Mu was stunned, and then he was ecstatic!

"Isn't this coming!"

Just got up, he quickly sat down and continued to maintain the attitude of eating melons!

On both sides, except for the captains of the pirate group, they are some ordinary pirates who cannot be in ordinary pirates.

Attacks on each other are also carried out with weapons.

The sound of swords and blunt weapons clashing kept coming out.

The original intact tavern was quickly smashed.

Bang! Bang!

Both sides are fighting by brute force.

There is no fruit ability to appear, let alone domineering use.

But Li Mu, who had just joined the WTO, was a little dumbfounded on the sidelines.

I saw that every time these pirates struck, some balls of light would fall under them.

He tries to get close to these balls of light, and these balls of light will actively enter his body at a certain distance.

"Congratulations host, you picked up 100 power attributes!"

"Congratulations host, you picked up 50 agility attributes!"

"Congratulations host, you picked up 50 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations host, you picked up 50 physical attributes!"

"Is this what the system calls attribute points?"

While feeling the changes in his body, Li Mu continued to pick up.

He could faintly sense that his body was getting stronger.

It has been determined that these falling balls of light are what the system calls attribute points.

In order to pick up the dropped attribute light ball, Li Mu kept walking along the perimeter of the tavern.

He didn't want to disturb the battle between the two sides, but he also wanted to quietly pick up the attribute.

After all, the feeling of growing up silently like this is so tempting!

"Hmph, you scumbag!"

"Today is your time to die!"

Scar Man said angrily.

I saw him wielding a long knife as tall as him and killing the Yin Yi man.

He sneered and drew his sword and engaged the other party.

These two are the strongest combat power of the two pirate groups, and their victory or defeat can directly determine the direction of the battle.

So at the moment, both of them are fighting hard.

"Congratulations host, you picked up 200 power attributes!"

"Congratulations host, you picked up 200 swordsmanship attributes!"


Li Mu picked up the attributes dropped by the two pirate group leaders into his hands.

"The attribute points dropped on these two are obviously much higher than the others."

"Sure enough, the stronger the person, the more attribute points will be dropped!"

He thought thoughtfully.

Thinking of this, he also understood that if this system wants to grow in a short time, it needs to pick up the attribute points dropped by the strong.

Now that he is in the Chambord Islands, he can't let go of this chaotic war caused by the supernova.

In addition to supernova and even Admiral Yellow Ape, a strong man of the level of Pluto Rayleigh will make a move.

The more he thought about it, the more he looked forward to what would happen soon.

The tavern owner who originally wanted to come out to persuade him, after seeing that both sides were red-eyed.

Hurriedly got under the bar and hid.

Many guests were frightened by this scene.

Taking advantage of the gap between the two sides to fight, he escaped from the tavern.

And those who did not have time to escape, they could only consider themselves unlucky and turned into the revenants of these pirates.

Except for Li Mu and a woman, the tavern avoided this battle.

And this woman who has been eating food on the sidelines.

I was also completely angry after being smashed by flying debris and smashing the food in front of him.

"Get out of the way for the old lady!"

"Don't disturb the old lady to eat!"

"Believe it or not, I destroyed your two pirate groups?"

The woman scolded loudly.

Hearing the woman's words, the restless scene calmed down for a moment.

Li Mu also looked in the direction where the voice was.

Isn't this Joe Ellie Bonnie from one of the supernovas?

Joe Ellie Bonnie, one of eleven supernovas.

A head of cherry red hair.

The figure is even more hot.

Compared with the two, Bonnie's reward reached 140 million Bailey.

One of the extremely evil times is the sum of the two pirate group bounties, and the degree is even more unattainable.

Seeing her appearance, the originally very noisy tavern instantly quieted down.

The pirates stopped the conflict one after another, not daring to make the slightest move.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash!"

"The mood to eat is gone!"

Joelle Bonnie stopped looking at them and lowered her head to continue feasting.


[New books set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

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