Chapter 12 is all messed up! Successfully blended into the Navy!

Outside the Chambord Islands auction floor.

After a great war, only the ruined scene remained.

The originally palatial auction hall also had a few more big holes at this time.

Outside the auction hall, there were huge craters blasted by three supernovas.

It can be seen that the destructive power of the three supernovae is still very strong.

At the same time, the ground was covered with unconscious navies.

These naval wounds, comatose comas.

In a short period of time, the Navy had such great losses.

It can only be said that the strength of supernova is still very strong.

These ordinary navies are in large numbers, and for them they are not worth mentioning.

It is estimated that the navy at the level of vice admiral can touch these supernovae.

At this time, Li Mu finished picking up the attributes, and he was unusually conspicuous among the many navies.

He fell into deep thought.

Suddenly looking at these unconscious navies, the corners of his mouth raised.

A very bold idea came to his mind.

Now the Draco incident broke out.

The whole world is in shock.

The world government is very angry, and naturally wants to take action.

At that time, it is likely that the world government will exclude CP0 or the admiral from coming to the Chambord Islands.

It's not a safe place.

But there is a force in the Chambord Islands, where everyone is at risk, that is not so dangerous.

That's the Navy!

The naval side is not the safest, but it is also invincible.

After all, the Navy belongs to one of the powers of the world government.

Even if the world government wants to erase everything on the Chambord Islands, it is impossible to threaten the navy.

And the best thing to do right now is to join the Navy.

This will save you a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, with Li Mu's current strength, it would be extremely troublesome to be treated as a pirate by the navy.

After all, Li Mu just wanted to quietly pick up attributes, then grow, and finally shock everyone.

But now is not the time for him to perform.

He needs to calm down and use the phylogenetic development first.

At this time, Li Mu looked at the navy all over the ground, and he decided to fish in troubled waters and blend into the navy.

At that time, he can fish in troubled waters as a small naval soldier.

While obbing on the edge, he happily picked up the attribute points.

Thinking of this, Li Mu couldn't help but be happy.

The corners of his mouth also flashed into a smile.

After all, it will be a super melee right away.

At that time, even a strong person of the level of Yellow Ape Renly will end the battle.

What good things can you pick up then?

The last sight of the domineering in the tricolor!

Or a shining fruit with superior speed?

Even if you can't pick up these good things, a large number of attribute points are definitely indispensable.

And it is very likely that the overlord color domineering can be upgraded.

There is no need to say more about the armed color domineering.

Upgrades are a sure thing.

At that time, there will be a lot of domineering powerhouses on the naval side.

Thinking about this, Li Mu did not hesitate.

Directly stripped off a naval soldier.

Then put the clothes of this naval soldier on his own body.

Li Mu chose a naval soldier who was about his size.

Therefore, the clothes fit very well after wearing.

In addition, Li Mu originally did not have the killing aura of a pirate.

If he is said to be a navy, no one will doubt it.


Just as Li Mu was dressed, there was a movement of battle in the distance.

He raised an eyebrow.

Knowing that there must be another fight.

"There is another battle so soon?"

Li Mu thought a little puzzled.

Obviously, the three supernovas have only finished playing here.

Could it be said that the troops sent by the headquarters of the Navy have arrived!

He was a little shocked that the strength of the naval headquarters actually came so quickly.

It can only be said that Draco is worthy of being Draco.

This is a degree of importance.

How long has it been since Luffy started attacking Charles Roth?

The troops sent by the headquarters of the Navy actually arrived!

Since there was a battle, Li Mu naturally couldn't miss it.

A flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Hurriedly rushed towards the place where the sound was coming from.

All the way over, his heart was also very excited!

"Great, there are attribute points to pick up again!"

This trip to the Chambord Islands was really not for nothing!

Li Muxing was full of satisfaction.

Let's not mention that the tricolor domineering has already obtained the overlord color and the armed color.

The values themselves have also been greatly improved.

And the battle in the Chambord Islands has not yet reached its climax!

As soon as the yellow ape arrives, more melee battles will begin.

Thinking about this, Li Mu couldn't help but get excited.

"What an extradition!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards the battlefield at an extremely fast speed!

After arriving at the battlefield, Li Mu also saw the current situation clearly.

He gasped.

There are six supernovas here!

Bonnie, Becky, Urki, Hawkins, Drake, Arp

At this time, Li Mu's eyes could not help but burst with golden light.

These supernovae are superpowered.

Once a battle occurs, it will be a large amount of attribute points!

Previous benefits from supernovae have been received.

Li Mu understood that the attribute points that supernovae could contribute were all 5,500 drops.

At this time, the six supernovae have been firmly surrounded by the Navy.

But their faces were puzzled though.

But he didn't show the slightest timid expression.

Obviously, although they did not know why so many navies suddenly appeared to surround them!

But they are not afraid of these navies!

These are the times of great evil.

Representatives of the Pirates of the New Age, Supernova.

"Hey, Navy!"

"Why did you suddenly do it to us!"

Bonnie stepped forward and questioned loudly.

Although as a supernova, her navy has 10,000 reasons to capture!

But the Navy had not moved at all before.

But suddenly he was so obsessed with supernovae.

Bonnie was very puzzled and directly stepped forward to ask.

At this time the navy was headed by a commodore general.

With the leadership of commodores, these navies will not be as easy to deal with as before!

"The marshal has an order, capture the supernova!"

The commodore also did not talk nonsense and directly issued the sentence.

When the six supernova heard this, they all frowned.

This commodore does not have the slightest appearance of lying.

It seems that the Navy is really determined to clean up these supernovae.

At this time, the naval side, with the words of the commodore, fell into a state of strict waiting!

The supernova are also fully prepared and enter the state of battle.

While the two sides were fighting each other, a handsome young man dressed in a naval soldier's uniform sneaked into the naval camp.

This person was none other than Li Mu.

Sure enough, wearing the uniform of a naval soldier, no one could recognize him at all!

Plus now the Chambord Islands have long been a mess into a pot of porridge.

No one cares about the true identity of a Navy soldier.

Li Mu was overjoyed in his heart, saying that his identity as a naval soldier could not be used for a long time.

And immediately supernova battles in the navy, he will be able to pick up attribute points.

The battle between the Navy and six supernova is on the verge!


[New books set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

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