Chapter 15 Seven Warriors Sea Bassolomi Bear!

Supernovae are fighting more and more fiercely.

The Navy has become somewhat difficult to sustain as its numbers have declined.

And how can supernovae be willing to let go of such a good opportunity.

I saw six supernovas approaching step by step, and the navy was also defeated.

"Oops! This group of supernova is getting stronger and stronger! "

The commodore said worriedly.

As a commander on the field, he has been keeping an eye on the situation at hand.

The Navy had previously been numerous and barely had a back-and-forth with six supernovae.

However, after several battles, when the number of the navy was sharply reduced to half, the battle was already very difficult.

And now the fighting continues, and the number of navies is constantly decreasing.

"Abominable supernova, why hasn't the support of the Navy come yet!"

The commodore who was originally very calm, was also a little anxious at this time.

After all, once these naval soldiers are disposed of, it will be his turn.

He just has some strength in command, and he can't really make a few moves in the face of supernovae.

Even the commodore was a little retreated, not to mention these naval soldiers.

At this time, the morale of the navy fell greatly.

Many navies have even lost the strength to fight.

"So strong! There is no possibility of defeat at all! "

"Oh, so be it."

"There's no hope of fighting."

The navy said in a very low voice.

With the powerful offensive of supernova after supernova, these navies know that they cannot be the opponents of supernova.

Seeing that the navy was about to retreat.

Suddenly, a laser shot from afar.

Everywhere the laser passed, it was blasted out of deep ravines.

The laser is headed towards six supernovae.

So it didn't hurt the Navy soldiers.

The supernova who were originally concentrating on the battle also hurriedly avoided it after sensing this powerful laser.

At this time, the six supernovae were all nervous.

Frowning, he searched for the source of the laser.

They were shocked by the power of the previous laser.

"What's going on? What is this powerful laser? "

"Is it some new weapon from the Navy?"

Bonnie thought a little puzzled.

After all, it was the first time she had seen such a powerful laser.

"Wow wow, what a strong laser!"

Apu said while singing.

But the nervous tone in his eyes could not be concealed.

At this time, Becky frowned even more.

Such a power is difficult for even his fortress fruit to resist.

The rest of the supernovae also showed a frightened expression.

Only Drake looked at the traces left by the laser thoughtfully.

At this time, on the horizon, a burly man suddenly walked out.

It is exactly what the Bartholomi bear looks like.

Seeing the people coming, the navy side instantly cheered up.

"This... This is Nanabu Kai Bassolomi Bear! "

"What Qi Wuhai is really here!"

"Well, we are saved!"

The Navy soldiers shouted excitedly.

They are well aware of the power of the Seven Martial Seas.

Although the supernova is very powerful, it is still a lot worse than the Nanabu Sea.

And the difference is not a star and a half.

The strength of the Seven Warriors Sea is definitely between the vice admiral and the admiral.

And these supernovae are just newly rising pirates after all.

It is estimated that it is enough for the vice admiral of the Shanghai Navy, let alone against the Seven Wuhai.

At this time, the navy knew that there were seven martial seas coming to support, and they had already decided that the navy side had won.

"Great! There is really Seven Wuhai to support! "

"Some of these supernovae are suffering!"

"We won!"

The navy said excitedly.

But the commodore is like he wants to say nothing.

"Forget it, don't hit everyone's morale!"

"I hope there will be a good ending."

He said a little lowly.

It seems that he is still not very optimistic about the current battle situation.

Seeing the arrival of Qi Wuhai, the supernova gang's faces also changed.

At this time, Bonnie and Becky. Apu and the others' faces were very ugly.

Although they are called supernovae, only they know how many pounds they have.

This is the Seven Martial Seas that resounded through the Great Voyage!

Absolute strength player.

Not to mention that their six supernovae are here, even eleven supernovae are estimated to hang here.

But since the battle with Nanabukai is no longer avoidable.

The six had to pluck up their courage and prepare to start.

Although it is said that there is a high probability that he will not be able to defeat Qiwuhai, he can't lose in terms of momentum.

"Nanabukai! It's a bit tricky! "

Apu said a little timidly.

Apu was facing Qi Wuhai for the first time, and he could see that he was still very nervous.

"Hmph, what Qiwu Hai, it's just a lackey of the Navy!"

Bonnie said with great disdain.

"I agree too!"

Becky is the way back.

Urki looked at Bassolomi Bear with blazing eyes.

It can be seen that his desire to fight is very strong.

At this time, Hawkins pulled out a deck of cards.

"Divination said, I will not die today!"

He said in an indifferent tone.

Only Drake didn't say anything.

Even wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Just this supernova? It's really like you've never seen the world! "

He complained in his heart.

It turned out that Drake could see that the Bassolomi bear in front of him was not the essence at all.

It is a naval weapon developed by Vegapunk, the pacifist.

And because of his early time at the headquarters of the Navy, he had seen firsthand the study of pacifists.

As a super undercover agent sent by the Navy, Drake's vision is still very high.

He knew a lot about the Navy.

Although just a copy of the Bartholomi bear, pacifist.

But it's also very powerful.

And several supernova stars because they can't recognize it, all of them brought out their strongest strength to face the Bassolomi bear in front of them.

"Hey, everyone come with momentum and strength!"

"Otherwise, we would probably all be here!"

Bonnie saw that the supernova was a little unconfident, and hurriedly encouraged.

"That's right, since there is no way to escape, then we will bring out all our strength!"

Becky also said in agreement.



"Who hasn't experienced life and death many times, will I be afraid?"

Ah Pu sang a passage first, and then said.

At this time, the supernova stared at the Bassolomi bear in front of them with a serious expression.

I saw that in the tense atmosphere of everyone, a powerful laser cannon was directly shot out of Bartholome's mouth.

The laser is terrifying, and everywhere it passes is ashes.

The laser cannon then carpeted onto the supernovae.

At this time, the supernovae suddenly felt the pressure doubled.

After all, if it is swept by this laser, it is estimated that his life will not be guaranteed.

Even supernovae with the title of the most evil era are tired of coping with the Bassolomi bear in front of them.

Because fear and fear still affected them.


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