Chapter 16 The pacifist strikes, all attributes!

Just as the supernovae were confronting the Bassolomi bear.

Li Mu was still at the outermost part of the naval ranks.

After picking up the dropped attributes, he finally came to his senses and noticed the Basolomi bear.

Looking at the Bassolomi bear shooting laser in his mouth, he raised an eyebrow.

"What kind of Qiwu Sea is this! Isn't this the Navy's weapon of war, pacifist? "

Li Mu said with great disappointment.

Seeing the reaction of the navy and supernovae, he originally thought that Nanabukai was really here.

In the end, he turned out to be a pacifist.

He couldn't help but cover his forehead.

As a veteran pirate fan, the moment a laser is shot in the air of the Bartholomi bear.

He recognized the identity of this pacifist.

Naturally, he knew about this so-called pacifist.

Designed by the genius scientist Vegapunk.

Modified according to the body of the Nanabu Sea Bassolomi Bear.

Endowed with a powerful body.

And this is also the big killer that the Navy has been concentrating on in recent years.

It can be called the secret weapon of the Navy.

As a humanoid weapon developed by the Navy for many years, the destructive power of pacifists is not low.

Although this was the first time he had been photographed by the navy to fight, Li Mu knew the horrors of pacifists.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 7,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 agility attributes!"

With the laser attack of pacifists.

The system also comes with messages.

The attribute points dropped are higher than those of supernovae.

"But one thing to say, the attributes that burst out of this explosion are much stronger than those of supernovae!"

Li Mu said with golden eyes.

Regardless of whether he is a real Qiwu Sea?

As long as enough attribute points are provided, it is good.

He was very excited in his heart, although Qi Wuhai himself did not come.

But this Harpinist turned out to be able to provide attribute points.

It is better to say that if the Seven Wuhai really comes, but kills all these supernovae, he may not be able to get many attribute points.

Saw the super destructive power of pacifists.

A bad feeling flashed in the eyes of the six supernovae.

They started looking at each other.

In the end, they all silently came to a conclusion in their hearts.

That's why they have to join forces.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the whole army will be wiped out and will be accounted for here.

The six supernovas all nodded their heads and began to join forces against their enemies.

Although Drake didn't really want to make a move, he was also afraid that his identity would be exposed.

So he also followed several other supernovae to fight against the enemy.

I saw that the most powerful Urki took the lead in attacking the pacifists.


He roared and rushed towards the pacifists, directly forcing the pacifists back a few steps.

At this time, the pacifist detected that someone was attacking him, and also turned on the protection mode.

A flash of light instantly appeared on the palm of his hand.

Supernovae were a little surprised to see this.

"It turns out that this guy can also shoot lasers on his hands!"

Seeing that Urki was in danger, Apu hurriedly used his ability to cause a sonic explosion in the pacifist's hand.


The explosion sounded, but the laser shot out anyway.

But it's good that the shot is crooked.

Urki was very nervous before, and a lot of sweat had appeared on his forehead.

Becky saw the pacifist offensive fall, as if there was space for space.

Hurriedly summoned the villain in the body and launched a shelling of the pacifists.

Seeing this, Urki also hurriedly cooperated.

Pushing the pacifists to the place of shelling, they quickly dodged themselves.


With the sound of shelling, the ground was now full of smoke and dust.

As the smoke cleared, the pacifist's body was gradually revealed.

"How, did it work?"

Bonnie said anxiously.

At this time, the clothes on the pacifists had been damaged by this successive offensives.

But the pacifist's body was not much damaged.

Seeing that the pacifists were completely unharmed, they stood up.

Bonnie hurriedly stepped forward and clamped his head with her legs.

Bonnie uses abilities directly, but it doesn't work for pacifists.

"It doesn't work!"

"How is this possible!"

The fruit ability, which usually failed to work as long as it came into contact, has actually failed.

This surprised Bonnie.

This is the first time she has encountered such a situation.

And pacifists also noticed this little girl riding on his head.

Turn your head and prepare to shoot the laser upwards.

Everyone was shocked to see that the pacifists were once again preparing to launch a laser attack on Bonnie.

Fortunately, Drake even shot.

His transformation into a dinosaur is amazing.

Knock pacifists apart.

The laser shot crookedly.

Bonnie also hurriedly distanced herself from the pacifists.

After a brief exchange, although the supernova was used to its full strength.

But it also caused a lot of damage to pacifists.

At this time, the supernova is no longer as afraid of the Nanabu Sea in front of them as before.

Of course, Drake in the supernova did not know that the Nanabukai in front of him was actually a humanoid weapon pacifist of the Navy.

At this time, the navies watching the battle looked a little confused.

"What's going on? This group of supernovas actually fought back and forth with the Seven Wuhai! "

"This can't be? It stands to reason that the strength of Qi Wuhai is much stronger than that of supernova. "

"This... It's a completely comparable situation! "

The navy was puzzled.

Although these supernova are known as extremely evil times.

But it's not strong enough to fight with Nanabu Hai!

Are they really that strong?

It's the Seven Wuhai that you are facing!

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 agility attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 2500 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 3,500 qi and blood attributes!"

At this point, seeing pacifists fighting supernova drops a large number of attributes.

He hurriedly picked it up silently.

"So this pacifist is so bullish?"

"If I had a few more, wouldn't I have taken off!"

Li Mu thought excitedly.

Because pacifists contribute too many attribute points.

More than twice as many as supernova drops.

But at this time, Li Mu's mind suddenly changed.

He realized a problem.

That is, the pacifists are coming, what about the old man Yellow Ape?

After all, he has always been looking forward to the yellow ape.

As one of the three admirals of the navy, the strength of the yellow ape must not be said.

Even a pacifist fighting a supernova can burst into such high attributes.

Then the admiral personally shot and returned it!

Won't you be able to pick up more attributes by then?

And it would be even better if there were a drop of the Sparkling Fruit!

And the drop of attribute points must be at least 350,000 bottoms!

After all, that is the peak combat power of the Navy!


[New books set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

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