Chapter 10 The Great Brawl Begins, Crazy Picking Attributes!

Off the auction floor.

The eyes of everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates were very firm.

After all, these navies that stand in front of them can't leave if they don't solve it.

Luffy Solon Sanji is eager to try.

And the Navy is also very nervous here.

In the face of supernovae, they are also not sure of victory.

When Luffy and his gang confronted the navy, the other two gangs also walked out.

The first to come out was the Red Heart Pirates led by Luo with a felt hat.

The crew members were very confident and excited.

It can be seen that they are eager to fight with the Navy.

And the group pet Beibo even punched a few times on the spot, as if to warm up.

It was followed by the Kid Pirates.

I saw Kidd walk out with a disdainful look.

He didn't pay any attention to these navies in front of him.

Two other supernovae were seen coming out.

Luffy immediately noticed the different aura on the two of them.

Kidd also sees Luffy the Straw Hat, the initiator of all this.

The eyes of the two instantly looked at each other.

Kidd looked at Straw Hat Luffy with great disdain, his eyes full of mockery.

Luffy raised an eyebrow.

He felt Kidd's unfriendly scent.

The two of them competed in their eyes for a long time.

"Hey, that red hair over there, without my permission, you are not allowed to attack these navies!"

"These navies are not enough for me to fight alone!"

Luffy said very arrogantly.

When Kidd heard Luffy's words, he was immediately furious.

"Straw hat boy, don't be too arrogant!"

"If I come, these navies will be a one-trick thing."

"It's your Straw Hat Pirates who don't have to make a move."

"Your mess will be cleaned up by our Kidd Pirates!"

Kidd's tone was mocking.

Luffy couldn't stand it when he heard this.

In the eye contact between the two, there seemed to be sparks and electric light coming out.

Nami covered her forehead.

"Two childish ghosts."

She shook her head and said very incomprehensibly.

"Hey, two."

"Who do you look down on?"

"It's better to hand over these navies to our Red Heart Pirates."

Luo stood up and said.

See yet another man competing for the chance to strike at the Navy.

Luffy and Kidd looked over at the same time.

At this time, the three supernova captains also began to compete.

"I'm the top supernova, you two better stay behind and help me carry my shoes!"

Kidd directly took out his supernova ranking to pressure the two.

"Everyone is a supernova, why are you pretending to be like this?"

Luo Zhi Ye was not used to it, and directly stunned back.

"What is not the top of the list, everything depends on the strength to speak!"

Luffy said back directly to Kidd.

Immediately, the three saw that no one could say anything, and they didn't say much.

Take the Navy directly.

"In that case, let's see who defeats the navy more!"

Kidd said with a big laugh.

Kidd then directly activated the capability.

"Magnetic Majin! Robotic arm! "

As Kidd's ability was activated, all the metals on the field converged towards his arm.

At this time, Solon also noticed that his three knives were somewhat disobedient.

It was actually mobilized.

"What? What kind of ability is this, even my knife has been affected! "

He thought a little puzzled.

But Solon was a great sword after all, and soon suppressed the movement of the three swords with his own momentum.

But the Navy side was not so lucky.

There are nearly 10,000 naval soldiers here.

Their swords were dragged out by Kidd's abilities.

At the same time, some pistol cannons were also absorbed by Kidd's ability.

Only then did the navy react and hurriedly protect the remaining weapons.

But at this time, Kidd's arm has been surrounded by these metal objects, turning into a very large metal arm.

Immediately, he controlled the metal arm and punched the densely packed navy in front of him.

Suddenly, hundreds of navies were sent flying out.

Seeing Kidd's move, Luffy and Law were not idle.

"Second gear!"

I saw pink steam coming out of Luffy's body.

Entered the second gear mode, the speed is greatly improved.

He used the elasticity of the rubber fruit to bounce directly into the air.

"Rubber rubber, machine gun!"

His fists rained down on the navies.

Immediately, hundreds of navies were beaten down.


Suddenly, Luo activated the ability.

A huge blue hood covered his surroundings.


I saw him wielding the long knife in his hand.

Suddenly, tens of meters of naval leaders separated, but nothing happened at all.

Even the head can still speak when it leaves the body.

At this time, the blow was struck, and the three captains were very satisfied with their performance.

But at the same time, they also know that the other party does have some strength.

With the three captains' shots, the three pirate groups also competed.

The big war is on the verge.

The crews of the various pirate groups did not rest and shot one after another.

It can be seen that everyone is in a hurry to leave this place.

At this time, in the auction hall, a handsome-looking man also slowly walked out.

I saw three pirate groups leave the auction hall one after another.

Li Mu also quietly followed out.

At this time, he stayed on the side and quietly picked up the attribute.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 5,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have picked up 5,000 agility attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 5,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 5,000 qi and blood attributes!"

Li Mu hid on the side and secretly picked up attributes.

Watching the three supernova constantly shooting, attribute points continue to drop.

His eyes lit up.

"It's worthy of being a supernova, and the number of attribute drops is too cool!"

He was overjoyed in his heart, he had never encountered so many attribute drops before.

At this time, the three supernova shots, each time is five thousand attribute points, but it can make him happy.

Previously, there were only dozens of attribute points obtained in the tavern.

As soon as these supernovas made a move, they were compared to the attribute points he picked up dozens of times.

He was very happy in his heart.

I can't wait to come to the Navy to brush attribute points for him all the time.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 500 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, 200 power attributes have been collected!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100 qi and blood attributes!"

With the start of the war, the navy side also launched an offensive against the pirates.

So, in addition to the three supernovas, the navy also dropped some attributes here.

In contrast, however, the Navy dropped less.

But Li Mu was not discouraged.

As the saying goes, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

He also did not dislike these attribute points with small values, and he did not let them go, and picked them all up.

And although the Navy drops attribute points, the value is relatively small.

But the number of people who could not stand the Navy was large.

The information of attribute point drops is constantly refreshed in the system.


[New books set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

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