Chapter 11 Picked up the armed color domineering, and earned too much!

Although the Navy is numerous, the strength of supernovae is too strong.

At this time, the navy, which numbered nearly 10,000, was defeated by three people.

And Li Mu picked up the attribute on the side, and he also picked it up and flew up.

“room! Abattoir! "

Trafalgar. Luo turned on the ability again and slashed out with a sword.

Suddenly, the wailing of the navy sounded at the scene.

"Congratulations to the host for your trip from Trafalgar. Luo picked up the armed color domineering! "

Li Mu quickly noticed this system information.

"What? Armed color domineering? "

"It's really armed color domineering!"

He was completely shocked.

It was so easy to obtain an armed color domineering.

Armed color domineering, one of the tricolor domineering, has the ability to harden.

Although it is not the rarest in the tricolor domineering, it is definitely the most practical domineering.

At the same time, it is also the nemesis of the fruit of nature.

Overlaying it on top of the attack will make the attack hit the natural ability.

At the same time, it can also greatly improve the body's defenses.

The main thing is that armed color domineering is not as rare as overlord color domineering.

As long as you are willing to train hard, you will have the opportunity to practice.

Because it is very common, it is easier to pick up attribute points when it is time.

At this time, Li Mu's heart was full of indescribable joy.

After all, this is one of the tricolor domineering.

With the blessing of armed color domineering, his strength can also be qualitatively improved.

But then again, can this group of supernovae use domineering?

Because the new world has not yet arrived.

There are only a handful of people who can use domineering.

The supernova gang did not have the opportunity to contact the tricolor domineering.

Therefore, Li Mu did not understand why he could pick up domineering energy from supernovae.

But thought about it.

He quickly reacted, after all, it is a supernova, and the strength is not to be said.

Although at this time, it is estimated that the use of domineering is far from being as skilled as it will be in the future.

But a little fur is estimated to be able to be cast.

After thinking about these questions, Li Mu also showed an excited expression.

From the first time he started picking attributes in the tavern to now, he has obtained two of the tricolor domineering.

Now I have only seen that the domineering spirit has not yet been obtained.

He was still very satisfied with this progress in his heart.

After all, domineering is the most indispensable thing to become a top powerhouse.

The absence of the Devil Fruit does not affect a person to become a strong person.

After all, One Piece Roger was once also a fruitless person.

The Four Emperors of the New World red-haired Shanks is also a guy with no fruit ability.

And these people are the top powerhouses.

Therefore, the importance of domineering can be imagined.

But Li Mu also understood that now he had obtained a two-color domineering.

But the level is low, and he is equivalent to a little fur.

So it is also very important to upgrade this two-color domineering at the moment.

"The overlord color is unattainable, but the armed color is still very promising!"

Li Mu thought excitedly.

He had even thought of becoming a top armed color domineering owner.

As soon as the armed color opened, his body turned black, and his strong attack was useless against him.

He can even rely on this powerful armed color domineering to resist the attacks of the fruit ability.

Whether it is the natural or superhuman system, those unsolvable attacks are facing the situation of failure in the face of powerful armed colors.

At this time, the battle is still continuing.

"Rubber rubber! Giant pistol! "

Luffy bit his finger until it became incredibly huge.

Immediately after that, he threw a punch, and the powerful fist directly left a ravine on the ground.

There are countless navies that can't afford to fall to the ground.


The navy was even more frightened when they saw such a powerful move.

At this time, the eyes of the three supernova showed a fierce light.

All a little killing red eyes.

On the one hand, it is because the three of them are constantly competing with each other.

On the other hand, all three of them understood that they had to leave the place as soon as possible.

Although Luffy may not have thought of this, Kidd and Law understand the meaning of Draco.

At the moment, these navies are estimated to have only preliminarily come to intercept them.

The real combat power of the Navy is likely to be on the way.

After a short period of excitement, Li Mu also continued to quietly pick up attributes.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 5,000 armed color domineering attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have picked up 5,000 agility attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 5,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have picked up 200 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100 physical attributes!"

The attribute points that came to five thousand were definitely from three supernovae.

Some of the hundreds and dozens of attribute points are estimated to come from the navy.

"Great! These supernovae have indeed been able to initially use armed color domineering! "

Li Mu thought with some excitement.

It turned out that when he picked up the attribute, he found that there was an armed color domineering account.

At this time, his heart was extremely excited.

With so many attribute points in the account, he could even sense that his strength was constantly getting stronger.

He clenched his fists and felt his body full of strength.

"This trip really didn't come in vain!"

"It can only be said that a supernova is worthy of being a supernova, and ordinary pirates cannot be compared with it at all!"

Li Mu thought excitedly.

Those fighting pirates in the Lenovo Tavern, at Lenovo at this moment, the supernova are five thousand attribute points per hit.

He couldn't help but sigh a little.

At this point the battle was nearing its end.

The crews of the three pirate groups who originally planned to make a move did not make a move in the end.

Because this nearly 10,000 navy is not enough for three supernova to clean up.

At this time, the three supernovae fought more and more fiercely, as if they were competing for these navies.

Everyone is reluctant to let go of their attacks.

Soon these navies were wiped out by three supernovae.

The people at the scene turned on their backs, and Luffy Kidro and the three flew away.

Only the navy lying on the ground and constantly wailing.

These navies are dead and wounded.

Even a team close to 10,000 people is still a little inadequate in the face of the super strength of supernovas...

And Li Mu, who has been quietly picking up attributes in the back, is also making a lot of money.

With the end of the battle, Li Mu also understood that it was estimated that there would be no attribute points in the next short period of time.

So he opened the properties panel and looked at it.

[Character: Lin Yan].

[God-level pickup system].

[Qi and blood: LV10 (86W/100W)].

[Power: LV8 (20W/80W)].

[Agile: LV7 (35W/70W)].

[Physical surgery: LV10 (49W/100W)].

[Armed color domineering: LV3 (5W/30W)].

[Comprehensive evaluation: Navy lieutenant].

Looking at the constantly improving panel, Li Mu couldn't help but grin.

In just a short period of time, his panel properties have been greatly improved.

It has also obtained the overlord color domineering and armed color domineering.

"Has my strength actually reached the level of a lieutenant?"

Although the lieutenant's strength is still not enough, he is already very satisfied to reach such strength in a short period of time.


[New books set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

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