Chapter 14 Seeing Domineering? The tricolor is domineering!

The battle between the six supernova and the navy is chaotic.

But in general, supernovae are still suppressing the navy with great strength.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 3500 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 3,000 agility attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 4,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100 Qi and Blood Attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 250 physical attributes!"

The system sends a message refresh sound again.

Looking at the attribute points played by these supernovas, almost all of them are more than three thousand.

Although it is said to be a lot worse than Luffy, Luo, and Kidd.

But those three are, after all, the top beings in supernovae.

The bounty is also far ahead.

Moreover, although it is not as good as the three of them, it is not far from there.

What's more, there are many people making a move here at this time, and the news of attribute point drops is even more overwhelming.

And although the Boni group of six people is not as strong as Luffy and the others, they are still not these navies that can touch porcelain.

Six men and their great strength crushed the navy.

Li Mu was not stupid, and he didn't plan to make a move.

Always wandering on the outermost periphery, with no intention of attracting hatred.

Bonnie shot and changed a lot of Navy age every time.

Either they turn into completely combat-free babies or gray-haired old men.

Seeing Boni's strange ability, Li Mu couldn't help frowning.

Because his current strength is not enough to resist such a peculiar fruit ability.

If Bonnie really touched him, he couldn't tell what it would become.

Thinking of this, Li Mu became even more jealous.

There is no intention of joining the war.

Isn't he fragrant to quietly pick up attributes?

He doesn't want to be a baby or an old man.

If only there was a strong enough armed color domineering.

But at this time, his armed and domineering cultivation had obviously not reached the point where it was enough to offset the fruit's ability.

At this time, Hawkins also turned into a terrifying scarecrow monster and killed all sides in the naval camp.

Countless crows mercilessly harvested the lives of the navy.

Only Drake is still on the defensive, and has no intention of making a move.

Here Becky summoned a cavalry team directly from his body.

These cavalry villains directly became the size of real people the moment they landed.

As the battle sounded, he rushed towards the camp of the navy.

The Navy was directly stunned for a while.

These cavalry were a hundred enemies and were somewhat invincible for a while.

The rest of the supernovae are also very similar, they are crushing the navy with great strength.

The sonic offensive here in Apu became stronger and stronger, and countless navies were blown out by sonic bombing.

Not to mention being close to Apu, even the navy tens of meters away was mercilessly attacked by him.

Urki's body is getting bigger and bigger, and every punch blasts tens of meters of the navy away.

But the number of navies is simply too much.

For a while, it also fought back and forth with six supernovae.

However, this numerical advantage is short-lived after all.

As the number of people continues to decrease, it is only a matter of time before the navy loses.

At this time, on the battlefield, I saw countless navies rushing towards the supernova.

Every time it was beaten down.

"Congratulations to the host, picked up from Bonnie to see the domineering!"

The news from the system instantly attracted Li Mu's attention.

"What? It's actually domineering! "

"Did I hear you right?"

Li Mu was deeply shocked.

Seeing the domineering, one of the three-color domineering, is also the last piece of the three-color domineering puzzle piece of Li Mu at present.

There is no rarity like the Overlord color, and it is not as necessary as the armed color.

But it is a completely indispensable ability.

Being proficient in seeing and hearing domineering can make people's five senses very keen.

It can predict dangers in advance and avoid them.

Even if it is stronger, it can predict the enemy's offensive.

Of course, there are also people who have cultivated to a very powerful realm and can predict the future.

A golden light flashed in Li Mu's eyes.

Now he couldn't be happier in his heart.

It is only a matter of time before the tricolor domineering gathers together and becomes a strong person.

He recalled getting the overlord-colored domineering in the auction house.

At that time, he was extremely excited, and even the rarest overlord-colored domineering was in hand.

At that time he thought that his luck was already excellent.

It was so easy to obtain the domineering power of the overlord color.

Originally, he thought that the armed color and the domineering color would not be obtained so easily.

But he didn't expect that not long after, even the armed color domineering and the seeing color domineering were also obtained by him one after another.

At this moment, the joy in his heart could not be suppressed.

Although he was very excited in his heart, he had more thoughts at this time.

"The tricolor domineering is together, but when will you be able to pick up the devil fruit?"

He thought with some anticipation in his heart.

Although it is said that as long as you cultivate the domineering spirit of the three colors to the highest realm, you can become the strongest powerhouse.

But the ability to have one more Devil Fruit is also an excellent thing.

"I really want a devil fruit!"

"It's best to have a Nika, Magma, Earthquake, Dark Level!"

"It has to be sparkling and freezing at the next point!"

Li Mu fantasized in his heart.

But all he thought about was the top fruit ability in the pirate world.

It's not easy to get.

At this time, the battle continued, and although the navy side was numerous, it could not stop this group of supernova after all.

Li Mu pretended to be an ordinary naval soldier who had been at the outermost periphery.

Because there were so many naval soldiers, no one noticed his condition.

So at the moment, he is ruthlessly harvesting attribute points from supernovae and naval battles.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 4,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 3,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 200 qi and blood attributes!"


Well, that's nice!

But as the fighting continued, the decline of the naval side was inevitable.

Especially Bonnie, Becky and others.

The powerful fruit ability has the ability to crush the offensive of the navy.

"Lord Brigadier General, we can't resist it!"

The Navy soldiers were miserable.

They all reported to the brigadier general.

At this time, only about half of the nearly 20,000 naval soldiers remained.

Because the number of navies has decreased, the pressure on navies is also increasing.

The commodore also found that his side's advantage was shrinking.

Even quite a few navies are already somewhat demoralized.

He hurriedly stood up to stabilize the army's heart.

"Don't panic, Master Nanaba Sauromi Xiong will arrive soon!"

The commodore said loudly, wanting to awaken everyone's fighting spirit in this way.


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