Chapter 13: Six Supernova vs Navy!

On a pedestrian street in the Chambord Islands.

On the wide strip, six supernovae are firmly surrounded by the navy.

The two sides fell into a confrontation for a while.

The commodore saw the supernova with a fearless look.

I couldn't help but feel angry in my heart.

Take our Navy as a description?

Such contempt for the navy must be paid!

"Cocked aim!"

The commodore gave orders to the navies.

I saw the navy in the front row quickly crouch down and aim the gun in his hand at the six supernovae.

The navy in the back row also took a step forward and aimed the guns in their hands at the supernovae!

All navies are surprisingly consistent.

Worthy of being a well-trained elite soldier of the Navy.

At this time, all the navies pulled out their guns and locked on six supernovae!

Seeing this picture, Li Mu was stunned.

Because at this time he was also one in the Navy.

The navies next to them all made the same move!

But only he remained in place.

This inevitably seems that he is a little humble.

In order to perfectly play the identity of your own navy!

Li Mu hurriedly took down the weapon behind him.

Learn from the navies around you.

Finally aimed the muzzle at the six supernovae!

He was a little speechless in his heart.

Originally, I just planned to simply play a naval soldier.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

But fortunately, the action is fast enough, and it is estimated that there is no stuffing.

It seems that all walks of life have their own difficulties.

A simple naval soldier is not as simple as it seems!

With this consistent action, it is impossible to practice in a few years of training.

"I shot them and destroyed them!"

The commodore said in a serious tone.

Supernova has been putting on a stinky face that doesn't matter, and he has long been unable to stand it!


With the order of the commodore, bullets were fired like a rain of bullets.

Li Mu saw that the surrounding naval soldiers had made new moves, and he hurriedly had a kind of imitator.

He straightened his weapon and pulled the trigger!

Although he had never used a gun, Li Mu thought how difficult it could be.

Isn't it just holding it in your hand, aiming and then pulling the trigger?

Isn't that just having hands?

He thought that guns generally have recoil, and he had to hold it steadily.

Otherwise, when the time comes, you will make a joke, and your identity is likely to be exposed.

"Alas, it seems that camouflage is also an artistic job!"

Li Mu complained in his heart.

As the navy kept firing bullets.

He also understood that he had to strike right away.

He held the gun firmly in his hand and learned how other navies could pull the trigger.

But at the moment when he pulled the trigger, because he held it too tightly, the gun fell apart directly.

"Oops, too hard!"

Li Mu was shocked in his heart.

At this time, his expression was very strange.

After all, it is not easy for such an embarrassment to happen to anyone.

He was extremely depressed.

"Hua Q, forget that the strength has improved!"

The strength has improved too fast, and he has not had time to adapt.

That's why this happens.

Because he had picked up a lot of attributes before, Li Mu's strength was no longer comparable to before!

At this time, his power had long exceeded the scope of ordinary people.

Subconsciously forced, the gun was directly torn apart by him!

"Trash weapons, inferior weapons!"

"What a broken thing!"

Li Mu kept complaining.

Supernovae are not dry-eyed either, watching the navy attack, and they also greet it.

In the face of raindrops of bullets, supernovas also began to show their strength.

Bonnie dodged these bullets directly with her flexible body.

Drake looked at the large number of bullets and frowned directly, turning into a stegosaurus.

"Ancient species of animals..."

The commodore quickly recognized it.

And the bullet hit Drake's solid skin, leaving not even a trace of it.

Urki saw the bullet coming and just smiled faintly.

Immediately, his body began to swell.

That plump muscles felt like they were about to explode.


The bullet hit him and had no effect at all.

On the contrary, many navies fell inexplicably.

Hawkins turned directly into a scarecrow monster, and the bullets passed through his body without causing him any damage.

Apu took out two instruments.

The sound emitted by the instrument formed a series of sound waves, directly intercepting the bullets that were attacking him in mid-air.

Becky hung her cigar and looked cold in her eyes.

"Then let's see who has more troops."

He said coldly.

Let the countless bullets hit his body.

Those bullets were like hitting stones.

There was no way to do him the slightest bit of damage.

I saw that several doors suddenly opened in Becky's body and came out.

You can faintly see that a villain has set up a cannon at this opening place.

Bang! Bang!

The shell, which was originally only the size of a grain of rice, left Becky's body and grew in size rapidly.

became the size of a normal shell.

It immediately fell where the Navy was.

Suddenly, countless navies were blasted out.

With just one hand-to-hand, the Navy fell a little behind.

At this time, the originally confident commodore was also a little worried.

Even bullets can't work on some supernovae, so what can I do!

"Push the cannon up!"

The commodore hurriedly said.

While these supernovae are still in place.

The commodore decided to give them a big wave.

But not yet before the cannon was installed.

The monster-like scarecrow has entered the camp of the navy.

The scarecrow monster is naturally the Hawkins guy.

I saw him wave his arm, and suddenly dozens of navies were fanned out.

"Wow whoa..."

Apu didn't know what was chanting.

But explosions kept ringing in the navy.

It was Apu who used sound waves to create explosions.

The Navy was miserable by his move.

After Drake transformed, he would not attack him unless a navy took the initiative to attack him.

Bonnie raised her eyebrows and jumped directly into the navy.

I saw her hand touch the navy along the way.

Suddenly, countless navies changed the taste of children who were crying.

There are also many navies who have become gray-haired old men.

After Urki laughed, he directly charged towards the navy in a bison-like posture.

Suddenly, countless navies were knocked out by him.

At this time, the picture is very tragic.

The side of the Navy is completely at a disadvantage.

Just six supernovae made the Navy very uncomfortable.

But the naval strength here is as many as 20,000.

The Navy side relies on a great advantage in numbers, and it is also inextricable with supernovae.

But it was only a matter of time before the Navy was defeated.


[New books set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

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